LibertyPrimeWasRight 5 points ago +5 / -0

Aren’t you in the PNW right now? For you, it might be more of a lateral move from one shithole to another, rather than a strict downgrade….

LibertyPrimeWasRight 1 point ago +1 / -0

I thought India was “South Asia,” and “Southeast Asia” was Thailand/Vietnam/Cambodia (which I’m sure have their own issues, but I can’t imagine they deserve to be lumped in with India).

LibertyPrimeWasRight 14 points ago +14 / -0

It was never about that. Sure, that happened, but what it was about was always the following formula:

  1. Pack a bunch of eye candy thots on stage

  2. Get one or two vaguely sane, reasonably attractive men

  3. Generate endless clips of the women saying stupid things, getting called out, and acting vapid

  4. Get people to watch for the endless red meat

  5. Hey guy, do you think these dumb women are hot? Check out their OnlyFans!

I don’t think the podcast gets money from step five, per se, but that’s part of the incentive for the women. It’s possible some of them are intentionally acting more vapid just for the extra engagement.

LibertyPrimeWasRight 3 points ago +3 / -0

Okay, I did read your comment, and I get that frustration. It doesn’t really seem healthy, though. If you’ve reached the point where you need to vent about this stuff by posting it for other people to yell at, I think you should try to avoid it entirely. Stop trawling Twitter and Reddit for this crap, because it seems to be making you miserable. Download some cheap video game or something if you need a way to waste time.

LibertyPrimeWasRight 8 points ago +9 / -1

No, he’s always like this. It’s not always women, sure, but it is always [jpg of some nobody saying bog-standard shit], [title].

The only change is that he’s gone from titles that are “refute this argument for me” to titles that are “look how MAD this made me!”

At least sometimes it’s vaguely topical because he reposts a shitlib talking about the newest piece of entertainment.

LibertyPrimeWasRight 12 points ago +12 / -0

I was being a little tongue in cheek. But it certainly would be harder for, say, blacks, to exert any influence at all—even the "pity me and look the other way while I do bad shit" sort that they currently do—if the policy had been to simply leave them all in Africa and not pay any attention to them beyond what's needed to do local mining operations and stuff.

LibertyPrimeWasRight 12 points ago +12 / -0

At least when it's a famous retard, you can point to them as "this is what influential people are telling their followers," or if they're really famous, "the fact that [x] said this is something people might actually talk about." This account is not even that.

LibertyPrimeWasRight 15 points ago +15 / -0

except as slaves to enhance our wealth and power.

But that's how we got in this mess in the first place! (Well, part of it).

LibertyPrimeWasRight 33 points ago +33 / -0

OP, why are you even posting random radfem tweets from twitter nobodies that use screen names like “lesbian dictator” and “lilith”? There is absolutely nothing interesting or noteworthy here. Yes, it’s stupid. But there are thousands, maybe millions of twitter profiles from exactly the type of bitchy woman posting exactly the same type of bullshit and while they may collectively wield societal influence, not one of them, individually, is worth singling out or has anything interesting to say. This isn’t even an interesting or unique take on misandry—it is one drop in an ocean. It’s like you spend all day hatereading stupid shit and want us to do it with you.

Twitter Feminist Nobody says Twitter Feminist Nobody thing. News at 11.

LibertyPrimeWasRight 3 points ago +3 / -0

See, I thought that going into Godzilla vs Kong, but the people in that one were so insufferable that I actually regretted sitting through their scenes even though the monster action was good. I haven't seen the new one because they were just that bad.

LibertyPrimeWasRight 4 points ago +4 / -0

This guy is way too contained to be an imp sockpuppet. There's no way he wouldn't be sperging out in the comments more.

LibertyPrimeWasRight 3 points ago +3 / -0

Occasionally, he posts a bunch of bland ones on a row gets me thinking “maybe I’m overthinking it. Maybe he is just a boomercon Israel shill.” Then he posts something like this, and I think “no, that’s definitely someone doing a bit.”

LibertyPrimeWasRight 2 points ago +2 / -0

Of course, it really just makes her sound mannish, because that’s what “strong, silent type” means—a big, quiet man with a lot of presence. It’s funny, because this scenario of “what if you accidentally stumble into the wrong idiom” is exactly what the argument in favor of “localization” is, but the “professionals” are the ones that committed the error.

LibertyPrimeWasRight 18 points ago +18 / -0

I get that what you’re going for is “people will comply,” and maybe that’s true, but the incentives are completely different. With covid, they could lie that it made you safer. They could appeal to people who could work remotely; for them, the restrictions had a real upside in getting to avoid commuting. They could appeal to the lazy and/or unethical—“sure, just sit around doing nothing. We’ll give you stimulus checks occasionally and make it illegal for your landlord to evict you, so don’t worry about rent.”

There is no way to convince anyone that being drafted and sent to war does not drastically increase their discomfort and place them in danger. None. You may be able to minimize the perceived danger, but not even the dumbest NPC will think “I will be safer and be able to enjoy the guilty pleasures of being a slob if I am drafted into an active wartime military.” With the covid restrictions and the covid shots, you could sell lots of perceived upside. With a draft, there is none.

by Lethn
LibertyPrimeWasRight 6 points ago +6 / -0

I can’t say I played GoT, so maybe you’re right and there is something “off” with this particular open world. But Lethn raises this complaint about every open world game. He doesn’t like it as a design choice. I’m not saying that just because he didn’t like this one.

by Lethn
LibertyPrimeWasRight 8 points ago +8 / -0

Have you ever considered just not playing open world games? You clearly hate them. Why did you spend your time on it?

LibertyPrimeWasRight 15 points ago +15 / -0

If you're a "hate equally" type, then why is it that in the Indian threads you are participating without whining about "Indian Bashing"? Both those threads and this one seem specifically to be associating a negative trend with an ethnicity, and yet in the Indian ones your responses are much more mild "nepotism is bad everywhere" lines, whereas THIS earns an instant rush to "this thread is le BAD!"

I'll admit your "nepotism" line is still sliding the topic from "Indians do this bad thing much more often and more blatantly" to "everyone does this and it's always bad," but it's still a more subtle slide. One can think you might be engaging in a discussion, even if I think your idea is foolish and possibly in bad faith.

Surely, a "hate equally" person should have been equally against or for both types of threads? And yet you came out swinging much harder against one than the other.

LibertyPrimeWasRight 2 points ago +2 / -0

That actually sounds really interesting. Not interesting enough for me to want to buy a Marvel product in Current Year (+/- however you want), but interesting.

LibertyPrimeWasRight 1 point ago +1 / -0

There are some cool features for “Virtual Tabletops” in general, like fog of war, optionally hiding tokens from view, saving token placement and initiative from session to session, etc.

It sounds like you’re describing playing without maps and grids, so they’d probably do very little for you, but if you happen to run a game that uses battlemaps a lot, they can be useful.

LibertyPrimeWasRight 2 points ago +2 / -0

Wait, Midnight Suns was a deckbuilder? I never paid much attention to it, I thought it was just an XCOM-like.

LibertyPrimeWasRight 3 points ago +3 / -0

Was New Order the first reboot? I played it and found the gameplay good, but there was one part in particular that was hilariously stupid. As you may recall, the premise is that the Nazis won by using incredibly advanced technology, but of course, in current year, no sort of intelligence or competence can be ascribed to them.

Thus, about halfway through the game, it’s revealed that actually, all this technology was stolen from a Jewish secret society that then spent the rest of the war dithering about whether to level the playing field by giving any of this tech to the Allies, until it was too late.

See? We totally owned the Nazi chuds! The Jews were smarter than them this whole time. Please don’t think about what this story would imply about the Jews and their secret global society dedicated to hoarding their utopian technology.

LibertyPrimeWasRight 6 points ago +6 / -0

I don't think the two definitions are connected. "I clocked your jaw as a man's from a mile away" would be a reasonable thing to say, but it's using "clock" as "register," not as "hit."

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