Wilds has the worst multiplayer in franchise history. Is the game good, yes. Is any monster Hunter worth the initial price? No, not unless you are a pre world's fan of the series like I am and need to get your hunt on.
Telia's redardation has hit peak conpro levels. He spams kia2 too much as well, I'm just going to block at this point as it's almost all worthless posts anyway. I dont give a shit about ze jewz, but i cant stand conpros constant bitching.
I wonder what this is going to mean for blood, one of the best FPS games of all time and the best build engine game ever made. I'm still waiting for death wish to finish. I just hope that the nightdive fresh supply stays live.
Clearly whst needs to be done is to flex on the Europeans in government and trigger them in every conversation. Since they can't do shit about anything happening over seas. Make them cry tears of blood and then laugh at their impotent response.
Eastern Canadian, I'm assuming?