Lethn 4 points ago +4 / -0

Good luck wearing shorts only in any cold environment lol mind you I've never been that bothered about pants generally, I wear loose jeans. I'll tell you one thing I do hate is trying on new clothes which is why the second I find clothes that fit and are extremely comfortable I make a note of it so I can order new ones whenever I want. I've done the same for footwear as well.

Lethn 3 points ago +3 / -0

I do that as well, I tend to stick to the extremely autistic parts of youtube, however there are times when I will click on a video that skirts close to MSM and I make heavy use of the blocktube addon afterwords so it never pops up in my recommended feeds. Oh and yes the autistic parts of youtube thankfully still exist despite the normies' attempts to ruin everything and youtube trying to redirect you to the garbage they want you to watch.

Lethn 3 points ago +5 / -2

Like literally you guys oh my god wholesome I'm here for it y'all are wholesome pray for me


p.s. We need to nuke California

Lethn 2 points ago +2 / -0

The excuses vary but it's usually over safety and emission targets.

Lethn 1 point ago +2 / -1

It's all very mixed at the moment but there's a definite push for renewal energy happening. However what's worth noting is the process, there's infighting happening in Labour and Keir Starmer's favourability even in their own polling is dropping massively. One recent drama has been over his attempts at targeting pensioners for cuts to their allowances and pensions which is a big no no in the UK.

His standard tactic at the moment is, plan something he knows the public are going to hate, blame the conservatives when people get mad. As much as people are brainwashed when it comes to the conservatives in this country I think that tactic is going to wear off with the huge majority that Labour have right now. It will be extremely funny if they somehow manage to bugger things up so badly the government simply collapses and no amount of "It's the conservatives fault" will save them from the angry mob.

Parliament has come back from recess now by the way which means Labour will be doing actual governing. Possibly the worse idea I've seen being floated around is them expanding 20mph areas and yes Americans that's real they did it in Wales.

Lethn 3 points ago +4 / -1

I think they've mostly faded out for the moment, it's all about Palestine these days but the thing to remember about the Palestinian protestors is they really are the Just Stop Oil of Islam which is why I find them so annoying.

Edit: Oh and it's worth pointing out that winter is well on the way here even though it's still technically autumn, a lot of people are just weekend protestors doing it for a hobby and will only go out if it's sunny. There is such a thing as fair weather unrest and it seems to have been a relatively short and cool summer.

I do think though that if Keir Starmer keeps carrying shit on people will kick off again.

Lethn 18 points ago +19 / -1

The damage has been done and it's something I keep trying to warn people about on this site and generally. It's not an issue of disproving anything or rational debate, it's generational brainwashing.

Lethn 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think regarding build quality and things like that we're mostly paying for the brand which is this bizarre thing I still have trouble getting my head round when it comes to certain types of tech and other products. It doesn't seem like there's that much difference between them and for all I know there's not given the way that global manufacturing works now.

Edit: By the way regarding your double type issue, that's the problem I have with my mouse at the moment, when I left click sometimes it double clicks for no reason, which means I can't currently drag windows and such properly lol.

Lethn 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's very nice to know it's not just me that experiences this, even the ones that claim to don't actually test these peripherals with heavy users. It is also making realise just how much I click with the mouse these days lol. I'm probably better off just bulk buying 6 mice or something on a clearance sale, definitely not going to bother with anything from the local shops either, they're just annoying and not very good at all for the price they are.

With wireless you have the added problem of them being extremely pricey and the batteries, I used to quite like wireless stuff but these days I'm being more won over by extension cables to give that necessary range. Also hated having the wireless headphones cut out on me randomly due to the poor connection despite being the same room and charging up constantly is annoying.

Lethn 13 points ago +13 / -0

The real thing will be if we start seeing the big companies having the plug pulled on them because the blackrock investors might end up getting sick of their constant drama and them not being able to be profitable which is entirely possible. We're seeing tons of news organisations go the full paywall route which has made search engines mostly unusable for me.

Lethn -2 points ago +3 / -5

I don't think it's about good or evil, it's about a means to an end but I'm just nitpicking. The reason I think that is when you see them try and justify themselves and their viewpoints they'll practically tell you that, in fact I remember Vaush saying the quiet part out loud and I'm paraphrasing but it was something along the lines of him not giving a fuck and just wanting to win.

The right don't understand this, which is why I frequently take the piss because they're still thinking they can debate using logic and reason and don't understand why the average leftist can and will just make shit up on the spot about them and then attack them on that purely to win. This is what happens with every issue the left decide to pick up on and the right fall for the bait every single time so I just walk away from people who claim to be opposed to the left and don't understand this. It's an effective tactic as well because it means that right wingers especially sit there constantly trying to defend themselves when the left had zero intention of honestly confronting them about anything in the first place.

Lethn 1 point ago +6 / -5

I didn't even realise that the AI was so bad because I couldn't bring myself to play the game that much and study it. This goes back to my long running theory on game dev in general where I think that what likely happens is you have some third party contractors maybe or some expert programmers staying short term at the beginning of the project to get things up to speed.

They take their money and then leave the 'DLC devs' to it to keep adding stuff except as you point out because they keep adding all these new features in the old AI simply can't keep up because the game hadn't been designed around any of the new features.

This is why I believe for example Creative Assembly does what it does with spamming endless DLC. They simply don't have the expertise anymore to have people look through the code and fix shit or add new AI code to make things at least work. Shocker, no one with that level of skill would work with a bunch of woke arseholes on top of it they're going to go off and do their own thing because they can.

Which of course explains why so much of the innovation is coming from the indie sphere or people are forming their own companies with investor backing these days. Base greed is obviously a main driver behind DLC policy but I think it's also a tactic to cover up how much of a brain drain these companies are suffering from. Pretty soon it's going to get so bad with the DEI targets and everything I bet any of the artists who aren't woke will be quitting as well because I wouldn't want that crap anywhere near my portfolio.

Lethn 5 points ago +5 / -0

They'll do it and the normies will go along with it.

Lethn 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's all click farming and if I see anybody doing it to a ridiculous degree I stop paying attention to them, even the ones I initially like.

Lethn 6 points ago +9 / -3

Yep, Civ 5 was the last correct version of a Civ game.

Lethn 6 points ago +6 / -0

They got rid of too many of the management aspects of Civ which people may argue with me about but it was interesting seeing a youtuber comment on this because the stupid leader system they keep insisting on for example is like a side-game compared to having everything focused on the big map which is the main reason you even do a Civ game in the first place for that classic just one more turn gameplay.

Didn't like the changes they made to the cities at all with those stupid districts and they got rid of the original infrastructure building too replacing it with builders where you have to clicky on tiles constantly and there didn't seem to be any automation method making that part of the game extra tedious.

I know there was technically some woke stuff in there but it wasn't that blatant, Civ 6 was released awhile before they got into full swing with the DEI but that will probably change with Civ 7. Even if you ignore anything woke, it's another case of, these games can't stand on their own anymore, they're just not that great.

Games seem to follow two extremes as well with their monetisation these days, either they're all in on a live service or they spam DLC content which costs more than the actual game and that's why so many of them are making the base games free now.

Lethn 12 points ago +13 / -1

It's not even October yet for fuck's sake!

Lethn 2 points ago +2 / -0

Dont'cha know? The man is supposed to just shut up and accept the woman's change of heart, ignoring the past several years she was an abusive cunt who hated men with a passion.

Lethn 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah, it might seem off topic but it all interconnects because people use the same psychological tactics no matter what industry they're in. If you have the time and you're really wanting to learn it, another eye opener is the whole MrBeast saga, the employee who worked for him is definitely onto something with MrBeasts' behaviour. A lot of the time he relies on psychologically manipulating his audience into thinking they're going to get free stuff if they pay him money ( Irony ) or subscribe and he's very much taking advantage of gambling psychology there. That's how he gets so much money from what he does, it's interesting how looking at the people who fall for this shit and like him they're exactly as you'd expect them to be.

That's another thing you could take a look at and study is gambling psychology generally because that will tie in quite nicely to everything being discussed. Also it's all good, I do autistic ranting myself when I think about this kind of thing a lot lol.

Lethn 20 points ago +20 / -0

That's how they always get in, through fake code of conduct 'contributions' and then they pretend they're developers so they can start outnumbering the autists and booting them out through either MeToo accusations or general harassment.

Lethn 2 points ago +2 / -0

Looking at RL examples of manipulation that's been found out is a good start, you won't really find this information in books etc. unless somebody knows a bunch of niche sources, it's not my field at all.


This isn't related to feminism and dating psychology, but let's go whale hunting I feel is an excellent video that details exactly how these psychopaths use psychological manipulation and suggestion to get what they want rather than offering an honest product. It's worth pointing out as well, feminism was a CIA pet project, so it stands to reason if it was a CIA baby then there's going to be various psychological techniques involved in tricking dumb people to go for it.

Lethn 6 points ago +7 / -1

They're just coming up with more excuses to be lazy cunts and insist that everybody else in the industry follow their example so no one realises how lazy they are, very much reminds me of the games industry.

Lethn 1 point ago +1 / -0

lol true but I'm writing about other type of migrants in this instance as well, seems to be a definite trend of, it's not mine so I don't give a fuck.

Lethn 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's not when you realise that most of these migrants even the ones that have been technically born in western countries have zero connection to the country that's hosting them and they're purely in it for the gibs. They don't integrate at all and have no intention of doing it, which is why until normies realise this and understand they're being bullshitted and taken advantage of nothing will change.

Something that has become very clear, outside of the west aside from a few other countries charity and kindness is viewed as a weakness to be taken advantage of. Which is why we have such a catastrophic problem with street beggars and migrants coming to the UK to take taxpayer money and harass people.

I hope Japan gets a handle on it fast, otherwise it's going to quickly turn into a shithole and they are going to have all their shrines and cultural/historical buildings defiled. I once considered Japan as a possible escape route but with the way the WEF are targeting it now nah. I see by the way how the migrant families in my own area treat their fucking properties and it's ridiculous, it's very much a case of, I don't even think they're going to be staying for that long and it's only gibs that's keeping them in the west.

Lethn 12 points ago +12 / -0

Yes, they think you owe them money simply for existing lol, it's nice to wake up to something positive though I love seeing these shit heads go mask off and start flailing.

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