RoccoRatchet 2 points ago +3 / -1

That was troon privilege. I won't ever argue that Kotick wasn't sleazy, but that particular brand of sleazy didn't come about until disgusting ghouls started infiltrating Activision-Blizzard.

RoccoRatchet 36 points ago +37 / -1

Fake and gay. It used to be socially acceptable to beat the hell out of someone because they were homosexual, so does anyone seriously believe people would tolerate a male pretending to be a woman?

RoccoRatchet 4 points ago +4 / -0

There's no profit versus the time and materials required. Humans have a drastically lower chance of being caught than Pals do, meaning you'll be wasting at least half a dozen spheres on each person. Market value for an NPC is low. You'll get a little more for one with a halfway decent trait, which is rare, but still not enough to justify the time and effort you put in. You'd be better off crafting spheres to sell to merchants. If you're after money, tearing through everything on the island, opening chests as you find them, seems to yield enough gold and valuables. It's also not a bad idea to have a Mau working a ranch.

RoccoRatchet 7 points ago +8 / -1

Be careful of falling into that mindset. Hogwarts Legacy was mired in controversy, and that game wound up pandering to subversive leftist ideology. Being contrarian for its own sake can be used against you. That being said, I don't see any glaring issues with Palworld in that regard. Being asked to choose body type, rather than sex/gender, was the only sociopolitical red flag it threw.

Palworld is quite similar to a JRPG in terms of its minimalistic environments. Its NPCs and story are equally minimalistic. Don't expect a compelling narrative. A very general context will be given to you through scattered notes, and s select few NPCs around the the islands, but you're not going to see much exposition otherwise. It's all about catching animals to exploit labor. Players also have the ability to catch NPCs, but I haven't seen any practicality behind that aside from capturing merchants.

RoccoRatchet 6 points ago +7 / -1

There is a negligible number of people "upset" by Palworld. The only supposed outrage is either in headlines written by talentless hacks calling themselves game journalists, and in the offices of Game Freak and Nintendo. Pokémon fans aren't particularly bothered by it. Nobody else cares.

RoccoRatchet -2 points ago +1 / -3

I might believe that if I didn't know this undeserved obsession isn't ironic.

RoccoRatchet -3 points ago +3 / -6

Don't flatter him. He's just an obnoxious incel that those like him inexplicably put on a pedestal. Outside of that, he's a literal who with no meaningful insight on anything.

RoccoRatchet 1 point ago +2 / -1

That's not going to go the way you think it is.

RoccoRatchet 3 points ago +4 / -1

The narrative is that it absolutely did happen, and that you're an awful person if you even think to ask questions about it. It doesn't matter how much evidence turns up to contradict the claims that six million Jewish people were sent to camps to be put to death. Happen to notice the number shifts anywhere from three to 11 million? You're antisemitic! Point out the fact that not a single survivor of the Holocaust has a numbered tattoo above six digits? You're antisemitic! They don't want you asking questions, because the story they've crafted does not hold up.

RoccoRatchet 2 points ago +2 / -0

When you see the kind of people redditors are, the immediate thought of any rational person is that anything redditors are repulsed by must be a good thing.

RoccoRatchet 5 points ago +5 / -0

ll the World War II veterans are dead, so there's no reason to treat the subject with any respect anymore.

This is an incredibly bad position to take. It's one thing to say we don't have to avoid the subject anymore, but to say we don't have to treat the matter with any respect just reeks of leftist irreverence. Millions of good men from several dozen nations needlessly lost their lives just to elevate the status of a particular group of people that would continue to be a burden [on], and even outright undermine, the rest of the world for the next 80+ years.

RoccoRatchet 7 points ago +7 / -0

It is absolutely astounding that actual human beings can formulate the sort of responses that redditors manage to post. I have a hard time believing those are real people.

RoccoRatchet -3 points ago +1 / -4

This is a terrible attempt at gaslighting. Did you forget the posts are visible to everybody?

Kaarous ended this post by babbling about "running interference", like the gaming board is some sort of black operation. None of those people, or that board, have anything to do with this discussion. Neither does it have anything to do with reality. It also didn't help he made the implications of secret agendas with his comment about how it is "painfully clear" why I'm here. That is paranoid schizophrenia.

His schizophrenic ramblings continue here, where it is apparent he's hyperfocused on furries, faggots, and any combination of the two. None of these things have anything to do with this discussion. This notion that there is a cabal of sexual deviants conspiring against him, and that I would associate with them, indicates the furthest thing from a sound mind.

We witness his further mental regression here, where he somehow can't comprehend what the word "handled" means, so he lashes out in ignorance with low-effort responses.

Point manipulation is a trickier thing to track. They're not something you can link to like you can with a comment or a post. The only reason I managed to catch it is because I happened to be keeping my eye on it after the behavior he exhibited. Sure enough, I saw the same number of downvotes from multiple comments this thread, as well as in other threads, and even completely different boards. Changes were made to how the vote system works, however, so the value of negative votes diminished after the first volley.

Since that didn't work, what else do you want to try?

RoccoRatchet -6 points ago +1 / -7

I didn't call it false because it was unproven. I called it false because it was false. He interjected himself into this thread by telling everyone he was a "subject matter expert", and that he definitely has sexual relationships with women. He conveniently "can't get into" details when asked to elaborate about the subject matter on which he is supposedly an expert. The excuse was that it might be "classified", an excuse I debunked. Information about a variety of these units is readily available. Even someone who isn't a supposed "subject matter expert" was able to explain the general workings and obstacles of energy attainment units in spacecraft. Our "expert" couldn't even give us a general overview. An attempt was then changed to move the goalposts. When that failed, Kaar apparently had a psychotic meltdown. There were deluded ramblings, juvenile rebuttals, and the use of alternate accounts to manipulate imaginary internet points. This is not a person of sound mind. He may believe he was part of an aerospace-adjacent organization, and had access to classified information, but the reality doesn't speak to that.

RoccoRatchet -10 points ago +2 / -12

Because you do not know classified information. You have already been handled. Twice, actually. I don't know why you want to slink away and make passive-aggressive comments, comments I'd classify as being outright delusional, like you're not going to get called out again. It's not a good look.

RoccoRatchet 7 points ago +10 / -3

Jews telling everyone else what to do with their counties countries. Checks out.

RoccoRatchet -1 points ago +2 / -3

Because they're easier targets.

RoccoRatchet -11 points ago +4 / -15

Your attempts to backpedal and deflect, and even outright lie again, aren't going to cut it here. Sorry. It would greatly benefit you to find a more constructive way to handle getting called out than digging yourself a deeper hole.

RoccoRatchet -10 points ago +4 / -14

No, you'd personally rather lie to internet randos for clout. The workings of solar arrays used on space stations isn't classified. It took two minutes of searching to find information about the subject.

RoccoRatchet -13 points ago +4 / -17

You could have just said "I don't really know what I'm talking about." That would have saved everyone involved precious time.

RoccoRatchet 2 points ago +5 / -3

This is one of the top five didn't happenest things to ever not happen. Stanley is a forced meme, and I don't know that a single real person out there actually cares about the brand. It's incredibly weird for someone to make up a story about an elementary school girl getting bullied about a cup nobody in that age bracket knows or cares about.

Edit: Also, here is the source since OP wants to be useless.

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