It was a taboo to question it for decades, maybe even long before I was born. Something I realised not too long ago was the downfall of western society was inevitable. It was simply outside of your control. I couldn't question why the west readily embraced LGBT stuff and sexual liberation without barbs and hostility thrown in my way 10 years ago or even further back. And surprise surprise these whole shit was connected, anyone making that connection and seeing the pattern were quick to get ostracised and become a social pariah for a good reason.
i don't see why this should be acceptable or why questioning it shouldn't be.
It was a taboo to question it for decades, maybe even long before I was born. Something I realised not too long ago was the downfall of western society was inevitable. It was simply outside of your control. I couldn't question why the west readily embraced LGBT stuff and sexual liberation without barbs and hostility thrown in my way 10 years ago or even further back. And surprise surprise these whole shit was connected, anyone making that connection and seeing the pattern were quick to get ostracised and become a social pariah for a good reason.
If you keep connecting dots, you inevitably end up at the noticing. Just the way it is.