SendTomBoys 3 points ago +3 / -0

Lmao her whoreskank friend didn't have a problem with using him for a free dinner tho huh, fucking hell women are vile sometimes

SendTomBoys 2 points ago +4 / -2

How are people surprised by this?


They truly believe they're chosen by God and deserve to rule this earth

by Lethn
SendTomBoys 3 points ago +3 / -0

I like QTE when it's involved in gameplay, and isn't overused as fuck. God of War has always been fucking irritating with QTE, and tbh I feel like they invented the damn thing. Probably wrong but it's the first place I saw it.

Remnant 2 is the game I'm playing now with my friends, and there are zero QTE in cutscenes but they pop up occasionally with certain enemies that will grab you if you let them too close. But it's not all the enemies, they aren't put in as executions like Gears or God of War, and not every enemy can force it on you. It also makes for funny moments when it's a flying unit that grabs your ass up and flies you into the heavens to drop you on your head, if you don't do the Quick button mash, or hold if you change it in settings.

SendTomBoys 12 points ago +13 / -1

Stop being a faggot and ban this faggot for his constant false reports and also because I dislike them for having a funny name

SendTomBoys 7 points ago +8 / -1

I don't enjoy women or their company but I'm also not making demands of them and being fucking weird about it.

I'm definitely a misogynist of some kind, and don't actively hate every woman or anything crazy like that but I'm filled with disgust when I see the filth and degeneracy these dumb bitches pull. And that disgust has lead me to simply not want to date or engage with women and honestly I don't feel that much worse off.

Maybe if I were surrounded by good women with decent morals who aren't complete degenerate whores, I could change. But that's not the case, so my opinion won't be changing any time soon.

Honestly, I kind of understand their feelings in that regard, of being repelled by the other sex in a non gay way. But don't try to tear the fucking world down because you're a dumb bitch.

SendTomBoys 2 points ago +2 / -0

Brother, reeeeeeesetera is full of cock choppers willing to give their entire existence to owning Chuds.

SendTomBoys 16 points ago +16 / -0

He's a fucking disgusting Jew boy but he didn't rape any of those dumb bitches.

Sorry, bitches, but getting your buns blown out by a fast disgusting Jewboy and then happening to get a movie role isn't sexual assault.

SendTomBoys 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes, you're engaging in faggot shit like an average leftoid retard without 2 braincells to run together to make a proper argument. Get fucked, stay fucked loser.

SendTomBoys 10 points ago +10 / -0

Wait what? Jesus Christ the redpillers really are right with their awalt shit.

I stg every woman on the Right is a fake ass bitch

SendTomBoys 10 points ago +10 / -0

I mean anyone who shits on Ben Jewpiro from a Right perspective is decent in my book, I see your other comment about her past but tbf I haven't seen any regression from her atp.

SendTomBoys 9 points ago +9 / -0

Commenting under your own comment and calling it a dumbass reply is odd lil bro

Edit: oh ffs I hate these kinds of drop down chains, why won't it show it to me as a direct chain instead of having to follow it down? My bad, I see you WERE replying to me.

Which honestly.. what a dumbfuck comment you originally made, and a dumbfuck comment you're making now. you're asshurt and can't defend yourself, should've saved the energy and just not replied at all instead of responding like a female

SendTomBoys 12 points ago +12 / -0

Women cannot help but post their L's and tell the world that they enjoy bad men with abusive behaviors.

They just whine and bitch about it once the abusive, toxic male is done beating their cheeks and blowing their backs out.

I'm not a psychologist so idk why women love shitty men, but by God if you just observe them it's obvious how many of them do it.

SendTomBoys 1 point ago +1 / -0

Women post their L's this is not news.

Anyways, yes, red pillers know that women are retarded, evil, self serving cunts. This is again, not news. It's their biology to serve themselves and only themselves. Look at females all across nature. Do they defend their offspring? Sure, to an extent. But naturally, they will abandon their children to live another day as they can simply fuck some more and have more offspring.

Human women are basically the same. I've seen them push children in front of themselves as human shields when given a jump scare at a haunted house. Anything to get away from and protect their own hides from danger.

SendTomBoys 11 points ago +12 / -1

Lol wtf is it supposed to mean then my take was she "needed" them to come over to the home like it's a DV call which can easily escalate into murder. It did very recently with the cop who stormed into someone's house and shot the guy for simply holding a gun

SendTomBoys 30 points ago +32 / -2

Genuine Christian women don't spend much time blathering like retards on the internet so it's probably just confirmation bias

SendTomBoys 19 points ago +19 / -0

This shit is why I'm surprised to say I can't believe Candace Owens is still hanging out on this side

I don't think she's a whore but I'm pretty sure she started career as a grifting bitch

So her staying stead is a welcome surprise

Maybe something about 3 kids and a husband has got her steady

SendTomBoys 2 points ago +2 / -0

Anyone with a somewhat wide variety of experience in activities will know this.

I played rugby for about 7 years and it was crazy watching some black kid walk onto the pitch and be faster than every other white person there just, casually. The mfs wouldn't even practice and we had to discipline or kick some off the team until/unless they went to practice and were good teammates.

I almost didn't blame them when they're just better in that manner. Not many blacks interested in rugby in the USA when they can easily go for basketball or football, so they were going against mostly white teams and it was goofy sometimes watching these fellas juke entire teams.

That being said, they were also dumb as shit. Definitely not scholars in the making

SendTomBoys 5 points ago +5 / -0

Competency crisis is just a symptom of hiring niggers and beaners white women and any other unqualified losers because they fit a DEI agenda.

Stop hiring lower forms of intelligence and you'll stop having problems.

SendTomBoys 3 points ago +3 / -0

Reminder that these same people will laugh smugly about articles and niggers and prairie scum that screech about dirty filthy unwashed whites coming to Africa and America and bringing diseases and illnesses in ye olden times.

SendTomBoys 3 points ago +3 / -0

Most people are too fucking lazy to do it. I've yet to meet a white person who can or will make any authentic Mexican food.

It's a damn disappointment because as you say its not hard. It's time consuming and we've grown lazy

SendTomBoys 8 points ago +9 / -1

Oh no, we found a fucking retard who believes what the Federal Government tells him. Everyone point a finger and laugh as the retard fumbles his way through life, ignorantly confident that he knows what's up because he saw the CNN report on the matter.

SendTomBoys 9 points ago +9 / -0

You know, a disability that's actually a super power can be done right.

Daredevil is everyone's favorite example. Well written, cool abilities.

The key is that you need it to be a trade off, or at LEAST make the powers fix the disability. Like it's cool that Dr. Strange in the MCU has his fucked up nerves in his hands, permanently disabling him, but the use of the Sorceries fixes his shakes.

If at the very goddamn minimum, powering up the Sentry juices made her able to walk, run, fly, and otherwise function normally, I'd commend them for it. It would bring that "I hate myself when my powers are gone, I'm so fucking useless" arc and we could get some character development.

But I guess that type of writing is reserved for people with even a minimum of competence.

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