The mayor of the largest non-costal city is black and she's dealing with racism every day, so much so that she'll only answer the failings of her city to people who look like her. The wife of the formerly most powerful man on the planet supposidly had racial slurs thrown at her on the daily but there's no proof of that. One of the most wealthy americans, with multiple movie deals and his face across the globe, can openly make a threat against a government worker but then give a simple "Whoops I didn't realize this wouldn't be a popular stance" and it's all good.
"Inherited a white personality" What does that mean. Trying to better yourself? Trying to work for a better future than playing "Mommy Danniel hit me 150 years ago"? I like the casual racisim in that too, like you can't be your own person, you're either with the team or you're out. Crabs in the bucket don't want you to be out.
Sometimes its some 80 year old who REALLY should have quit driving when she stoped being able to do the crossword puzzle three years ago because she couldn't see the little boxes, but she's totally capable of moving a few tons of steel at 60 mph amongst other flying metal boxes because retesting the elderly is abusive.
Does that bus have a typo of the word cocaine on it? C O C E A I - is all I can read.
This, "it's a construct that men and women are different, and thus we have to construct an entirely new reality and language and society to allow women to exist than the one we had in 2003."
No one ever told my sister that girls are better at spatial thinking when she drives.
The gay pride flag has been colonized. Frequently, the rainbow will be smushed down so that the B can stand for black, or the flag for gay pride will be invaded by the flag for tranny pride and the flag for black pride. It's a very clear and blatant powergrab. "Gay isn't interesting anymore, now we need black trannies."
Every report of Floyd's life before his death was and has been negative. A vast majority of Jesus' legacy is the words he said during his life, his beliefs and values.
"But but but, my best friend tells me that she gets rape threats and death threats and racist threats every day! But those evil hackers are just too clever, they use a fake name and everything."
"Go back to africa", by some accounts, could be an empowering message.
Blasphemy is never funny. That's why we are never allowed to show any images of the most holy warlord by threat of execution or talk ill of our new masters of which whom none are allowed to matter but they. Christianity, however, is excluded from this ban, so wheel out the same two and a half jokes day in and day out, the sacrificial lamb for all other religions.
Can we get a tag to block black owned businesses? It's the inverse of how if a place has really cheap look but a lot of followers it must be so good to make up for that: if a place needs to advertise diversity to survive it must be trash.
Ok but, that fires clean so far? I wouldn't wear a mess of styrofoam and fur on my face while using improvised guns, that's a recipe for the worst possible way to catch fire, but if he actually made this then that's more than I can say I've done.
But... Do fursuits have serial numbers now? WHAT.
This is the grand sum of their work. If they had managed to try to do anything, they would have stayed and done some "YALL STOLE LAND TOO FUCK SHITS", but they QUICKLY realized that this whole "Build something with wood and nails" thing is hard as hell.
"Why did you put this under BLM? This has nothing to do with BLM" HAHAHAHAHAHA, looks at the fact that they stole both land as well as money, and acting indignant over it HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Anticlimactic? A bunch of black people segregated themsleves, said that they were going to build a civilization from scratch and grifted a few thousand dollars, and then in the end they had ZERO plans to actually do anything than steal land. That's amazing, utterly amazing.
And they're REAL strict on mutt. Who was that one guy around the 30's or 40's who married an American and they said "Fuck off." Europe has a history of royals mixing with people from other countries, forming alliances based off of who came in who. It resulted in World War 1.
Unironically, good. Like, the reasoning is batshit, but if more cultures honored their traditional attire rather than just copying western looks, that would be good. "White people have no culture, look at that beautiful indian man dress" they say, wearing blue jeans and a flannel shirt.
Edit: "I'll wear a snapback" oh so it's more of "We took your culture, scruffed it up, and now call it ours" like tennis shoe culture, rather than honoring his African ancestors. Ok.
Malt shops nod in approval.
Projectors are back? Shit, in the early 2000's my uncle got a projector instead of a tv and it went from being the hypest thing to a bit of a mockery. What's new about em that's good?
I had a good enough time during my last two theater experiences, even though they were cape shit, to last me a life time. Going to Joker with a friend and shitposting about how we're spontaneously growing trench coats and AR15's. And bringing my mom to see Guardians of the Galaxy 2 (she's weirdly obsessed with that series, and no other capeshit.) and enjoying the strong theme of motherhood and good child rearing and stuff.
RIP to a middle aged part of American culture. But you outlasted malt shops and arcades while bringing FAR LESS to the table, so that P occasionally stands for piss.
Exactly. It's a tool, a weapon.