And seriously, why are conservatives so bad at the culture war lol.
Because the majority of "conservatives" are just controlled opposition. They want the same things as the dems, but they have to play along. "Democrats going the speed limit" is another description for them, since they wind up at the same place, but they do it a bit more gradually.
You might as well delete your account, because your opinions are the only thing less relevant than storm front right now. Storm front hasn't been relevant in over a decade and using that reddit tier insult is just pathetic.
There are racial enclaves in america that do not care about being american, they care about being (insert racial demographic here). The fact that we have Ilhan Omar in congress proves this, there are others that are just not there yet.
I think it was ~2007 when a bunch of Mexicans decided to do a walk out. They rather notably walked out draped in the Mexican flag. They don't consider themselves to be American, but the worst part is they actually consider themselves to be superior.
And you can get a lot of buy-in by just being likeable and funny.
This is why the left rages when anyone makes jokes about them or their sacred cows. They know humor can be an effective way of pointing out the absurdity of their bullshit.
Leftists always project. They honestly think turning media into a Marxist lecture is a good thing and that it's normal. Their NPC brains can't begin to understand the reasoning for the push back, so they naturally project against the people that are sick of their bullshit.
Thanks for the archives. Dumbshits like these don't deserve the hits. They deserved to be mocked for being the umpteenth example of how the left can't meme.
Please fed post at someone else, ya goofy handshake.
This is not how I expected this to turn out. Does Sweet Baby Inc have dirt on somebody high up, or what? What makes this shitty company so important that they can't just let it die and try again with a new name and more subtlety? I'm glad they're being so blatant about this, but now I seriously have to wonder what is motivating them this hard.
I wonder if anyone is telling them to be careful which states they try this in. I know they're getting help from traitors in power, but have any of them thought to mention castle doctrine or stand your ground laws? I sure as hell won't feel bad if any of these invaders have to learn the hard way.
I hadn't considered that the "shoot, shovel and shut up" method could apply to squatters, but it's also not an issue I've ever had to deal with.
Also it's an election year so unfounded claims should be disbelieved by default as enemy action.
A fair point in most cases, but I already posted evidence with that archive link.
Sweet Baby admits they work with Wizards of the Coast on their own website. It's one of the logos alongside Valve and a bunch of other companies. If noticing that is demoralizing, then it it is what it is, but there's no reason to deny the truth.
what it doesn't say is that most of those 1 in 4 immigrants approve of the holocaust.
Only people that are completely ignorant about Islam will be surprised by this. Turns out replacement immigration is having some predictable side effects. Want the same culture? Then obviously mass importing millions of a different culture is a retarded way of going about it.
They're 100% behind black Aragorn and the other race swaps in MTG. They're also behind the uglification of female characters and other censorship in cards' art. It's just what SBI does and once you're aware of the connection, it's obvious who was behind it.
Most if not all social, cultural and economic costs will be picked up by the host culture.
Right up until the costs become too high and everything collapses. Due to the severe incompetence of the replacements, there will be literal collapsing too.
They needed a name for all the effects of the shots. Normally I'd say "side effects", but can you really call them that, if they're the only effects they had?
ignoring inconvenient realities (women, race, human instincts, etc)
I'm not ignoring shit, but I'll be damned if I can think of any practical solutions.
they possibly don't like guns.
They love guns, that's why their goons get the best ones. It's those uppity peasants they don't like.
Have they ever played it? Probably not.
Probably yes. They love Harry Potter and I don't know why. They get mad that Rowling refuses to play along with troon delusions and it creates a feed back loop in their dim little, NPC minds.
I just expect they've played it, because it's a bit silly to expect a leftoid to actually act principled about anything.
This was obvious from a mile away. It's an election year and they've spent the last nearly four years now, by just fucking up everything entirely too hard.
Do you want to know one of the very few things less relevant than stormfront nowadays? The opinions of a handshake faggot, that thinks a reddit tier insult like "stormfag" is supposed to mean anything.
Tiktok is shit, but anyone supporting the government giving itself more power to abuse is retarded. They might be a shill too, but that just means they're a retarded shill too.
north mythology
It's Norse Mythology. I don't know why so many people talking about DEI in GOWR keep referring to it as "north mythology" instead. Norse mythology is part of the culture of the Vikings and their descendants, but "north mythology" is just meaningless nonsense.
How long between Japan losing WWII and "their" constitution being written? That time frame sounds about right to me, because they have a constitution that was written by foreigners.
Not literally something on reddit, but the same tier of name calling I'd expect. Could you please define exactly what kind of people you mean with "It's that type of person"?