The real american nationalists (not the wehraboo socialist maggots) have it right because of the unique nature of our history. Our government was explicitly set up with restrictions and pages and pages of historical writings telling the citizens that government is evil, and must be kept in check or violently deposed. That, enshrined in our constitution and founders writings, has made american nationalists loyal to ideals, not leaders.
Even the oath of enlistment for our military is to the constitution of the united states rather than whichever chucklefuck is running the show.
The real american nationalists (not the wehraboo socialist maggots) have it right because of the unique nature of our history. Our government was explicitly set up with restrictions and pages and pages of historical writings telling the citizens that government is evil, and must be kept in check or violently deposed. That, enshrined in our constitution and founders writings, has made american nationalists loyal to ideals, not leaders.
Even the oath of enlistment for our military is to the constitution of the united states rather than whichever chucklefuck is running the show.