Hellsbells00 1 point ago +1 / -0

Except the shit like badacathcare, the weird pedo comments about kids touching his leg hair, "trunimalalprezure" or whatever the fuck that word salad was, were all prior to the election. We all saw him being retarded.

Hellsbells00 6 points ago +6 / -0

Polls are worthless. Nobody in their right mind saw Trump losing 2020 - Biden was a joke people were talking about his campaigning from his basement and not even getting triple digits at rallies. I still remember all the memes of him "calling a lid". Within minutes of those swing states stopping people were calling foul.

I don't trust this until Trump is in office, alive, and people start going to jail.

deleted 0 points ago +1 / -1
Hellsbells00 2 points ago +3 / -1

Those were accurate. You advocate for leftist racial collectivism consistently. You simp for german socialists. You frequent the fed op board and you project your own leftism on me when I call you on it.

And you'll be seething about your failure for the rest of your miserable existence. Because actual American nationalists can recognize your shilling, goblin.

Hellsbells00 2 points ago +3 / -1

I point out your own stances. You throw a sperg fit and make baseless claims. We are not the same, goblin.

Hellsbells00 8 points ago +9 / -1

Trumo won in 2020 and the current regime has only been pissing more people off. There is zero chance Kamala wins a real election. The only question is how much fraud can they pull off, or are the cabal pulling back for another term to slow the boil of the frog because too many frogs started to notice.

Hellsbells00 1 point ago +3 / -2

Amazing you call me libelous when I point out that you are a racial collectivist goon, and you are the one making absolutely baseless claims about me just because I don't tolerate your mongoloid leftist shilling.

You say dumb shit. I call you out. You sperg fit, and then call for a mod? Lmao. The same mod you hate for likiting how much "reeee jooos" you conpro fags can spam.

Stay in your fed op containment board, fag. This place is for actual right wing. E.g. people that share the same ideologies and principles, not just skin color. People that actually push for beneficial solutions, not trying to slide, derail and divide right wing efforts with useless leftist bullshit.

Nice try, you crying bitch. Go hang out with the clintons, since they're so much more tolerable to you than real American nationalists. You can't stop people from recognizing what you're trying to do.

Hellsbells00 0 points ago +3 / -3

And look at that. Endless absolutely baseless slander from an absolute RETARD and claiming I am supporting all of the leftist dogma - from a cultural marxist goon.

Never have I defended cultural marxist shit. Only you have done that. "As long as it's legal" has not been an attitude I defended. I have not said voluntary association by whites is bad. I have mocked the retarded mindset targeting specific ethnic groups and ignoring others. The "reee joos, all blacks" shit. Because it's fed nonsense meant to destroy the right.

But you have NOTHING truthful to say about me because you are a faggot fed here to advocate for racial collectivist socialism. Like any other gutterborn leftist faggot.

You do not have a single belief that is right wing or conservative. You do not believe that marriage is between a man and a woman, you do not believe that a nation is a tribe, you do not believe that men are inherently unequal.

Yes it is, no it isn't (tribes are for monkeys), of course men aren't all the same and none of those things are inherently right wing. You do not even understand what left and right are, or more likely you pretend not to in service of the fed agenda of forum sliding and subversion.

You are a faggot. You have no right to claim any kind of inherent superiority based on the actions of my ancestors when you spit on everything they stood for, you mongrel fag.

I would save my actually right wing friends who have a different skin tone from a fire instead of bill gates or any other white leftist. You wouldn't. You're a fucking moron who would sell any nation to hell for power if you actually follow your claimed beliefs, and if you don't, you're a fed subversive.

Hellsbells00 5 points ago +6 / -1

I've heard of the jews for protection of firearm ownership being in NY and they're pretty conservative, they've been around forever. This isn't new behavior from that community.

Nothing is getting through a state as corrupt as NY though. None of the blue strongholds have anything resembling fair elections.

Hellsbells00 2 points ago +4 / -2

Nah. They may come back somewhat more nationalist but 50-1 odds they ever stumble their way into anything resembling actual right wing government policies. Germans went from living under the Kaiser to Weimar hell, then socialism. They're still socialists, they just turned anti-nationalist. They've never been free.

Hellsbells00 0 points ago +4 / -4

You don't even know the origins of this place if you think your account age means shit you mongoloid faggot. And this has been explained to you before - but like any good fed bitch you act like your own favorite faggot Hitler's description of arguing with a jew - anything you are told is magically forgotten the next day and you pretend victory.

Begone back to your containment board.

I've been in this movement since it existed. You OBVIOUSLY haven't and you make it clear continuously.

Hellsbells00 1 point ago +4 / -3


Says the faggot from the fed-op board that actively advocates for cultural marxist racial collectivism.

You project like a leftist.

You also tried to derive authority from claiming the founders as your ancestors, which is laughable. Because your positions align with the british loyalists, not Americans.

Hellsbells00 0 points ago +4 / -4

Says the gay race communist.

Your objections to the left's policies are their targets, not their fundamental principles. Actual libertarians are far more in favor of restricting government than you. "Left libertarians" are as much of a moronic misunderstanding of actual principles as "right wing socialists". They're fakes. Like you.

Hellsbells00 -1 points ago +2 / -3

The real american nationalists (not the wehraboo socialist maggots) have it right because of the unique nature of our history. Our government was explicitly set up with restrictions and pages and pages of historical writings telling the citizens that government is evil, and must be kept in check or violently deposed. That, enshrined in our constitution and founders writings, has made american nationalists loyal to ideals, not leaders.

Even the oath of enlistment for our military is to the constitution of the united states rather than whichever chucklefuck is running the show.

Hellsbells00 2 points ago +2 / -0

The soviets should be remembered no better than the nazis. WW2 was the consequences of leftism let in control of major powers. Trying to claim nazis are right wing and cover up the crimes of the soviets is a shit joke, because WW2 was godless faggot leftists on all sides doing what they do best, destroying their own nations.

It led to the takeover of the US by the criminal cabal through the military industrial complex. The US becoming the world superpower was terrible for both the US citizenry and every nation the CIA fucked. The consequences of WW2 have devastated every nation involved.

Britain? Cucked to death by socialists. Soviets? Generations of hell under communists. Germany? Cucked to death by socialists - they got rid of the nationalism and kept the vomitous tyrannical rot. They turned all of the useless bitch spite of hitler on the German people instead of everyone else as it had been.

Hellsbells00 2 points ago +2 / -0

Finally someone I agree with.

Fuck FDR. Worst president in US history, war-bothering socialist faggot that set the nation on the path to ruin.

You could argue that Lincoln or Wilson also did, but it was FDR that had 4 terms to stack the supreme court full of goblins that spat on the constitution.

Hellsbells00 4 points ago +6 / -2


Lucifer? Makes sense coming from the catholic manipulatorium.

The vatican is an extranational globalist government that works to subvert every country it is allowed a presence in.

Hellsbells00 8 points ago +9 / -1

Except the russian machine isn't concerned with manpower. Sacrificing conscripts to get blooded veterans and an excuse to build more modern equipment is a victory for them.

The russians are winning. The "ukrainian" puppet oligarchs are being enriched. The US military industrial complex is being enriched. The citizenry of all three countries is paying the toll in blood and gold.

Hellsbells00 -1 points ago +1 / -2

It is important to enforce the fact that words have meanings that cannot be changed by faggots.

You would allow for more of the corruption of language that turns politics into screaming retard soup to be easily manipulated by the globalists.

Rethink that.

Hellsbells00 0 points ago +3 / -3

You are a mongoloid retard. That is an absolutely pointless, empty "(insert enemy here) bad" propaganda line. If you can't make real posts like a real human and not a fed, then shut up.

Hellsbells00 3 points ago +3 / -0

The political quadrant bullshit is a scam to push horseshoe theory.

There is no left wing libertarianism. There is no right wing socialism. Those are fundamentally opposing concepts. The left and right is statism vs anarchism and everything in between. Aka an actual measurable scale, no culturally relative moral bullshit - just "more state" vs "less state".

Hellsbells00 21 points ago +21 / -0

Remove all platform protections from sites that do this shit. Section 230 reform is necessary for functioning society.

And reinstate the law that bars intelligence agencies from engaging in propaganda operations domestically.

Hellsbells00 4 points ago +4 / -0

This will be setup as an excuse either for fraud in this election through printing more ballots or as justification for more rioting and bullshit, where they will claim it as an excuse for how Trump's victory would be illegitimate.

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