I already made my mind up that I find trannies and drag queen freakshows to be the man-made horrors and this is why I'm completely hostile to ones behind astroturfing this culture. Well all these horrific trends we are witnessing in this world is all connected to degeneracy and breakup of nuclear family anyway.
I'm watching Frieren, Hitorigoto No Kusuriya. Normally I'm not fond of super popular anime because I suspect if there is cheap gimmicks but no, these two are genuinely great anime with good characters. Sure the main characters are sort of mary sues but I find Japanese can seem to write likeable mary sue than the westerners.
I think it doesn't mean much coming from Zionists. They constantly change meaning of the words to suit their needs. And being against zionists might as well be against the jews for them, they are almost interchangeable despite the fact they say goyims can be zionists.
Even before the result of the election, there were enough red flags to know he isn't based, how long would it be before normies realise it?
Based Kadokawa for offending groomers.
It was a taboo to question it for decades, maybe even long before I was born. Something I realised not too long ago was the downfall of western society was inevitable. It was simply outside of your control. I couldn't question why the west readily embraced LGBT stuff and sexual liberation without barbs and hostility thrown in my way 10 years ago or even further back. And surprise surprise these whole shit was connected, anyone making that connection and seeing the pattern were quick to get ostracised and become a social pariah for a good reason.
Maybe this is why I despise the BG3 and cannot understand its massive popularity.
This is why I'm a bit weary of Trump as well and I know that isn't a popular opinion but I was pretty disappointed at his presidency overall.
Under the main x tweet, the former president Jimmy Carter shares valuable insight and you have no idea how long ago the interview took place. By the looks of it, it seems pretty old and well, that just makes how I view the greatest ally overall worse than even before and I was already not fond of them to begin with. It made me think the comment I made two months ago aged rather well when you look at the current situation and now this tweet(x).
I'm not optimistic about that. My generation was fucked and will continue to be screwed because they are weak and were not raised right. I bet the majority of them probably all fell hook line and sinker to covid scheme and lined up to take the shots and fell for every preceding propaganda bait like supporting Ukraine. They realised just now before or will probably realise they backed the wrong horse and attempt to make changes, I will not have respect for people like that.
At least Illusion doesn't try to pretend to be anything else other than hentai game devs while Baldur's gate dev wants to have their cake and eat it too.
Oh brother, I can't even.
Yeah, women are the low hanging targets for zionists and other normies just look at the state of the world and just blame on the female because we know they just fall for propaganda very easy. Too bad I don't fall for this shit, yes, women has some accountability to do but who was ultimately making those propaganda and making the status quo of that culture?
This is why I hate flipfloppers so goddamn much. They had no problem with this until they see the writings on the wall, something's going to happen to them. In my opinion, flipfloppers and traitors are worse in my eyes than just migrants and invaders. We know latter are already bad but the formers love to pretend it's for good cause.
For real, nowadays, I see anyone with pronouns, I'm gonna assume they are most likely the one to be pedo or have no problem grooming children to degenerate fetishes.
It's interesting you point this out. The whole 'you cannot act just as bad as them' schtick is why gamergate lost and the whole world went like how it did because of the fencesitters and centrists always there to control the tones. Now things are so goddamn bad for all of us, I bet some of them wished they could have done something differently. A lot of people may laugh about it, but I think gamergate really veered a lot of people to hold more "extreme" political leaning.
Around 4:30 of the video, he makes a very very good point. You have to live according to and by the rules of the world. If your enemies play dirty, then you should act just as dirty and vile as them. You cannot play like honourable and righteous person in a world ruled by lies and corruption. After a long time of trying to play nice and make compromise and be reasonable, I learnt to play the rhetorical game to argue with the people I disagree with. This is why I try my hardest here and elsewhere to get on the nerves of some people I find them to be flipflopping on the issues.
It's not just US, I feel all the anglo-western countries are pretty much owned by Zionists. Which countries issued Vaccine mandate seems like no brainer what countries are loyal to zog regime. Coincidentally, the countries the mainstream media have the MOST problem with gave you freedom to either take the vaccine or refuse to take it, Russia and Japan, funny, isn't it?
Yeah, it's very accurate description especially the materialistic and spiritual part, just look at jewish billionaires and celebrities. They all pretend they are altruistic behind holding all these charities and social issues they pretend to care but they ALL are materialistic as hell and HATE sharing wealth with whom they probably deem as unwashed plebs. They probably all own mansions, private boats, planes and islands. All these times, I thought 'You only live once' was just a meme born from nigger culture but jews probably believe in that quote. Coincidentally, they are all atheists, some of them are foolish enough to mock christians on public, but I think they all hate that particular religion.
I may be totally hypothetical but Larry Fink himself alone could eliminate poverty, hunger and homelessness in the planet but like typical selfish pigshit tyrant, all they care about is image and social engineering. The reason I like old school jews is that they at least have some semblance of masculinity and most of them seem like they once had blue collar jobs to support themselves in their lives before they got big. But nowadays after years of propping up spoilt trust fund babies and overreliance on nepotistic practice, people like Logan Paul and Sam Bankman Fried are the only ones left MSM can only artificially astroturf and vaguely describe them as geniuses without explaining how and why.
In my own experience, I once lived with a guy who kept making enemies with most people he met. Even though, he tried to make the best impression and buy the best brand of clothes and buy the most expensive things spending outside of his budget just to impress people, most of them come to hate the guy eventually. Back then I wasn't really that aware of jewish character, I just saw it as his quirks and tried to help him much as I can. Unfortunately, the guy like that never learnt from mistakes and ignored my advices, one of which was quit overspending your money. He was also for some reason pretty narcissistic and very thirsty and desperate for some flinging, yet never had much success with women. I didn't think much what was up with him but now I think back it all makes sense.
When it comes to more popular one, the old school jews are alright like Harrison Ford, band members of Rush, the most cast members of star trek, even youtube content creators like EZ PZ or SSeth are great and classy but there are bad ones like Ethan Klein and Logan Paul.
Buddy, normies these days are aware of their behaviours. Even I have my own experience of dealing with one to kind of guess he is probably one.
Isn't it obvious, the side of zionists of course.
Honestly you are grasping at the straws to avoid answering anything. I couldn't care less about your obsession with semantics, because I didn't literally mention jews. I mentioned semites which comprises larger number of groups living around Israel. Jews these days is a throwaway simpler word to refer to than specifically saying ashkenazi people or secular rootless cosmopolitans. This is why, I'm not talking about them in this context, once again I'm specifically talking about zionists. Try again.
I didn't mention jews, did I? Even if I said it, I'm implying zionists which Jews argue there are anti-zionists. So which is it? Are all jews zionists or are there anti-zionists, let's hear it.
A lot of them are in general personification of ungratefulness and arrogance.