"God is dead and we killed him"; that's what the atheists have been saying for decades now, as they are proud of their handicraft in "destroying" God because it's profitable. Let's face it, atheists are literally PAID by leftists organizations to destroy the very fabric that woven the West after the Roman Empire crumbled.
And now what do we have? Their wet dreams of course. With their hatred upon the Abrahamic God and their aim to destroy it have been realized, they paved the way to THEIR religion of choice: Marxism. They're so logical, so intelligent, so reasonable, that they decided that the very fabric of culture, society, history and nations have to be destroyed because it is, according to them, also mandated by that old religion because fuck it.
Overall I think OP made a bad emotional argument, one that doesn't go deeper into this complex subject, and thus seem to be this new wave of Christian pushers that conveniently is making their way through the internet right when the fate of the Western world is looking for a stronger religion/path. "God" dying or at least Christianity dying isn't necessarily bad since it as a religion overall can be said to have made the European soul/man weak. People often leave out that since the beginning of time the European has had virtues and values that made them who they were and the success they had. All thanks to their master/overman morality, which were curiously trampled on when Christianity was created. And that is where I will head to next for those of you wanting to gain knowledge and further expand on the subject. Most academics today that delve into the topic have to do so tip toeing since the evangelicals and Christians can have them fired and outright banned. It has been a discussion in many deep circles of the Right-Wing of the origins of Christianity and whether it was created for the benefit of the European, and it hasn't. Christianity was created mainly to denigrate and weaken the Roman Empire by Jews who didn't want to convert or get along with their Greeks neighbors. They themselves aren't against Christianity per se, they are against Jesus Christ, because he was a reformer of their ways, and they hated that.
A wakeup call is needed by the collective West that finally we can get rid of this Middle Eastern Abrahamic illness and create something better, stronger, and more natural to the European soul. I will link some well made researched articles that I recommend everyone to read since this is a complex topic. Anyone attempting to make light of it should be met with suspicion.
Interesting read on how Christianity came to be, whether it was good for Rome or the West, whether Paul was a liar, fake, etc. https://www.unz.com/article/how-yahweh-conquered-rome/
An actual Jew admitting it, a writer and big influencer of the time, as well as of course, a proponent in wanting America to have open immigration. https://ia903009.us.archive.org/24/items/antimarcusEliRavage-ARealCaseAgainstTheJews/antimarcusEliRavage-ARealCaseAgainstTheJews.pdf
Judea Contra Roma, Roma Contra Judea. Written by a Spanish academic who uses a pseudonym to hide his identity also goes into more depth as to how the Jewish Rabbis of the time convinced and influenced many of the Roman leaders in politics and many other implementation of law and religion. Also quotes another academic.
Origins of Christianity The Christian Gospels 1st Century | Richard Carrier PhD https://youtu.be/WblpWWKsW_8
"Pagan" parallels to Jesus with Dr. Robert M. Price (Christian Apologetics and dying & rising gods). https://youtu.be/WEVrheGzIaQ
And so on, haven't even linked Counter Current ones.