Lurker404 13 points ago +13 / -0

Yea, they knowingly break the law because they know there won't be any consequences. If anything they'll get promoted for abusing the political opposition.

Lurker404 10 points ago +10 / -0

What is it with Lutherans? They are weird far-left tards in Germany, too.

Lurker404 1 point ago +1 / -0

Depends on who you consider "them".

The AfD is against gender ideology and forcing it on people, especially children. They are against groomers, not gays or lesbian. Fun fact, their leader is a lesbian.

Lurker404 29 points ago +29 / -0

Article is auto-translated.

tl;dr: migrant housing for 650 migrants from Afghanistan, Syria and Turkey opens directly next to a gay and lesbian club in Berlin, Germany. The district voted with over 70% for far-left parties.

In related news: attacks on LGBTWTFBBQ have doubled in recent years. Luckily the city stopped collecting data on the background of perpetrators so nobody knows why this is happening. Probably all those native Germans named Hans and Peter.

Lurker404 2 points ago +2 / -0

If you can read German: https://www.bundeswahlleiterin.de/dam/jcr/8ad0ca1f-a037-48f8-b9f4-b599dd380f02/btw21_heft4.pdf (page 24)

Basically women favor the eco-fascist Greens and socialist SPD who are both very much for open borders and unlimited immigration.

When it comes to the only party that wants to reduce mass-immigration, the AfD, they are heavily underrepresented.

Lurker404 7 points ago +7 / -0

I think they're just easily manipulated and can't think two steps ahead.

Wave a picture of some brown child with teary eyes in front them and they'll invite all of the Middle East and Africa without a second thought.

Lurker404 4 points ago +5 / -1

All the more remarkable, then, that it should vote in such numbers for the Republic's demise.

100 years later and that sentence is true once again.

Women vote for far left parties that are destroying Germany by importing millions of third worlders who make the most patriarchal Nazi look like a feminist in comparison.

Lurker404 13 points ago +13 / -0

Maybe it's a recruitment campaign for the Marines?

Lurker404 2 points ago +3 / -1

True but the non-normies in Europe are way more persistent than in the US.

In the US they had ONE protest and then got scared because the media called them mean names. Here in Germany getting called "enemy of the state" is just another day ending in Y for people who don't agree with the far-left establishment.

Lurker404 2 points ago +2 / -0

Americans doing nothing as their "allies" blow up their critical infrastructure.

The US gets rid of their own pipelines. No outside help needed.

And all the unions that helped get Biden elected did nothing while their members went merrily on their way to the unemployment office ;)

Lurker404 9 points ago +14 / -5

Americans complied, so of course they're doing it all over again.

Here in Germany we had historic widespread protests even though protesting was illegal. We had apps to organize protests in even the smallest towns. The government got A LOT of pushback.

As the government is already HIGHLY unpopular, they don't dare to do that again. The German chancellor said he doesn't want to bring back restrictions. Of course he might flip flop later but I doubt it. There are a couple important state elections next year and they don't want to drive even more voters to the right.

Americans are more cucked than Germans. Let that sink in.

Edit: Of course that's one of the reasons why they flood countries with 3rd worlders: they are incredibly subservient when it comes to the government. For example, there were basically no non-Germans in all the protests I've ... uhhh ... seen ... from afar ... yes, far afar!

Lurker404 7 points ago +8 / -1

Probably more exciting for the fan than watching two grown men toss a small ball back and forth.

Lurker404 20 points ago +20 / -0

I guess Western Europe is about to get another wave of Ukrainian refugees.

Edit: Maybe we'll finally get those fabled "highly skilled refugees" that they've been promising us since 2015.

Lurker404 3 points ago +3 / -0

Looks like gamepass is like 15€ around here.

I don't even plan to spent that much for the eventual GOTY ;)

Lurker404 12 points ago +12 / -0

The hilarious thing is, she didn't actually say "Ukraine's cocaine grain". She said "Kokaine's grain".

"Kokaine" is a term used by German right-wingers. They jokingly call Ukraine "Kokaine" because of Selensky's alleged cocaine habit and because it sounds similar to "Ukraine".

The fact that she uses that term is like Biden calling his transportation secretary "BootyJuice".

Lurker404 11 points ago +11 / -0

She also called South Africa a "Bacon of Hope" (that's not a typo).

Lurker404 11 points ago +11 / -0

Yea, I'll wait 10 years until they give it out for free.

Lurker404 27 points ago +27 / -0

The obvious response is to accuse them of transphobia and TERF-speak.

Lurker404 4 points ago +4 / -0

Akshully, masks make uggos more attractive. Someone even did a study IIRC.

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