Unintended consequences: only the larger multi-billion companies with the resources for acquiring rights to use the data will thrive.
Unintended… lol.
To confuse rapists (obviously)
Marvel always hated the shit out of this IP and Chris Evans is a retarded lib fag anyway. You could count on one hand the number of times anyone in ANY marvel movie actually is allowed to say the words “Captain America”. It’s always “Captain” or “Cap” or “get me Steve Rogers”. I noticed it around the time of the first avengers film. Hardly surprising they awarded the IP to an anti American leftist dindu who’s been terrible in everything he ever acted in.
That’s a YUGE BITCH!!
Questionnaire: Are you a terrorist? Tick yes or no.
This is the crux of it right here.
I’m smart enough to think for myself. I can sort real from fake, I can spot a phony pandemic or a bullshit vaccine or a rigged election or a false flag. I don’t need a bunch of condescending, credentialed liars to do my thinking for me. Especially when they’re clearly dumb as pigshit, and just spewing whatever their shitbag editors tell them to say. Fuck all of them
I was a massive Sonic fan as a kid, and it’s heartening that my own kids love the films today. I think they’re done well, even Jim Carey is good as Robotnik (which is something I honestly wasn’t expecting).
My only criticism is the forced interracial marriage in it. Fuck all to do with Sonic, has no bearing on the plot and screams “current fucking day”. I wish they’d just stop with that shit already.
By the time I finally got to see her tits, they weren’t there anymore 😆
Too quick. I was thinking more along the lines of Viking blood eagles all the way across the Swiss alps.
Fuck off Pedro 🖕
Asian lady at the Viking village
That pissed me off as much as black Heimdal (although I DO like Idris Alba as an actor) and nigs & chinks in Asgard, while Wakanda was blacker than the South African town I grew up in.
Honestly, even if Vavra and his crew found triple-authenticated evidence of Musa being in Bohemia, even if they have a Polaroid picture of him hanging out with the king, it wouldn’t invalidate what’s been said above. It was done for the sake of diversity and inclusion, regardless of whether Vavra was threatened (which he says he wasn’t) or bribed (which I personally think is more likely).
Either way, the players don’t want this shit in our games anymore. We don’t care who’s idea it was or what reasons it was done for or “how it’s handled” (as the more spineless YouTube channels keep repeating to avoid bannings). We don’t want it anymore, period.
I hope these idiots lose a lot of money
You’re right.
And the problem is that they’ve done it so openly and brazenly, with so much hate and animosity towards us that it’s “instinctual” now as you said.
I don’t want ANY chocolate faces in a game about medieval Europe, and I don’t want ANY fag bullshit either. I don’t give a single baker’s fuck how “tastefully” it’s done or how “actually there WERE gays back then, and many famous nig nobility and even a renowned samurai…🤪”
No. Fucking no.
I’m done. Make a medieval knight game or make Gay faggots of the Serengeti, you can’t have both anymore.
“Dear Senator Warren
Thanks for reaching out. Please see the attached for my full comprehensive reply…”
*Tea bagged photocopier pic
Pajeets and Muslims
Upgrading from goats to a real life woman is still an achievement I guess 😒🤷🏼♂️
This is an excellent point. The scorn and shame etc is always (mostly rightly) on the women, but they’re not the only ones making the porn. Takes two to tango so to speak.
The dudes who get involved in that business are equally depraved - I’ve watched a lot of interviews/documentaries etc about how they’re basically all hooked on hardcore drugs and how they can’t perform without viagra because they’ve fried the pleasure centres of their brains so badly, how (like the women) they end up compromising more and more of their “dealbreaker” contract clauses like “no anal, no gangbangs, no gay stuff” etc and how a huge percentage of them end up committing suicide.
The porn industry is genuinely one of the worst, most corrupting things to ever happen to mankind. It destroys the women, it destroys the men, and over time it even destroys the viewer. Men used to basically marry for sex, women for safety and security. Say what you will but it kept our civilisations stable for eons. Now a man can pick up his cellphone and have sex beamed directly into his brain in under 30 seconds, and an OF thot can flash her tits and make bank without having to bother with pesky things like marriage, children or family.
I made a bad joke below that’s rightly getting downvoted (because I’m a smart ass), but I’m genuinely afraid for my daughter (5) and my son (3) and the upside down fucked up world they’re going to grow up in. I agree with you that it’s a demoralizing campaign, what I’m wondering is can it be reversed? Can we ever re-moralize the west? Is it even possible at this point?
Oh my God that’s terrible.
Any minute now Hannity is going to come out jerking it to a picture of Christopher Wray
I literally experienced those things first hand when I still worked construction in South Africa. Hillbrow Johannesburg is filled with buildings like that. Nothing short of a hydrogen bomb will save that city.
British virginity
Oil of O’Laid 😆
It grows on you after a while. I like him.
Guy makes good clips, always has a based take, and openly calls himself an A-hole 😆
I’d take him over that faggot ActMan or Soyboy Luke Stevens any day. The algorithm keeps pushing their shit at me no matter how much I ignore or downvote
Stop trying to make “woke right” happen.
It’s not going to happen.
Does this even matter? Isn’t there going to be a new state department a little over a week from now? Can’t they just be nuked?
It isn’t hard to do… 🎶
That outta shut her the fuck up