RoccoRatchet 2 points ago +2 / -0

I've played the game since the day it launched, and I never saw any mutants. I have absolutely zero clue what Rockstar patched out. I doubt you'd ever notice the difference.

RoccoRatchet 5 points ago +5 / -0

I can't find any indication that this is a real thing. I've checked the main Budweiser site, the Bud Light website, and their social media. This is likely another April Fool's joke.

RoccoRatchet 13 points ago +13 / -0

This is absolutely intentional. It's always something straight white men enjoy. Movies, video games, sports, and even regular products.

Edit: I've done some digging, and I can't find any evidence Bud Light is running any kind of promotion like this. It's possibly an April Fool's joke.

RoccoRatchet 5 points ago +5 / -0

I had to do a double take myself because it's an actual coherent comment. It has to be an April Fool's joke or something.

RoccoRatchet 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yeah, but this is not surprising. XIV is infested with muties. Seriously, just spend a couple hours looking at party finder and character info/plates. It seems like at least 20% of Aether's listings in PF are for LGBTQ+ venues and events, and there are a plethora of players with pronouns in their character info.

RoccoRatchet -6 points ago +3 / -9

You're really not that important. People just see your post in a thread and immediately know it's a shit take. They downvote and generally move on.

RoccoRatchet 3 points ago +3 / -0

A few, but even they aren't dumb enough to pay for three separate music subscriptions.

RoccoRatchet 4 points ago +4 / -0

I'm not sure who this meme is for. Is it projecting from people who paid for the checkmark, pretending people who refuse to do it are too poor to afford that eight extra dollars a month? Is it projecting from people who don't have the checkmark, pretending people who do pay for it can barely afford it? Also, who would pay for Spotify, Apple, and YouTube? One is enough to cover your music needs.

RoccoRatchet 5 points ago +5 / -0

I was about to engage with the original post, then I saw this and realized there's no source posted. Thanks for making the effort, even though it shouldn't be a commenter's responsibility to do OP's job for them.

RoccoRatchet 1 point ago +1 / -0

This doesn't cover how many people may have died if an attempt to ban so-called "assault weapons" were to go through, primarily law enforcement officers foolish enough to attempt enforcement of the ban. There is also the strong possibility that criminal elements would become emboldened by persecution of individuals who are otherwise law abiding citizens.

RoccoRatchet 4 points ago +4 / -0

Sometimes the archive is finicky. It works for me right now, but I've has moments where the site refuses to load.

RoccoRatchet 7 points ago +8 / -1

This guy is our resident schizo. Every comment from him is an unhinged tirade against women. As they say: "this what no pussy do to a mf".

RoccoRatchet -6 points ago +2 / -8

Translation: "I get blown out whenever I engage with anything outside my deluded echo chamber, so I don't, except I do because it makes me seethe. Now here's a half-assed 'insult' that shows I don't pay attention."

You'd really have to have the coom brain to think I'm a leftist.

RoccoRatchet -8 points ago +2 / -10

Useless rightoids sure do get angry when their invalid opinions aren't respected.

RoccoRatchet -4 points ago +3 / -7

Yeah. This is really a non-issue.

RoccoRatchet -11 points ago +1 / -12

It really doesn't lend any credibility to the overall consensus of a game when incels can only focus on the fact they can't jerk off to a character anymore. Being able to look up Ashley's skirt isn't a personality.

RoccoRatchet 1 point ago +1 / -0

I had strong reservations after watching 3, because the adjudicator was insufferable, but any doubts I had were mercilessly gunned down, blown up, and hit with a couple dozens cars. John Wick 4 was such a good movie. I have to commend them on nearly perfecting the pacing on a movie with a runtime of nearly three hours.

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