Yea, in season 3 they brought in female writers whose only qualification was being female. That's not even some "right-wing conspiracy theory". They said so themselves. Of course that's when the writing fell off a cliff.
Archer turned into a total current-year shitshow with the latest season.
They introduced a new main character and of course it's an ethnic woman who is better at everything than everyone else. Brown girlboss time!
The Rotten Tomatoes score reflects that: 100% critic score, 40% audience.
I'm in the same boat as OP but with Archer: after viewing the first episode of season 14, I'm done with the franchise.
next to no women as head of state
Thank god.
Do we need more women like Merkel who ruined Germany and Europe? Do we need more like Jacinda Ardern who ran like a rat fleeing the sinking ship and who's so hated she totally tanked her party even after she fled? Do we need more women like Germany's foreign minster Baerbock who has the mental capacity of a 3 year old? Or that corrupt harpy von der Leyen?
Hey at least you still got Turdeau.
That game has probably the worst difficulty progression of all games I've played. The first 5-10 hours are brutal. Can't even fight a chicken without getting torn to shreds. Then it levels off rather abruptly and balance is quite good for a long time and towards the end you get really OP.
IIRC bows were the strongest weapons, which is weird when you have laser guns and stuff like that. Because of the armor vs damage system the higher the damage per hit the better.
Only reason I kept going was because the world is really well built and interesting and once you get through the initial shitshow it's really fun. But damn those first hours are a mess.
They (the FDP) are whatever-gets-them-into-power "libertarians".
They are currently in a coalition with eco-fascists and socialists and vote for whatever those do as long as they get a ministerial post, even if it means they'll betray their own voters.
I like cutscenes but that whole "slow walk" thing really is infuriating. I absolutely hate it.
The worst part is when you can't just take a bathroom break and return when the NPC reached its goal. They just stop and stare at you until you press walk.
Either let me play or make it an actual cutscene.
It's a lazy-ass way for exposition without having to animate or choreograph anything. If you want to cheap out make it a radio transmission or some other background voiceover.
With Confederation they only have ~43%. That's a razor-thin margin to uphold a veto, assuming final results don't get any worse.
What are the odds those 43% actually all agree? If they have anything like RINOs in the US or libertarians in Germany (both love voting for the left), getting over 60% sounds easy enough for the government. Plus, a veto isn't something they can do every time leftists do leftist shit.
Hehe ... kvetching about them shekels.
It's not like they're in imminent danger anymore. Or that they had to be airlifted out under fire. They're taking regular passenger flights out of the country.
Germany did something similar: they chartered a Lufthansa flight and charged people 300€ for it (actual cost was 550€ and the taxpayer footed the extra 250€). Couldn't even fill an airplane. There are more people kvetching about a few shekels than actually wanted out of the country.
Edit: One reason why they charge money is because people book free flights, because why not, it's free, and then don't show up.
Youtube's been trying different stuff in recent months. Used to be ads simply didn't exist with an ad blocker. Then videos stopped loading at all for a couple days. Then for a while only the audio of the ad played but not the video. And now I just get a black screen, no audio or video, for a bit and then the actual video starts.
All kinds of sites have tried blocking ad blockers. I don't think anyone managed to keep it up. It's a constant game of cat and mouse and in the end they all seem to realize it's not worth the effort to keep updating their system.
They used literally the same propaganda lies to drag the US into the Iraq war: (Iraqis killing babies in incubators, which turned out to be a lie)
It worked back then. Why not give it another try?
If you want a good laugh, here's her courtroom sketch:
On PC the opposite happened. We've been all digital for decades. The "physical" cases are just glorified CD-keys and you can't resell them. Prices have actually gone down due to all the sales.
Personally I prefer digital with the huge caveat "on PC" because it's so easy to download, crack and archive games on an external harddrive. Saves a lot of physical space, ensures I can still run them when the distribution service goes tits up and reselling used games isn't worth it anyway with steep sales due to healthy competition among countless online stores.