Marvel always hated the shit out of this IP and Chris Evans is a retarded lib fag anyway. You could count on one hand the number of times anyone in ANY marvel movie actually is allowed to say the words “Captain America”. It’s always “Captain” or “Cap” or “get me Steve Rogers”. I noticed it around the time of the first avengers film. Hardly surprising they awarded the IP to an anti American leftist dindu who’s been terrible in everything he ever acted in.
Marvel always hated the shit out of this IP and Chris Evans is a retarded lib fag anyway. You could count on one hand the number of times anyone in ANY marvel movie actually is allowed to say the words “Captain America”. It’s always “Captain” or “Cap” or “get me Steve Rogers”. I noticed it around the time of the first avengers film. Hardly surprising they awarded the IP to an anti American leftist dindu who’s been terrible in everything he ever acted in.