They are never gonna stop blaming shit cause of goobergators
I don't know how they didn't catch him sooner everything about him screams pedo
I just finished reading it and this shit is insane I wouldn't be surprised if it was made into a movie some day
It's not like you can even get or build one right now unless you want to get raped by high prices
That girl looks like that retarded kid playing the banjo in Deliverance
I'm tired give me money
Aren't they bored yet fighting these non existent White supremacist boogymen
How? Did the evil goobergaters go door to door and tell everybody to not watch it or leave a bad review
Maybe it's just me but I don't give a shit about identifying with someone on a show or game and just want something entertaining that's not pozzed to hell
My balls produce a bigger viral load
We have a better chance of seeing aliens in the sky then one of these White supremacist boogeymen that are supposedly going around being racist and destroying America
They must have that money printer working overtime to get them paid
They already are on some other site imbd or something I think
I didn't know you spoke on behalf of all Japanese people...
LMFAO these retards still haven't learned that these companies do all the gay pride shit for money and not because they care
I never believed in the case since it's probably just more women lying like they always do to get more power,money
People should cancel their Netflix cause Netflix
That ain't right I got perma banned from the PC gaming on Reddit a couple weeks ago for saying "bungie is the worst" on some guys post
I'm not trying to be rude but if he's not used to thinking then he must be an idiot
God damn blurry faced people ruining everything I can't stand blurry faced people
They keep taking about these evil white supremacists but have yet to see a single one cause they are literal bogeymen
I thought this was gonna be about the over representation of black people cause anytime I happen to see a commercial or advertisement somewhere it's always all black dudes
All phones are Chinese these days
ReAdInG hArD
How can I interact with women in games if they are all playing Candy crush