KrebStar2000 2 points ago +2 / -0

I remember being a preteen in the mid nineties before the prequel trilogy was announced…hell, before the special edition even came out, hanging on every word of the EU books. Back when I honestly believed we’d never get another Star Wars movie, I must’ve read Zahn and Anderson’s books a dozen times.

Alita is great, some of it gets a little out there, but I think that might just be the nature of Japanese comics, I’m not sure. There are three Alita series, I think the third one is still ongoing. Anywho, the first series seems to have been localized twice, the first time was pretty faithful to the original work. Unfortunately that one is out of print and has been for a while. The second localization was poorly translated, and while it doesn’t seem to be malicious woke meddling in someone else’s work, the poor translation seems to cause some sharp changes to the story. And naturally that version is all that is in print.

So it would seem that if you want the original, faithful, localization you will have to either find a second hand copy in print, or pirate it. I don’t condone piracy because I believe the mangaka that created Alita should get paid, but the US distributor has kind of hamstrung the fans.

KrebStar2000 3 points ago +3 / -0

I am a nerd without a franchise. Everything I once loved has been destroyed by the woke mafia. I once lived and breathed Star Wars, but now I can’t stand to even think about it after what they did. Same for Halo, loved it, and they destroyed it. I always looked at Firefly as a mercy killing because, despite its great potential, Whedon would have eventually destroyed it. I’m just not to invested in much anymore. I guess the closest thing I’ve got now is Battle Angel Alita, the only comic book I ever read. I fear we won’t get another film, and if we do Disney will wreck it, I’m sure.

KrebStar2000 4 points ago +4 / -0

I watched it. I am not a Star Trek fan, nor have I ever cared for the franchise, but I was thoroughly impressed by how well done it was. We are on the cusp of CGI actors being indistinguishable from the real thing. There was still a little bit of uncanny valley for me, but it was very impressive.

KrebStar2000 4 points ago +4 / -0

Well, that’s one way to look at it. But I am of Irish descent, so when I say Atlantic Islander I specifically mean the Emerald Isle.

KrebStar2000 4 points ago +4 / -0

Well, that’s about the sort of degeneracy I expected.

KrebStar2000 14 points ago +14 / -0

I…I’m afraid to ask, and I certainly don’t want to google it…but rainfurrest?

KrebStar2000 20 points ago +20 / -0

So wait, this goon didn’t even medal in the Olympics, but is ranked first in the world, and the gold medalist doesn’t even feature on the list of top dancers? I’m not sure how break dancing conned its way into the Olympics, but this is all you need to know to know it is corrupt as hell.

Give me back the days when men like George S. Patton were our olympians.

KrebStar2000 8 points ago +8 / -0

The federal government was lousy with soviets during the war. That’s why FDR had such a hate hard on for Patton, and why they didn’t invade the soviet union.

KrebStar2000 11 points ago +11 / -0

I take my daughter to the local comic book shop every week because they put on a “pokemon trainer class” for little kids. Been doing this for a few weeks now. Anywho, I don’t think I’ve noticed a single non white person in there, and most of the girls/ women I see are there with their boyfriends or husbands.

KrebStar2000 13 points ago +13 / -0

We all know this is wrong. But you’re asking me to care after women and girls have spent decades forcibly invading male space. They’ve used either lawfare or just plain societal pressure to insert themselves into every space males had exclusively to themselves, boys can’t even have Boy Scouts anymore. So men inserting themselves into women’s sports? It may be wrong, but I just don’t care. What goes around comes around. Women want their spaces? Women don’t want men in women’s sports? Women don’t want their skulls fractured by men in combat sports? Then get yourselves out of men’s spaces and then we can talk.

KrebStar2000 11 points ago +12 / -1

Mommy Tulsi? More like commie mommy. Miss me with that pick.

KrebStar2000 6 points ago +6 / -0

Well you gotta get ahead of that sort of thing. First it’s swords and arrow in the street, next they’re I. Your home smashing your pottery.

KrebStar2000 2 points ago +2 / -0

I heard the completely uncensored original version on Sirius XM yesterday and thought of this post. It’s clearly out there, I can’t imagine why it’s so hard to find.

KrebStar2000 8 points ago +8 / -0

Has there been no appeal of that ruling? I can’t speak to the merits of the law suit itself, but a 1.5 billion dollar judgment? In no universe is that a just judgement for a defimation case, any defimation case. I get that the goal is to silence him, but holy cow.

KrebStar2000 11 points ago +11 / -0

When I first heard the news my automatic assumption was that it was a mossad hit. However, I am a helicopter pilot with training specifically in high altitude and mountain operations, and I can say that even in VMC mountain flying can be very dangerous if you don’t have a very good training and experience.

I don’t believe we will ever know the truth of what happened here because it would expose the deficiencies in not only Iran’s aviation training but potentially the holes in their security as well if it was indeed a foreign hit.

The Bryant accident, on the other hand…I never took the time to read the final NTSB report on that, but it was obvious to me from the start that there were a combination of factors. Undue pressure to execute from a rich and well known athlete, overestimation of ability and ego on the part of the pilot, and all around tossing to the wind of basic airmanship. And while the charter service being used wasn’t certified to operate IFR, it’s clear they were deficient in communicating and training inadvertent IMC procedures.

All that aside, I think it’s interesting that the Iranians haven’t taken the opportunity to point a finger at Israel, the US, or any other foreign entity.

KrebStar2000 11 points ago +11 / -0

The problem is that when you explain the difference it makes you sound like a fucking pedophile.

KrebStar2000 2 points ago +2 / -0

EA once held the Jane’s Combat Simulations license, and from the early 90’s through 2000 made some really excellent combat related games. The Crown Jewels in the series were Jane’s F-15 and it’s successor Jane’s F/A-18. They, along with Microprose’s Falcon 4.0 were the finest and most realistic home flight simulators up to that point. Dubbed “study sims” F/A-18 was so detailed and so well done that the U.S. Navy used it as a procedural trainer. Jane’s Fleet Command is still available, I think on Steam, and is a very fun strategy game.

KrebStar2000 4 points ago +4 / -0

In making their allegations about Caldecott at last week's board meeting, the couple cited a report by University of Toronto lecturer Michael Akladios, which points out that Caldecott was anti-immigration, and in favour of newcomers assimilating into mainstream society.

That doesn’t make you a racist. National origin and immigration status is not a race. And expecting newcomers to assimilate isn’t just reasonable, it’s required to maintain national integrity.

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