It's funny because the media doesn't get that is what got him elected the first time. People are tired of the empty virture, and the fake empathy. Yes the verbage is crass but most people in America are a little crass. Or at the very least tired of the endless pearl clutching. Trump would probably be more ahead if he used retarded earlier.
"He causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their forehead, so that no one may buy or sell, except he who has the mark or the name of the beast or the number of his name"
Revelations 13: 16-17
I could see the anti nanobot users using the Mark of the Beast argument.
In the Vincent Price movie "The Last Man on Earth", which is an adaptation of "I Am Legend", the vampires are very much like zombies. They mostly are slow moving and lumbering. It's their taunting that really affects Neville.
You are right, the zombies are never the true existential threat.
I've seen The Omega Man. I enjoy it but it has the weakest ending. I don't understand why his girlfriend turned on him. It's not like the infected people became mindless. They make the family and go out of their way to show they are all choosing to follow, is it Mathius? The one henchman even defies him. But the girl gets fully infected and is instantly zombified and brainwashed?
One of the tragedies of the 20th century is how little people really appreciate the scope of The Korean War. The Chinese almost overnight sent in 300,000 people. Or at one point South Korea was almost completely overrun. Even today most people aren't aware that the Korean War isn't technically a done deal.