KingLion7 3 points ago +3 / -0

I have noticed a lot of modern western people, whites and men especially, are phenomenally lazy when it comes down to social circles. Men get married, have kids, get a career, never leave the house again. And I have had the same issue setting up social things as well. Trying to get people to meet up for an event is a lot harder than it should be.

KingLion7 6 points ago +6 / -0

The main female character is worthless at driving as well and inherently selfish at first. She also sicks a bunch of white knights on Ethan by pretending he is harassing her when he is trying to help her.

KingLion7 3 points ago +3 / -0

Anyway to message? I would love to work somewhere that takes actual productivity and capability into consideration.

KingLion7 3 points ago +3 / -0

If you don't mind my asking, whatncompany is that? Might just apply if they are testing for capability rather than credentialing or shaking the right hands.

KingLion7 2 points ago +2 / -0

Marisa is pure power. Some grappling, mostly really powerful blows. Armors through attacks. Only a few characters come close to hitting as hard as her and only one hits harder (Zangirf, natch).

KingLion7 9 points ago +9 / -0

Weird how they use a normal looking white guy for the image. Dude who looks like that is not voting for the left.

KingLion7 2 points ago +2 / -0

A bit of LGBT crap, basically just what you said, then everything else is ok. Pretty fun overall. I am getting the last of the world tour finished now. Playing online is fun too, at least for now. My problem with fighting games is I tend to play fanatically and then eventually burn out.

Oh, and the mods are stellar. Great community for those.

KingLion7 2 points ago +2 / -0

I feel the same way. All those articles about men in their 30s somehow being prime material is just coping for a lot of Gen Y/ early millennials. We missed the boat. There is a theory that is why so many people are going hard core on the lgbt/ political parties. A ton of men and women have, instinctively, come to the conclusion they will die alone. And they aren't taking it very well.

KingLion7 2 points ago +2 / -0

Interesting. All the surveys passed around on the red pill sites show less relationships, with more men having less sex while women seem to be aggregating around a small percentage of men (or lying to polls and claiming they are in a relationship when they are not).

KingLion7 7 points ago +7 / -0

These relationship stories are inspiring. Nice to hear from people with lovely families and actual girlfriends/ wives. Gives me a little bit of hope.

They all seem to be from people who got into a relationship a decade or so ago though. Anyone get in one recently? Younger or older poster?

KingLion7 3 points ago +3 / -0

Where do you get the numbers that the majority of people are in relationships? All stats I have seen show majority of people are not in relationships, and birth rates have fallen hard.

KingLion7 4 points ago +4 / -0

There is a barcade in Boise called Spacebar. It used to be a little 90s style hole in the wall but got turned into yet another modern commercial bar. Lost some of its charm. Still fun, but not as much fun as it used to be.

KingLion7 23 points ago +25 / -2

I used to have trouble believing in demons, till Obama became president and the left dropped the charade and showed how bat shit insane it was. Now, I understand why the old religion was so strict and hard on the wicked.

KingLion7 6 points ago +7 / -1

Same. I used to wonder about the stricter rules of the Bibke and why a just God would hunt evil down with some impunity. Now I understand fully.

KingLion7 2 points ago +2 / -0

Stolen from a Youtube comment on this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DPekVVXu3oA&t=664s :

I’m 65, a metallurgist by trade, and I work in industrial sales. I live in Kansas (far from being a progressive state) after fleeing liberal “Moscow on the River” (Minneapolis, MN) years ago. Many of my customers frequently complain to me that “nobody wants to work”, “they can’t find workers”, and that “young men aren’t stepping up to the plate”, especially with blue collar trades and as blue collar workers. Two issues come to mind here.

  1. Most of my customers (and for that matter most of my employers I’ve had, including my current employer of 10 years tenure) act like street hoodlums, manage like frat houses, and disqualify most prospective job candidates (both young and old) for the most nonsensical and asinine reasons.
  2. One of the blue collar jobs in demand that I keep hearing about endlessly from my customers is “we need welders”. About a year ago I was invited to serve on an advisory committee at a local high school that still offers classes in welding. I went to the first meeting, and was astonished at what I encountered. Besides being the only male from industry present, the male welding teacher spent the entire meeting extolling the supposed virtues of the teachers union (The National Education Association). The other attendees clearly comprised woke women in their 40s from construction companies and nonprofits. The entire meeting was about “women in STEM”, “women in trades”, and “women breaking the glass ceiling”. When it came my time to talk I simply stated “we need to encourage and train young men who aren’t college bound to pursue the welding trade so as to be employable, and to be better men”. You could’ve heard a pin drop, and the scowls and dirty looks I got cut like a razor. I shook the dust off my feet, left the meeting early, and ghosted future invitations. 🤡 world.
KingLion7 9 points ago +9 / -0

Yup, saw this on conservative groups claiming only liberal men "are agressive towards women." The tranny fight pushed the normie right even further left and down the feminist rabbit hole. Gone are the arguments for father's rights, young men, etc.

KingLion7 4 points ago +4 / -0

Trades is iffy. I am sure that there are great trades, depending on area, company, people involved, etc.. However, I worked for a plumbing company in Seattle that scammed customers, had equipment older than I was that was never cleaned and constantly breaking down and was all kinds of sketchy. Also, all the 24 hour plumbing companies in the greater Seattle metropolitan area are owned by the same 2 brothers, and if they are all of similar quality I would recommend not using any of them.

Likewise, at my current warehouse company I did a stint in transportation and discovered companies have been giving CDLs out like candy. Mexicans, Ukrainians, even some Indians and Africans who can't speak or read English very well driving 20 ton vehicles and ignoring safety rules... if they are even aware of said rules or mentally capable of following them. Sketchy as shit.

Trades had a reputation for being dirty with workers of less than ideal quality and character, which, alongside the progressive belief that each generation will be better off than the previous, is why so many families don't support members going off and joining the trades... well, that and the non stop social striver propaganda to go off and go to university to get a good job.

KingLion7 4 points ago +4 / -0

Throwing a theory out there: All the ads for the film have the actors seeming really unhappy. Margot Robbie in particular looks really nervous/ neurotic in what little commercials I have seen of the film. Anybody bite the bullet and see it?

KingLion7 20 points ago +20 / -0

The Nuremberg trial would be run by the government and elite, which were totally on board with the vax in the first place.

KingLion7 8 points ago +8 / -0

It is hard to tell what is fake and what isn't nowadays. The internet and media amplify problems to be much bigger than they actually are. I know people with actually healthy marriages. I also know people who don't have healthy marriages, people who are perpetually single, and people who have disappeared off the face of the earth.

KingLion7 3 points ago +3 / -0

Oh good, the last sport I was interesting in watching. All forms of entertainment are getting pozzed so that leaves me with...... joining a group of nomadic warriors in conquering the deviant and dying empire? If America is falling Rome style, who are the Huns?

KingLion7 3 points ago +3 / -0

Women and "faults?" Did you mean to say fags?

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