MetallicBioMeat 6 points ago +6 / -0

I think the type of communities intended are more of the Afrikaners and their handling of the local regime.

MetallicBioMeat 1 point ago +1 / -0

I did not expect a response tbh.

Yes Gitzortnik change is most unsettling that even he has closed rank and virtue signal when he was encouraging to debate the hr at work (If I remember correctly) in a proper setting and situation ofc.

"And they've wrapped their ego and self-worth in being the rebel who says it"

But why have they gone that path? Is it that the actual psyops are breaking people even here and so the need something to cling to in order to hold fast? or is the infiltration of new fags that has converted to old guard that only fire can meet fire? Or were there only bots at the end, haha.

My current theory of behavior is that people are at the stage where knowledge no longer is gathered and instead only trying to rile or find common ground/sanctuary/Staging ground (What do call place in order to gain hype and recuperate?) since to most even if they do not say this election seems to be where it is decided according to their tales on what the next action will be and weather it is a major one. (even tough personally I believe there is quite a bit more to this tale before we get into the end and beginning of something new)

Do tell me if I am completely of the chart here.

Ending with a passing quote, haha

My Armor is Contempt My Shield is Disgust My Sword is Hatred In The Emperor’s Name Let None Survive

MetallicBioMeat 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ah, then not the definition of worked I was hoping for.

I do miss the old timers that were more for debating, few that they were. (even if I never participated) Or perhaps that is just nostalgia, haha

Still it is a shame that people do not try to think about the talking heads are saying, to find flaws in it and adjust their view accordingly. (although the few talking heads I have talked to have similar problems.) I have had to do it many times and places such as this should be the best place to lose, since you are a nobody and there is no prestige to gain here, nor any worthwhile fame, nor comrades to truly lose. It is as little risk such a thing can have and still possibly hone it. Yet they cling to it. Why does the internet nomadic style not help them shed it? They should release that each time they are shipwrecked that their past ideas does not matter nor their reputation and by now they should have wandered through many fields of ideas, which some should have influenced them? Is true humility something you are born with? Or is something only the beaten learn, haha

Just ignore my rambling, I just needed to type it out.

by ger111
MetallicBioMeat 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hello darkness

MetallicBioMeat 1 point ago +1 / -0

Alright, Still it is hard to get the amount of data hacking that they do with these polls, sometimes it is better just to listen to the normies in the few cases where they actually watched a debate and understood (not quite the right word, but in meaning that they actually listen to it and not just had it as noise or to summon the daily hate) it (otherwise you just get the media headlines haha).

MetallicBioMeat 2 points ago +2 / -0

Were the console ever somewhere to be, haha But yes all market forces on console are going towards crap and the usefulness of a console is dying out. The problem with Indie is that the few that turns good have good chance of being corrupted later in their dev due to the standard being live service or the corpos buying them out... which would be fine if we were not playing against people cheating with money. Do you know of any indie dev comunities/publisher that is trying to stick to their principles of making good games?

I think the revived Microprose looks promising

MetallicBioMeat 3 points ago +3 / -0

Snopes, This is true, cause they only just started eating the dogs! haha

MetallicBioMeat 1 point ago +1 / -0

Correct me if I am wrong but has there not been classes on this as requirement for the teaching positions (I know atleast that there is in sweden) and then made it part of the teaching plan? So this is just making so that you can't skip it even if you survive all indoctrination and making it crystal clear to normies hopefully, haha

MetallicBioMeat 2 points ago +2 / -0

Unless they've done actual streams or there's some recording of their face IRL through some video content made (i.e. like Lauren Chen before the glowies got to her) and that they have a LONG history of posting based stuff, don't engage.

Were they not working on getting AI to generate this aswell? Haha

MetallicBioMeat 1 point ago +1 / -0

No, it does not make sense to me, we are using the same language but we are not speaking with each other, I ask multiple queries and get answers that are adjacent if at all.I ask for clarifications and get weird answers. I am going to leave this as a lost cause for now. I do not have the dictionary you are using.

MetallicBioMeat 2 points ago +2 / -0

Huh it is just the old Tabula rasa Idea? That has been around a long time and bureaucrats love it since it makes the equations easier, haha

MetallicBioMeat 2 points ago +2 / -0

A gallon of milk at $5 just isn't sustainable

Is the salaries that much lower there? 4.5 liter milk goes for $5.46 in stores here aprox (since we do not sell them in gallons)

MetallicBioMeat 1 point ago +1 / -0

mostly because the impending implosion of Nijisanji is one of the prime examples of how corporations are not your friend as an example

?? Correct me if I am wrong but you consider this a prime example of corpos not being your friend?, Not the banks fucking you over? not the game industry ensuring you do not own your games? Nor the manual of trying to turn you into a fanatic and consumer rather than a customer? (this is taken over all major corpos) and so on and on.. No it is the corporation fucking over their employees that is the prime example of a corpo not being your friend?

Do you see how you already are part of parasocial behaviour?

and I think that knowing what normies are viewing is useful because they vote too, whether you like it or not.

You do not understand 5th gen warfare... and my comment in regards to that.

Normie =/= leftist Where did you suddenly start getting this idea from my comments? It seems you do not understand the difference between normies and leftist?

You claim importance of task but do not want to discuss them, nor do you want to reply in a manner that makes sense.

MetallicBioMeat 13 points ago +14 / -1

Don't worry I been told that the search for the info itself is all that is required, so the removal of it does not matter, haha

MetallicBioMeat 1 point ago +1 / -0

V-Tubers are anime adjacent, especially in Japan because they’re completely mainstream over there so V-Tubers are entwined with the anime censorship stuff.

But does that mean that their drama is relevant? Also I would argue that they are more of Idol adjacent, in fact I would claim that they are Idol descendant rather than anime. Cause not even the first started out as an order to create a narrative, they always were about the more parasoical stuff.

Do we care who is fucking who or stalking whom? Do you understand the meaning of drama?

This particular post was mostly because he came up a few times as a part of the fat positivity bullshit and him having faked the world out this whole time is relevant.

I think Lisso has been more part of the fat positive movement, he has always been more regarded as freakshow to entertain. But hey if you got links in regards to that he has been an active part in that movement go ahead and tell me.

But overall I do think it’s useful to understand what normies view because of trends for later

Ehh, trends for later? The normies will mostly consume what is front of them until it becomes horrid and rotten in which case they seek something slightly less rotten. What use is that? The gen 5 warfare is already in full use the normies are just numbers in the game.

MetallicBioMeat 2 points ago +2 / -0

Do elaborate on how the drama regarding V tubers are relevant in regards to the ongoing culture war? Are the suicides being done by the feds? haha The thing going on is same old with stalking and all, we got old animes about it, haha

So regarding above are you saying that there is shift in the body positivity movement? So far that fringe is the same as it has been before to my knowledge.

Normies just want to kill their remaining braincells in order to get dopmine by watching a clown, not sure what good data you get out of it.

MetallicBioMeat 7 points ago +7 / -0

Do you think the UK will have enough time to implement it before the collapse? There is a balance with Islamist and the Globalist that they need to keep.

Don't know of any dystopian literature that handles that situation, seems even they did not predict such insanity to function, haha

MetallicBioMeat 2 points ago +2 / -0

Wait is this not the person with brazil shills or was that someone else?

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