Piroko 3 points ago +3 / -0

You're still thinking about this in old terms.

TI, I don't get you. Your perception of how shit works (can work, does work, should work) is stubbornly rooted in how the world worked in the 90's.

You remind me of a number of people I know. Rather than tell all their stories I will clump them together and say that they all say they have something they want to do, but they aren't doing their thing because they're missing some component they're convinced they need (typically money).

It's basically a mindset that actively goes looking for excuses to not try, and it pisses me off to no end.

I don't mind people who are lazy and have no ambition. Because at least they're honestly living the life they chose. But I hate cope. I absolutely despise cope and people who practice it because in my eyes they're trying to claim virtue on the basis of having dreams. Frankly it's even more disgusting to me than the SJWs that claim virtue on the basis of immutables. At least their BS is measurable.

Piroko 8 points ago +8 / -0


Does two episodes and runs off with the cash.

Piroko 20 points ago +20 / -0

"Your Graces must forgive me, but you are now free to go."

"I am sure this infernal work has not saved your bastard queen."

"Her Majesty has won the argument."

"By what count?"

"By five, Your Grace. Five."

Piroko 4 points ago +4 / -0

Autism is certainly involved if shit like Eragon and The Golden Compass can get made.

The right doesn't seem to appreciate telling STORIES, and when they do bother it's shit like The Passion of the Christ.

You'd think conservatives and libertarians would be able to churn out stuff like The Expanse left and right but nope nope nope.

Piroko 10 points ago +10 / -0

The worst part is, we can't counter it.

In context, that is the laziest bullshit I've seen in weeks.

You have completely failed to learn the lesson of Prelude to Axanar, which is that a determined group of average Joes can match the production quality of top studios with consumer products. The only thing limiting people is their attachment to existing intellectual property.

Piroko 8 points ago +8 / -0

A lot of things at Facebook aren't working right now.

They pushed a bad BGP route.

Piroko 1 point ago +1 / -0

Of course the democrats are racists. Why else would they think people need help to compete?

Piroko 3 points ago +3 / -0

They wield prog retards like a weapon.

It goes a long way back.

Carter's failure demolished the mid century liberals. In the post-mort the Democrats realized that Reagan had managed to take old labor from them by appealing to cheap nationalism even while running the economy even further into the ground with the farm crisis and the savings and loan crisis.

Now, Reagan failed to actually reinvent the GOP because the wrong faction won in his wake. GHW Bush and the rino crowd successfully marginalized the proto-Trumps like Pat Buchanan. The proto-populists had their revenge with Ross Perot, but in a sense it was a pyrrhic victory to kick out GHW.

Meanwhile, the Democrats realized that they COULD NOT run a progressive and win. But they also couldn't win without the progressives. So the compromise they arrived at was Clinton, with an ultra progressive VP (Gore). Clinton-Gore was essentially a bait and switch the DNC played on the far left, or at least that how it came to be perceived when Gore failed in 2000. Obama inflamed that divide even further by being in many ways a continuation of Bush's policies.

Piroko 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yes, but they aren't the ones own-goaling here.

It's the democrats that are so concerned about the appearance of historical guilt, yet they show their open hypocrisy by retaining the party name.

It illustrates that their entire claim to morality is bullshit. The progs know that if they were to proclaim the democrat label itself to be malign, and try to rebrand, they would effectively just be ceding control of the DNC back to the 90's New Democrats that they've been fighting for party control since Newt took the house from them.

Piroko 2 points ago +2 / -0

Only if you take the most pedantic interpretation of the present tense.

Which I sometimes do.

But let's talk in generalizations. The vast majority of conservatives are just talk. They're not willing to endure actual hardship for their principles.

Like, if you're just willing to RELOCATE to adhere to your beliefs you're already the top 1% of republicans in terms of living your principles.

Piroko 7 points ago +7 / -0

Spaceship Earth 1994 -2006 by Jeremy Irons

I originally read this sentence as Battlefield Earth and was very confused.

Piroko 3 points ago +3 / -0

There's a slight difference.

At a conceptual level, taxes and lotteries won't take you below zero. There are some enormous caveats to that statement of course.

But credit cards and payday loans let you hit bottom and keep digging. Credit cards are exploitative enough, but once a person gets to the point of payday loans they are literally BETTER OFF hitting bottom and being forced to file bankruptcy rather than continuing to enable bad spending.

Piroko 6 points ago +6 / -0

Recall how financial regulators during the Obama Presidency pressured banks to cut off credit to pay-day lenders.

That actually needed to be done. Pay-day lending is government sanctioned extortion of the financially illiterate. Once you get up to 36% APR you're basically back to 1920's style protection rackets.

Piroko -2 points ago +6 / -8

K, and...

You aren't Unknownsailor. Who I replied to in the first place.

Piroko 9 points ago +13 / -4

If a person is posting then they're not doing.

As we speak right now I'm preparing to quit my job, retrain for a new career, sell my house and move, all on the basis that I don't think the government has the authority to tell people what to do.

Compared to that, how far are you willing to go for what you believe?

Consider Jack Murphy on Timcast.

Jack's pathetic. All whine, no dine.

And the thing is, I'm not fundamentally opposed to the viral vector vaccine on its merits and risks. But my attitude on the use of government authority is that the harder they try to use it, the more hostile my response will be, because I don't stand the government telling people what to do.

Piroko 2 points ago +4 / -2


And then releases another HG Super Fumina Maid.

Japan gonna Japan.

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