Silly_birb_returns 6 points ago +6 / -0

I bet that school is full of female teachers, otherwise no man would deem a toy crossbow a threat.

We should go back to women teaching only to the girls, they are all man hating feminists and it shows.

Silly_birb_returns 5 points ago +6 / -1

Women want violent rapost immigrants but then blame the good citizens working all day of being innately rapists...

Silly_birb_returns 10 points ago +10 / -0

creatively bankrupt just like hollywood

always the same titles...

Silly_birb_returns 4 points ago +4 / -0

Fair point, nepotism puts the idiots with a college degree in charge of decision making. Incompetence and corruption would be an issue.

Hypothetically without corruption and with meritocracy the idiots would be filtered out from the voting system.

Silly_birb_returns 3 points ago +3 / -0

If it was my son i would slap him every time he mentioned a loser streamer or one of their shitty products.

Though love but at least he won't end up a loser as of a man.

Silly_birb_returns 11 points ago +11 / -0

Bob Dylan won the nobel for literature and just like the peace prize they are used as advertisements.

I mean real stem nobel prizes. Like the one that connected quantum mechanics to biology or the discovery of the genetic code. There it's not given out of "an opinion".

Silly_birb_returns 27 points ago +27 / -0

They forgot that Ranma hates his gender bending condition.

It's far from being a good propaganda for acceptance of their mental illness.

Silly_birb_returns 27 points ago +27 / -0

The problem of democracy is considering all people's opinion as equal.

A retard's vote is worth 1 just like a guy who won the Nobel prize

Silly_birb_returns 4 points ago +4 / -0

The kids all want to be influencers or streamers because that's the new popularity at school.

After all imagine a highschool boy that wants to ask out to a girl in his class but she has 400k followers because she does slutty dance TikToks, how can he compete as a nobody? So they all want to try hit it big as videogame streamers or even worse they try to get popular for being annoying, like those guys that go taking food from the plate of people dining outside in hope to stir up a fight.

I would be punishing my children just for having the idea of being an influencer/streamer.

Silly_birb_returns 9 points ago +9 / -0

They forgot how Ukraine economy was based on women bring all in porn.

Silly_birb_returns 24 points ago +24 / -0

They would make the LGBT version where the hen is lame and gay, and everyone is lame and gay, ending in an orgy where they don't eat the bread but put it in their asses.

Silly_birb_returns 10 points ago +12 / -2

Women were the only ones defending illegal immigration, they are getting the consequences of the system they voted for!

Silly_birb_returns 0 points ago +1 / -1

Because to address the real problem you should recognize the lazy parasites that live on welfare and those parasites's vote is worth 1 just like someone with a nobel prize.

Silly_birb_returns -15 points ago +2 / -17

All governments around the world need immigration due to the low birth rate. The political parties cater to women's vote because they are a hive mind, thus they give quotas for jobs and scholarships, which end up with women not having children above the replacement rate of 2.

Then second generation immigrants, with the diversity quota, also have women not having as many children because they work, thus there is a constant need for new immigration, leading to this point.

Silly_birb_returns 14 points ago +14 / -0

One of the many medical drama where the female doctors are all amazing even if all they do is having sex with other doctors.

Nothing unexpected from a tv shot for bitter women with shitty low wage jobs.

Silly_birb_returns 2 points ago +2 / -0

I agree but quite a few people liked it

Silly_birb_returns 12 points ago +12 / -0

Yeah, tranny looking like Spiderman MJ

Silly_birb_returns 3 points ago +4 / -1

Someone pointed out that Fallout was quite successful and it also had a female lead.

Silly_birb_returns 5 points ago +5 / -0

That's why adskipper doesn't work for the videos at the beginning and only those in the middle.

I had to refresh the page multiple times because then youtube is forced by law to not make you forcibly watch ads or they could be sued for something under the category of "stalking" (i checked it up at the beginning of the adpocalypse)

Silly_birb_returns 5 points ago +5 / -0

I once did one of those DEI surveys when i playtested a tabletop game of a major company.

Me and my friend looked at each other shocked on how biased those questions were, either LGBT or feminist men hate.

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