Kaarous 2 points ago +2 / -0

Decentralization doesn't gatekeep your religion.

It completely abandons gatekeeping, by definition. You defend nothing and abjure the concept of both defense and offense. The failure of the Catholic Church is failing to gatekeep bad actors. Protestants internalize precisely that same flaw, and unlike the Church it's inherent to your philosophy.

If your religion permits females to preach, it is not Christianity. It is infiltrated and corrupt. At no point have I said that Catholicism isn't infiltrated either by the way, I've called that fiend Bergoglio a liar, a heretic and a false shepherd many times on this very forum.

You make much the same mistake as most protestants I've talked to, you incorrectly believe that we cannot criticize the pontiff, that we have to or in fact have any inclination to even listening to him.

We do not. Bergoglio and his heresy are dust on the wind, and the faith persists regardless.

Kaarous 21 points ago +21 / -0

The actual first chapter.

Aliens are in control of society after faking a global event to engender sympathy from humans. They now possess incalculable privileges and legal rights, including the ability to casually murder humans without repercussions. It's also heavily implied that they take sexual liberties with human women.

The female protagonist hates this, especially resenting them because the aliens have banned eating meat and savagely punish vocal criticism, and she feels smothered by the fake society they've built on the back of exploiting the humans.

Her alien supervisor stupidly kills himself on accident by violating fire regulations, and because she's in vague proximity to it she is blamed for the death of an alien and is fired from her job, which barely paid her subsistence wages anyway. In the finale of the chapter she finds out that if you roast them first they're really tasty.

That's the actual first chapter.

So no it's not about blacks, at least not exclusively. It seems to me to be a fully self aware takedown of leftism in it's entirety, with cannibalism as likely being the main running gag to push the story along. Think Dungeon Meshi combined with the "I will eat my neighbors" meme.

Kaarous 3 points ago +3 / -0

Except how that isn't true at all. It was protestants who first permitted female clergy, and that was THE foot in the door that cucked modern Christianity, regardless of denomination.

You do in fact have degenerates in your churches, same as the rest. Only Eastern Orthodoxy has really successfully gatekept their organization from the enemy.

Kaarous 7 points ago +8 / -1

Sure, but do you know what that sounds like to me? Do what thou wilt with extra steps. A veneer of Christianity while endlessly fomenting the heresies of the day. Not to mention an environment in which it is nigh impossible to actually pass down andu functioning moral code to my children. Might as well just build my own family chapel at that point and just click my tongue while the neighbors are sacrificing cats in their yard.

Just more of the sin of Jeroboam. The same sin that infiltrated the Church. Tolerance.

Kaarous 7 points ago +7 / -0

He faced an inquest under charges of schism, and when he announced he intended to defend himself he was excommunicated via email without a hearing.

Kaarous 5 points ago +5 / -0

I still prefer Catholicism. And not just because every protestant denomination allows women to preach either. Of late I've seen the Methodists actually hold a vote to decide whether sodomy is still a sin.

As if our opinion matters.

A decentralized system is no religion at all, in my opinion.

Kaarous 11 points ago +12 / -1

The pontiff being a fake Catholic is sadly not unique in the history of the Church. It likely will happen again before the end. The faith persists regardless.

Kaarous 8 points ago +8 / -0

I think you're forgetting one of the most underrated figures in American history. Clapper O'Cheeks, the infamous Irish boxer/novelist.

Kaarous 13 points ago +13 / -0

I've said it before and I'll say it again, parliamentary systems are fucking retarded. Somehow even more dysfunctional than the system we have here.

They can't even actually have another legislative election for half a year, honk honk. They have the exact same blocs they did a week ago. Beyond absurdity. France is as always the front runners of clown world.

Kaarous 21 points ago +21 / -0


Singular, that's optimistic.

Kaarous 49 points ago +49 / -0

A lot of Democrats are fake Catholics. That's the real reason behind Vigano being excommunicated. Because he was rallying the clergy of the United States to actually act on the Catechism, which would have required a mass expulsion of the left and the denial of communion.

Kaarous 16 points ago +18 / -2

I didn't say the word jews, and yet there you are again.

Pattern recognition.

Kaarous 16 points ago +20 / -4

Talk about telling on yourself.

Because I've never heard of you before and I've been involved in Gamergate since day 1, and suddenly you're here in every thread pushing your particular narrative.

And you literally never talk about anything else.

That's a very interesting thing to notice. Pattern recognition is a wonderful thing.

Kaarous 14 points ago +14 / -0

No I can give several more.

Hypersonic missiles for example, or improved local signals jamming, or IP isolated ISR. Or the decentralized, junior officer oriented command scheme the Russians have developed out of thin air.

But I can name and consider those things because I'm not talking out my ass.

$22 billion dollar stealth planes

Have not been deployed in the conflict as yet, but Iskandar class missiles have to great effect with essentially the same doctrinal strike patterns.

Stop talking from ignorance. It doesn't matter if you are correct about one particular detail or not, your overall picture is invariably and completely flawed.

Kaarous 6 points ago +6 / -0

I'm not working off any such thing.

I'm entertaining possibilities in the face of shifting current events. The world stands on the brink of a new world war, after all. Sizing up the players is hardly a bad idea.

And the various parties and vassal states of clown world aren't looking good.

Personally I'd say that what's going on right now in SK is a preemptive strike against a color revolution. But it's still developing events.

Kaarous 20 points ago +20 / -0

Your last paragraph exposed even more ignorance than I'd thought.

Particularly given the rapid rise in drone warfare in the current conflict.

Kaarous 19 points ago +19 / -0

I didn't say they didn't.

I said they don't match up to their old enemy. I also implied that they're a highly feminized and pampered society that isn't genuinely able to endure the hardships of war.

In that way they're a lot like Europe. Fat and drunk on peace.

Actually they're in a much worse state than Europe. Because if as you say their manufacturing base is elsewhere, then they're utterly doomed. Because the Chinese won't sit idly by if a fight breaks out. They'll declare a sea blockade for arms embargo and sit there and dare the US to do something about it.

And we won't. Because if the shit kicking Houthis drove off our navy then we certainly aren't in a position to contest the chinks for control of an area in their backyard.

Kaarous 24 points ago +24 / -0

So then as usual you didn't learn anything and you still think you get to talk about military matters from an armchair.

Technological parity or lack thereof is critically important, but neglecting manufacturing capability and the moral and physical fitness of the citizenry for it is a trap. One that the United States fell into at the behest of foreign interests and internal corruption.

Warfare is, among other things, a balancing act between force multipliers.

Kaarous 23 points ago +23 / -0

Advanced isn't especially relevant in a fight at those ranges. The Norks make more shells than most of the rest of the world combined. Enough to comfortably sell their surplus to the Russians.

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