Kienan 20 points ago +20 / -0

It seems like as an overall group, only athletes have any idea how the average person lives because without sports, they'd be the average person and many athletes are self-aware about that.

And then, in a horrifying catch 22, a lot of athletes still lose their minds because they're not accustomed to being rich and famous. Or, if not their minds, at least their money.

Kienan 43 points ago +43 / -0



Also, it's amazing how many of those are just straight up grooming subs. Holy shit.

Kienan 26 points ago +26 / -0

I appreciate science and the scientific method.

I despise pseudoscience, Science™, bad science, and I Can't Believe It's Not Science®.

Men who ascribe to two particular aspects of stereotypical traditional masculinity, supporting the use of violence and placing high importance on sexual virility, eat more meat than other men

You could easily flip that around, and say men who eat more meat are more likely to appreciate virility and the potential for violence.

It's not science if it knows the answer it will publish before the "study" even takes place. Although I will say, I'm just going off that article; this could be one of the many instance where the article goes against the actual study to push their own agenda. Many such cases.

American men have a meat problem.

I assure you, there's no problem there. My meat is tremendous. Many people say, they've never seen anything like it.

Kienan 35 points ago +35 / -0

I think the point is being missed by some, a bit.

He's at a pro-Israel event, talking about "the enemy."

He's not calling out some Jewish conspiracy, he's saying leftwing Jews don't love Israel enough.

Kienan 8 points ago +8 / -0

I hate that Trump didn’t jump all over her record at the debate

Yeah, lot of wasted potential there. I hope there is another debate. Haven't tracked the current status, but it seems like Trump wasn't interested last I heard, which is a shame.

I want to see Trump destroy Kamala. At least we get to see Vance destroy Walz, most likely.

Kienan 27 points ago +27 / -0

Kamala Harris tells Oprah Winfrey that if someone breaks into her house ‘they’re getting shot’

By her secret service detail. Because unlike us plebs, she gets personal security who also get access to fancy weapons we're not allowed to have.

Harris is shooting no one personally. Defending yourself is for poor people.

Kienan 11 points ago +12 / -1

I'm pretty sure the jews don't have a party platform to genocide anyone else. If they do, feel free to show me where it is.


Which Israel's leadership openly calls the Palestinians. Meaning they are trying to get their people to believe that they are commanded by their god to murder them...men, women, children, and animals.

So. Uh. Yeah.

There was also that whole 'it's good to rape prisoners' kerfuffle. That was awkward.

Kienan 33 points ago +33 / -0

I'm sure they'll soon be impeaching Trump again for his part in victimizing them Democrats by setting them up to receive the information that was hacked from his campaign by a foreign power.

It really is amazing (not really amazing, they're just that unrepentantly retarded and shameless) they managed to turn the Dems receiving hacked materials into them being the victims.

You summarized well; funny, if it weren't so tragic. And pathetic.

Kienan 5 points ago +6 / -1

Alright retard. Sounds good. Enjoy your jew obsession.

Uhm. Uh. Okay.


Again, you're the one who is absolutely obsessed. Sad.

Kienan 9 points ago +10 / -1

It's depressing you're all alive, because you're such weak people...

Again, not a stormfag. Again, never wished death on you. I do get sick of your ridiculous obsessions, though. Many such cases of this type of ridiculous whining and projection.

I'd say more, but I'd get banned for rule 2 because our resident jannie is a massive fag.

I get it, you want me dead because I don't agree with you. That's your prerogative, but I think it's retarded.

Kienan 16 points ago +17 / -1

It's almost like you're all pro jewish genocide or something...

I'm not surprised you take me disagreeing with your single-minded obsession as that I want to genocide the Jews.

To quote you: Yawn.

Also, I like how you did exactly what I accused you of doing; calling people who disagree with you dumb, and calling them stormfags. Hilarious. Sad, but hilarious.

Kienan 22 points ago +22 / -0

Yeah, stormfags are a massive problem.

To your mental wellbeing, seems like.

And yeah, killing terrorists is a good thing. Hezbollah deserved it

You said civilians. Repeatedly. Even the non-terrorists...because they probably hate Jews too.

So, yeah, as expected, you just dodge everything.

Cry more faggot.

There's a...there's a phrase. Something about crying out in pain or something.

Kienan 25 points ago +26 / -1

Rent. Free.

Also you, first page of comments:

But they live rent free in your head.

rent. free.

...the jews living rent free in your head.

I wish you'd all self deport to the desert with your goat fucking friends.

your goat fucking buddies got fucked today, how does that make you feel?

Yawn. more stormfaggotry and low iq responses.

But stormfags gonna stormfag.

It's amazing to see the stormfag brigade openly admit they prefer Muslim terrorists to jews.

I'm sure you totally cry about all the Jewish civilians actively targeted and killed by terrorists, right? Oh, no, you probably got a hard on because you're a stormfag.

Stormfags gonna stormfag though. God forbid your goat fucking friends get killed. Good riddance to trash. Maybe Israel will take you out too one day. You wouldn't be missed.

You also wouldn't be missed if Israel decided to take out the stormfag short bus brigade.

And then just a bunch more of calling people retards while explicitly justifying murdering civilians.

But, sure, it's other people who have a problem with retarded shit living in their heads rent free.

Sort yourself out first, psycho.

Kienan 22 points ago +22 / -0

The classic feminist logic: "Men are broken versions of women"

I thought modern women were broken versions of women...

And, at least according to all those awards, men are actually better at being women than women are now.

Kienan 48 points ago +48 / -0

if men's mental health mattered (to men) they'd be creating safe spaces for themselves...

Pretty sure they made that illegal. And ruined video games.

Men's groups are hate groups. Anything men enjoy disproportionately is bad.

Even the wrong kind of attractive female is bad now, in games and in life.

The same people saying how men don't take care of themselves or each other have made it very clear that any attempt to do so will be met with societal and sometimes legal repercussions.

Kienan 38 points ago +38 / -0

I love the thoroughly debunked "option features" argument.

Optional features that, as a dev, if you state you're not adding, you get a bunch of hitpieces.

Optional features that, as a player, you turn off via mods...you get banned, and the mod gets deleted for hateful content.

No, these aren't fun optional features some players might enjoy; this is - and I know I'm preaching to the choir here - completely about ideological capture...and ESG funds, of course. But it's not optional, and it's not a feature.

Kienan 6 points ago +6 / -0

Why are you even wasting your time talking about this crap?


Kienan 14 points ago +14 / -0

new DA game

Citation needed.

No one can convince me this is Dragon Age.

Kienan 7 points ago +7 / -0

Even from the very start it's bad. The Qunari looks like he's selected because he's bigger; there's not 'step forward' or similar animation. Diablo 2 did it better and had more clarity, a quarter of a century ago! This isn't hard.

Of course, vitiligo right off that bat.

Immediately followed by pronouns. We all knew it was coming. It is funny...no trannies in character selection presets so far; female bodies have she/her pronouns and 'woman' gender.

Ugly characters and art direction over all.

Kienan 25 points ago +25 / -0

they spent YEARS investigating him and best they had was his lawyer paid off a pornstar behind his back.

Yeah, but, as everyone knows, it's totally a crime to pay a pornstar off and not call it a campaign contribution? Ignore that if anyone else did it they'd get in trouble if they did call it a campaign contribution. Ignore that if Trump had called it a campaign contribution they would have impeached and sued him for that too.

Ignore it all, and always remember...Orange Man Bad.

If it wasn't so serious, it would be hilarious. Even Trump's most diehard haters can't say exactly what he did "wrong," if you actually ask them to explain, and then provide even a tiny bit of pushback. It's amazing. They don't even know. You can tell them it should have been a campaign contribution, and they'll nod along. You can tell them he shouldn't have said it was a campaign contribution...and they'll still nod along.

Kienan 21 points ago +21 / -0

"Trump was so bad as president we had to try to kill him repeatedly...I meaaaaan...Orange Maaan Baaaaaad? ...Literally Hitler." - Enemy of the People.

"He was also so bad in Home Alone 2 we had to remove him...after nearly three decades of not having to remove him. Orange. Man. Bad."

Kienan 1 point ago +2 / -1

I know it's beyond worthless to engage with you since you always dodge, but what is your counter argument (considering you're always citing the past as evidence that puberty is the magic deciding factor) to that puberty age has been dropping dramatically compared to all of past human history?

You want to bang ten year olds. Historical age of puberty was sometimes seventeen or higher.

Pedos like you are either retarded or revisionist. Girls have been getting their periods younger and younger (at an unnatural rate of acceleration), and pathetic fucks like you are acting like puberty has been stationary, so since past generations started sexual relations at puberty it's fine to fuck kids.

It was never fine to fuck kids.

Especially after the invention of the woodchipper.

Kienan 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yeah. I'm not going to pretend I work the most hardcore job...far from it. But certainly more hardcore than office work. Even when I'm feeling good, if it's too hot, or I didn't eat enough, or what have you...it's rough. If I'm really not feeling well? Oof, I'm worried I might just pass out.

As I said in another comment, if I'm not feeling well, I'll tough it out when I can, but if it get's bad I'll take a day. So I might tough it out three or four days, with a sick day mixed in. That generally gets pretty good results.

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