Even if it wasn't a misunderstanding and she actually welshed on the sponsorship, I don't understand how it is any of Twitch's business. It should be between streamer and sponsor, what gives Ubisoft the right to get someone banned over it and why the fuck would Twitch comply. (other than obvious corporate faggotry)
Imagine a considerable population living in a high densely community, receiving support in the form of a special currency. This currency has very few restrictions, is provided consistently, and is deposited into their accounts every month without fail. This money flows into the community each month, never stopping, always reliable, even protected from government shut downs, and is restricted to grocery purchases only.
The only stores that could capitalize and benefit from this system not only refuse to open new locations but also close existing ones in these areas.
Who the fuck am I suppose to blame?
are you talking about the EB-5 Program? Or was there something else that was for a limited time? Because EB-5 is not even $1.8M for the card, you have to "invest" it into a business, ripe for exploit, and without research I'd imagine you can circle jerk the same wealth to the next of kin over and over after you get your permanent residents papers.
I thought about this last night. How many people in the world can shill out 5 million dollars? It's not like we're talking about people with net worth of 5 million dollars. It's going to be a range of people between "is that a lot of money?" and "I can still be comfortable after shilling out for it"
And is it for one person? Or 5 mill gets you and your wife and kids over as well?
Let's say that's 350,000 based on report, and we bump that up to 500k since it's 2025, and then we assume they're wrong and we double it to a million. Multiply that by 10 for family with access to people with that kind of wealth.
That's 10 million people who can afford it without factoring in companies and corporations.
I just don't see any more than 1-2 million people signing up for this and I would go even as low as 250k in the first year, after maybe 50-100k initial rush to apply.
But what the fuck do I know? I just think 10 million is impossibly optimistic.
I would love 5 million gold card visas being issued. If he were smart he would cap it at a number thought up by a brain trust to give it that fomo. And you get a NFT of your visa for free!
I haven't tried Grok 3 as DM but I have with chatgpt and it 100% course corrects and try its best to make sure the good guys prevail.
You need to open with a prompt to tell it something like be fair and that game ending abruptly is a possibility and it's okay.
and also I would tell it not to roll, instead tell you what to roll and to tell it the results and continue based on rolls. And have all the modifiers and DC laid out ahead of time so no fuckery with those if you report a bad roll.
Man... I wonder if it can do revised Vampire the Masquerade, let me get my sour punch straws and have the Matrix or Hackers running in the background.
I was okay with the jab about elon not piloting his accounts. Because he deserve it from trying to buy worthless gamer cred and bragging about it on Joe Rogan like a total fraud.
Then they had to go political. And that's cool too, seethe, dilate, and thank you kindly. Trump got elected because of people like them.
He also handed Merkle a starburst. Face it, the President is an alpha chad and alpha chads know when to be gentlemanly.
Also, you ever met a car salesman? Even if they know the customer is some low-income sob here to finance a car, they'll treat that pauper like a king, why? Because that poor is the customer and the salesman wants something from them.
Don't read too much into it, or do, I don't give a shit.
Dude picked up a Marine's hat when it blew away. People do things without thinking about every little bit of subtext behind their action.
I also read the comments on that tweet, we really are living in the era of Trump holy shit.
Pedes when given the option: Either Jews are white or they're minorities and can get billions in government benefits.
Thank you, I am stupid and for some reason after reading the title and image I thought they banned her for not following thru on the sponsorship, they banned her for supposedly breaking embargo.