This is my opinion, almost exactly!
I have a feeling, though, that the Ukrainian worship of buttsex activists is an import from the US, and not generated locally. All the more reason to root for Russia.
What, this "guy" didn't stay up until 3 AM drafting this and the next two days revising and editing?
Say it ain't so, AI.
Cool Hand Luke is in my Top Ten.
This is absolutely the result of a feminist orientation.
Letting gay or lesbian couples adopt children is a really bad idea, for the usual reasons. Lesbians, especially the ones driven by ideology, which is to say most lesbians, are massively confused about their relationships to children because they question the whole premise of womanhood and reject childbearing as something slavish and motherhood as "patriarchal."
Would they have done this had they adopted a girl? Would they even consider adopting a girl when it may be that their plan all along was to get hold of a helpless boy and torture him to death?
Evil is depressing. Totalitarian evil like feminism is horrifying, especially since there appears to be no stopping it.
once their institutional support is gone; they respond with cowardice and comply with the new authority.
Absolutely. You can see this in Florida, in the reactions of academics to DeSantis's reforms. Academic leftists are the ones quickest to cave to any real opposition.
"Brokeback Mountain" should have been the end.
This is definitely the way to go. There's too much quality film and literature created before, say, 1980 to bother with paying attention to the shit-train coming out of contemporary Hollyweird, with few exceptions.
I'm willing to bet this is just another black-on-black murder committed in the process of a car jacking or a holdup or a rape or something.
Why is the Canadian Parliament (or whatever it's called) so passive?
I agree--they're anti-tranny (or at least making some moves in that direction) because of the pressure exerted on their establishment by feminists in the TERF war.
As far as I can tell the UK is an insane asylum, veering from one woke over-reaction to another, with the net effect of becoming a dystopia in real time right before our eyes. Like Canada.
I've been reading and highly recommend Theodore Dalrymple's essays, some of which are collected in "Our Culture or What's Left of It," for a first-hand commentary on deteriorating conditions in the UK, from adoption of the welfare state to about 2010 or so. He wisely moved to rural France a few years ago.
Once a critical mass of idiotic sheep swallows the lie that words are weapons, it's the end of any degree of so-called "free speech." It's also a slippery slope that will generate an endless series of punishments for a potentially limitless number of thought crimes, given that some pussy who takes offense at an utterance is now considered a victim of so-called "violent speech." (Just using that phrase boggles my wee little mind. Edit: It reminds me of the voice-weapon thing the good guys use in the movie "Dune.")
If the US is the lab where neo-Marxist wokeism was born, the UK is an ongoing project of practical application.
You guys are royally screwed.
"New Age" is a grift that seems to have taken root in places like Sedona. I never thought it would outlast the '80s.
Prison Surgeon I: Iss dot a kidney? Yes, dot iss a kidney. You only need one. Vy haff two? Der internal organs are altogether too incrowded. They need lebensraum, like der vaterland."
Prison Surgeon II: "I remember in the lower Baboonsasshole when I was left without instrument one. I opened her up with a rusty sardine can and removed an uterine tumor with my teeth."
Let's see . . . measles, mumps, German measles (rubella?) whooping cough, diphtheria/tetanus, and polio are the childhood vaccines I got. I forget what cocktail they shot us up with in the 1980's Army. What's with the smorgasbord here? And why are infants advised to get hepatitis B shots?
And aren't flu vaccinations for kids only necessary during especially bad outbreaks?
The coof fiasco puts CDC in a bad light, but let's not throw the baby out with the bathwater and reject those vaccines that have been proven effective. The trouble is, there has always been a group of deeply irrational people who believe vaccinations per se are some sort of evil plot to accomplish something or other.
"Anti-vaccinators" have in the past objected to whooping cough and measles vaccinations and opted out, resulting in outbreaks of these nearly extinct diseases.
Totalitarian creeps will not stop, never stop until every corner of home and institutional life is captured.
This gets depressing after a while.
Ayahuasca: the new druggie excuse to do drugs for religious purposes.
Is there anything quite so silly as rich Americans taking vacations to the South American jungle to trip balls and barf in buckets with total strangers? Well, psychedelic egalitarianism is at it again, and coming soon to a rural American town near you!
Ayahuasca churches have a better chance of getting governmental approval than churches using LSD, that's for sure. There's always been a bias in favor of "allowing" peyote use by easily controlled Indians on reservations, and this one imports the whole noble savage mystique. Speaking of LSD "church," I have a warm nostalgic place in my heart for this wacky outfit, though I don't buy nihilistic solipsism, even if Snazzm, Fazzm, and McPozzum are interesting and Kleps is a very funny and insightful writer:
"Millbrook" is an excellent book, BTW.
Anyway the whole idea of an institutional psychedelic religion is a bad one.
Psychedelic trips are an individual thing, for the lone monk in the wilderness (so to speak), not the fucking priest handing out barf buckets to his congregation.
Psychedelic taking is most definitely a "religious" practice that should be protected by the First Amendment, even though plenty of people take psychedelics for any number of different reasons.
Jesus--groom children to be hypersexual and give them the vote at some age under 18. As if having 18-year-olds vote isn't bad enough.
This from "Trotskyites" yet.
What absolute insanity.
Balls of brass and ear of tin.
Great good business I admiring MAGA The Savior not if physical but only is that?
How are things in Nigeria?
1/4 million pounds for one helmet???
Maybe the more a business tries to grow profitable, the less likely it is to adopt or retain DIE policies and their requisite bureaucratic enforcers.
Seems like common sense.
It's best to be corrected in a relatively friendly place like this than to go and refer to a freak who thinks he is an animal as a trans-humanist elsewhere and get laughed at for it.
I suppose you're right.
Your reply has also led me to look into these differences.
Thanks for the motivation I needed to clarify these things in my mind.
I must shed this habit of becoming snarky when I'm properly contradicted or corrected. I blame online anonymity. It feeds my egotism.
Without President Trump's help, he would have lost to Gillum.
Have to disagree with you here.
DeSantis was and is extremely popular here in FL.
Jesus, what a fucking narcissist megalomaniac.
He did his best work with his first term--his inadvertent exposure of the true nature of the press and its relationship to the federal government and how a cabal of permanent bureaucrats with an ideological agenda of their own in conflict with the President's are a threat to the Republic.
Now he's just shitting the bed, not caring who will be delegated to clean up.
This is an interesting, if enigmatic, response.
Can you explain what you mean by this?
I'm genuinely curious, no sarcasm.