MasksAreChildAbuse 1 point ago +1 / -0

Dang that sucks. Not familiar with the career options in Australia, but I wish you luck.

One thing I would say though is even if you are still enrolled in school just keep applying for places anyways and see if you can get something to stick without a degree. The interview experience will help at the very least.

MasksAreChildAbuse 1 point ago +1 / -0

You don’t need a car for a job. Bikes, buses, or even walking. I walked exactly 2.2 miles each way to work minimum wage at a toy store before I had a car and had to leave like an hour in advance. It was super satisfying once I could buy my own car though!

I think the problem is people feel like they are entitled to convenience. The world doesn’t care about me or anyone. The world is a harsh place. Nobody owes me or anyone anything.

MasksAreChildAbuse 2 points ago +2 / -0

Ah okay now the hats thing makes much more sense. For some reason I was thinking it was a MAGA Hat game. But it’s literally all types of hats lol

MasksAreChildAbuse 1 point ago +1 / -0

I mean the Mormons and their church president. The Mormons don’t follow the pope, just to clarify.

MasksAreChildAbuse 0 points ago +1 / -1

Not Mormon but I grew up in Utah around them. They were all my friends and I’m intimately familiar with them, and yes, I’d absolutely agree.

Even many former Mormons fall into the same traps that active Mormons fall into, it’s just a different coat of paint.

I think it’s because of how the brainwashing and indoctrination are done. They are taught to be helplessly accommodating and submissive. Mormon Men and women. Because you have to in order to believe such bullshit.

And while in general Mormons are great and friendly people, their helplessness and passiveness is not a positive trait because it is to a fault. This makes them highly susceptible to propaganda. That’s why of all the religions they buy into the woke bullshit the most.

Not saying members of religions aren’t or can’t be susceptible to the same things, but it’s just at another level with Mormonism because of how the authority is structured. With Catholicism, the pope is woke af, but his authority isn’t necessarily viewed the same end all be all, you have some Catholics who are just out doing their own thing and might pay no mind to the pope one bit. But that’s not the case with active Mormons.

MasksAreChildAbuse 3 points ago +3 / -0

We already aren’t. Try going on a plane right now they will kick you off unless you dress up like a leftist.

I’m kind of sad about it because I loved air travel. I would arrive to airports early, go to the lounges, explore the airports. But never again it seems.

I suppose if I ever become filthy rich I could at least fly again with a private plane, but that’s only part of the fun. And I doubt that’s happening. We are even banned from trains.

Car is the only way right now. At least until they decide to ban that and arrest anyone caught driving who doesn’t install the camera and microphone surveillance system.

MasksAreChildAbuse 1 point ago +1 / -0

I honestly don’t ever remember any book explicitly saying a characters race. I’m sure there are plenty, but my imagination of the characters race, if I even thought about it, was likely influenced by the country I was raised in based on the predominant race within it, not the book itself.

Maybe if she simply read books written by authors in her home country, or maybe wasn’t obsessed with white people all the time, her brain would be capable of imagining other races??

MasksAreChildAbuse 2 points ago +2 / -0

Any chance you could post screenshots of the game for people on mobile to see?

Accessing the site on my phone doesn’t show anything because it’s not compatible to play. Just curious how it looks!

MasksAreChildAbuse 7 points ago +7 / -0

Duty makes marriage work. People today, primarily feminists, have this asinine notion that marriage is all about love and that you are supposed to wake up on a honeymoon everyday or get a divorce. Love plays a part absolutely, but it is a byproduct of successfully fulfilling ones duty. Duty to have children. Duty to raise, care for, and protect those children children.

Marriage is utterly pointless without children, regardless of exceptions that may exist.

MasksAreChildAbuse 23 points ago +23 / -0

Imagine using their own logic for other fields...

Posts NBA pic with 74% black guys

“Ugh. Can’t believe a team has so little diversity in 2021. Where are the whites, latinos, or asians??”

post picture of grade school teachers with 76% females

“Ugh. Can’t believe a school has so little diversity in 2021. Why are there so few men??”

But they wouldn’t care or give a shit because we all know their “diversity” doesn’t mean that at all it just means “don’t have white men at all”.

MasksAreChildAbuse 7 points ago +7 / -0

That is exactly the problem though, it is that the negotion is completely unfair now because of the government, I think that is what most people are complaining about. That is why I am annoyed with employees asking for more, they are exploiting the system and they know it.

The government is literally paying people to just stay home. And keep in mind in some cases these people didn't even lose jobs in the first place, in Oregon where I moved from last year, people literally applied not even having a job, many students, and still got unemployment approved. Like wtf, its just printing money for the sake of printing money at this point.

MasksAreChildAbuse 4 points ago +5 / -1

The sign on bonus bullshit is legit, sadly.

Because so few people are willing to do any work (gubmint handing out free money perpetually without having to actually apply for work) so to even convince people to apply, places even like Wawa are giving out $500 sign on bonuses to cashiers. I'm in Florida and I see "sign on bonus" everywhere I see work advertised. NC is probably more liberal, so I imagine its worse there.

MasksAreChildAbuse 26 points ago +26 / -0

“Sometimes straight forward”?

Nice or not you should always be straight forward. I think this is her revealing she normally lies. Liars tend to always expose their lies, but ironically, never do so in a straight forward way. They always shroud it in mystery.

Like when a woman says she has been single for 5 years. That actually means she has been having countless sex with random people for 5 years being a total whore.

MasksAreChildAbuse 3 points ago +3 / -0

Sonic came out February, lockdowns didn’t really begin until mid-late March, so it got its full box office potential just in time.

It was not until the NBA announced it was postponing games that the world was like “wtf?” soon after Vegas shut down, and from there is was dominoes for everyone else.

I had a Seattle then Vegas trip planned from March 19th which I was still planning on going to until a few days prior. Shit closed suddenly and fast.

MasksAreChildAbuse 4 points ago +4 / -0

And for free all over the web lol

MasksAreChildAbuse 2 points ago +2 / -0

Harley was the main reason I was hesitating to watch this film. The Margot Robbie version has been insufferable, and I didn’t even bother to watch Birds of Prey at all. Heard it’s garbage vomit trash.

But I heard some better things about this one so I checked it out, and while it’s still the same Harley, she is at least toned down and not the main focus of everything. Plus the Dictator/Bird scene was legitimately fitting for her character. Wasn’t terrible!

MasksAreChildAbuse 2 points ago +2 / -0

I’m sure this is unpopular here, but this movie was actually pretty entertaining. You can watch it for free on Flixtor (my favorite pirate streaming site)

It actually has set ups and call backs, the bad guys do bad guy things (one scene they revel in the murder they get to commit with a funny result, another scene Harley reacts to a trigger comment like a psychotic murderer would) plus you get to see many annoying people die glorious gory deaths. Also the main enemy makes much more sense, instead of fighting a god who has supernatural powers with a hammer or punching like in the first one. Also Harley is way toned down and not in every scene.

It’s not a great film by any means, still plot issues as with many modern, including Power Ranger Syndrome (Eg if this person can do that why didn’t they do it from the very beginning instead of building up to it?) there was very little woke bullshit and was just a plain enjoyable film. Except maybe at the end of the day when (spoiler) the two most consequential people to stop the main guy are the women, I couldn’t see anything woke really. And even that wasn’t done in an eye roll way, because one of them had a proper set up.

TLDR; Hollywood sucks, but this movie a good popcorn flick.

MasksAreChildAbuse 1 point ago +1 / -0

Lol yeah the edit button sucks. I hate when I make a stupid typo or forget to include something. You have to edit like a dozen times before it saves the edit.

MasksAreChildAbuse 4 points ago +4 / -0

My employers policies were very recently (although I’m told is in the midst of changing because of “Delta”) the following...

  • Vaccinate and you can work mask free
  • Unvaccinated must wear a mask, and must wear a special badge to detect proximity to others and must be segregated from the unmasked and vaccinated.
  • Vaccination was entirely self reported on the honor system.
  • For now everyone has the choice to work from home and working at the office is voluntary.

However I refuse to play their game so I didn’t self report that I was vaccinated, and i won’t. Additionally if they require I come back to the office I’m just gonna go and work where I want. If they begin asking questions about vaccinations or asking why I’m not masking I’m just gonna say “I only take medical advice from medical professionals who have examined me in a medical setting and who are qualified and ethically capable of providing such medical advice.” If they push back I will just go to my desk and work until they physical throw me out of the building at which point I will claim unemployment.

MasksAreChildAbuse 35 points ago +36 / -1

I saw that trailer, I was laughing so hard. Feminist porn that is.

If that actually happened the world would fall apart and would never recover. Even if there was simple tech for women to self reproduce and make new baby girls to populate society quickly and easily, a society made up completely of women will always fail.

The world was built by men and runs because of men. These women with high powered administrator jobs at corporate offices literally do nothing related to making the world operate. These positions are resource consumption only. They do not produce resources, they consume.

If Citibank or Google or whatever else company could all instantly disappear today, along with every Boss Babes career with it, nothing would impact humanity’a ability to survive. Yes the economy would take a deep hit, probably many would die for many years as we adjusted to a sudden loss of 50% of the work force. But humanity would still live. We would still have men doing the labor intensive jobs women predominantly cannot do. And even the exceptions that do, overwhelmingly perform less or have different standards. They could not produce the output equal to men necessary to propagate humanity.

But on the flip side, if all of the labor jobs performed by men disappeared, humanity would cease to exist. Even if the jobs were there, but the men weren’t, women could struggle bus it along for a while as the minute percentage of women in these fields try and teach the rest how to do things. But not enough could or would want to learn. And those that did couldn’t do enough.

MasksAreChildAbuse 1 point ago +2 / -1

I’m new to Anime, I’ve only ever see a few in my life. I signed up for a Crunchyroll subscription because my Amex had 3 month promo thing. Is there a better streaming alternative you all would recommend?

MasksAreChildAbuse 8 points ago +9 / -1

Yup! All women are feminists, even the ones claiming they aren’t, or even those that actively promote “traditionalism”. When it comes down to it, they are always angling for something. For an excellent display of this watch the Fresh and Fit podcast AfterHours show from last night (Monday August 9th).

Every woman on the panel was explicitly asked if they were a feminist, and they all denounced it as if “feminists” were crazy. Then they proceeded to espouse total feminist propaganda and leaning back on exceptions to the rule to support their flimsy and ridiculous arguments.

Even one of the women on the panel EXTRA EXPLICITLY claimed to be for traditional gender roles, super religious, celebate the whole nine yards, but not only was that completely disingenuous as she slowly revealed her lifestyle desires, behaviors, and expectations of men, but even when simply presented with what preferences a man has (men’s preferences being a topic she literally cannot argue a man against as a women, she should simply told what they are and accept it) she ARGUED against them.

It was totally nuts. Surprisingly it was one of their more calm shows, no women getting psychotic and throwing shit. But typical feminist, aka FEMALE, behavior.

Men are simple, and easily manipulated creatures sadly. Men are too idealistic and need to wake the fuck up.

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