Had to sign in to agree with you. 100% when I started a new job and getting to know coworkers was to make sure they didn't screw me in the pay department. The managerial class is sleazy and retarded at the same time, at my previous job, they would always have meetings and dine with each other, yet upper manage would never let the blue collar supervisors as much as exchanged phone numbers in case they needed each other help when a situation arose, and they are working for the same fucking company.
It's not that they necessarily hate Christianity per se, it's that they hate anything that unites Whites and further White interest. It could be Pagan or any other type of religion for that matter.
I've seen the correlation between anime and trans firsthand. There is just something about the way modern anime is compared to how gritty and realistic old anime were. Not that there weren't anime being created which featured cute girls or anything like that, but boys back then got into anime because it looked cool and mature and had interesting stories. The way modern anime is drawn, the way the characters act, etc, is completely different and extremely gay.
Imagine being so cucked that you even fathom celebrating such a humiliating concept as being a slave. It shows how your race is weak and inferior. And now imagine those same rulers bowing down to this shit instead of laughing at them in their face, any strong, virile society would laugh in disdain at such weakness.
They are pre-actively programming females today to not take blame to what's currently happening in the sexual market.
Imagine the cope that these females will have soon, now that most men have chosen to remained free of females. Also, the higher the income level and intelligence the less likely it is for procreation since there is a lot of factors that take place, but to narrow it down it boils down to the r/K selection theory. It's actually low income class people and dysgenic people that breed the most. Also genetic is an extremely complex thing, there are people that are born with godtier genetics that don't amount to much, there are many examples of warriors and even aristocrats of old have failed to properly procreate and maintain a good pure line.
Agreed. Send the women in. Enough Southern White American men have been dying in these useless wars. I say we send all White Liberal women from California, Colorado, Portland, New York, Pennsylvania, etc.
Ultimate Redpill on Women.
Many in the medical field today are people of color. Most whites are being replaced when it comes to medicine and so forth, good luck landing in a hospital.
A News media presenter? Good. She deserves everything and worse, I hope other news media presenter drop too.
Overall I think OP made a bad emotional argument, one that doesn't go deeper into this complex subject, and thus seem to be this new wave of Christian pushers that conveniently is making their way through the internet right when the fate of the Western world is looking for a stronger religion/path. "God" dying or at least Christianity dying isn't necessarily bad since it as a religion overall can be said to have made the European soul/man weak. People often leave out that since the beginning of time the European has had virtues and values that made them who they were and the success they had. All thanks to their master/overman morality, which were curiously trampled on when Christianity was created. And that is where I will head to next for those of you wanting to gain knowledge and further expand on the subject. Most academics today that delve into the topic have to do so tip toeing since the evangelicals and Christians can have them fired and outright banned. It has been a discussion in many deep circles of the Right-Wing of the origins of Christianity and whether it was created for the benefit of the European, and it hasn't. Christianity was created mainly to denigrate and weaken the Roman Empire by Jews who didn't want to convert or get along with their Greeks neighbors. They themselves aren't against Christianity per se, they are against Jesus Christ, because he was a reformer of their ways, and they hated that.
A wakeup call is needed by the collective West that finally we can get rid of this Middle Eastern Abrahamic illness and create something better, stronger, and more natural to the European soul. I will link some well made researched articles that I recommend everyone to read since this is a complex topic. Anyone attempting to make light of it should be met with suspicion.
Interesting read on how Christianity came to be, whether it was good for Rome or the West, whether Paul was a liar, fake, etc. https://www.unz.com/article/how-yahweh-conquered-rome/
An actual Jew admitting it, a writer and big influencer of the time, as well as of course, a proponent in wanting America to have open immigration. https://ia903009.us.archive.org/24/items/antimarcusEliRavage-ARealCaseAgainstTheJews/antimarcusEliRavage-ARealCaseAgainstTheJews.pdf
Judea Contra Roma, Roma Contra Judea. Written by a Spanish academic who uses a pseudonym to hide his identity also goes into more depth as to how the Jewish Rabbis of the time convinced and influenced many of the Roman leaders in politics and many other implementation of law and religion. Also quotes another academic.
Origins of Christianity The Christian Gospels 1st Century | Richard Carrier PhD https://youtu.be/WblpWWKsW_8
"Pagan" parallels to Jesus with Dr. Robert M. Price (Christian Apologetics and dying & rising gods). https://youtu.be/WEVrheGzIaQ
And so on, haven't even linked Counter Current ones.
Anything that MS has touched has turned to shit in the gaming department. They fucked Rare, they ruined Halo and Gears of War, Fable at this point is fucking vaporware. They were the ones to introduce DLC, they were the ones that incentivized that developers patch their fucking games at a later date. Constant patching of their UI which always got worse.
Square-Enix from a beloved developer that made fantastical worlds that people loved to sink their time in, to adopting Western trends in video games that have alienated half their fucking fans, and are now a laughing stock. They only have managed to survive because of FFXIV and the good team that they have. Which they are now making FFXVI and might save them, but it could be too late since hype for that game is average.
EA/Ubisoft is pure trash, nothing redeemable about them, it's employees should all be fired and never hired again. The scummiest people in the world.