Go to 1:54 and pause it when the guy and the girl are making nearly identical expressions.
It's even more hilarious how similar they look in the moment.
The only good thing I remember coming out of the New 52 was the Batman run with the Court of Owls. The first actually interesting Batman story in years up until that point.
But Batman really is one of DC's most interesting characters because he has to rely on intellect in a super powered world. Bruce is obviously rich as hell, but they never take the Ironman route and still have him truly better himself in every conceivable way. To watch him slowly get broken down during that story was great.
It's the only worthwhile story i can remember the New 52 having.
Although, technically, if you want to consider Flashpoint part of New 52, then that was a pretty good run, too.
Any time I've popped back into to comics since then, it's all been pretty trash. The last 5 or 6 years have been a completely lost cause and it's not even worth checking out for free.
At this point, I sincerely hope people completely abandon the industry completely and just let them fold already. It's like watching a loved one suffer from a terminal illness. The woke cancer has metastasized too far. There's no saving it anymore.
The only reason I even bother with capeshit anymore is because I grew up on it and have a soft spot because of it. I'm guessing it's the same for a lot of people.
But let's be perfectly honest. It's dead at this point.
They try to make it look like sales are doing well; however, the numbers they show the public aren't actual sales numbers, they're units shipped to stores. Anyone who's seen store owners speak about comics will quickly learn that none of their woke bullshit is selling at all. Marvel and DC are what happens when the Executives in charge aren't paying any attention to their product — or they have absolutely no clue what the hell sells it. incompetence doesn't even begin to describe what's taking place.
The lunatics are literally running the asylum. It's almost like a weird type of woke nepotism where they're just loading the companies with activist retards and then Executives are thinking that it's the market that's the problem and not the absolutely awful product they're shipping.
Just don't tell any of this to the couple hundred still remaining rabid retards fanboys. They're Olympic tier mental gymnasts in pretending what's being sold is somehow intellectual gold that's equivalent to the greatest storytellers throughout history. They're either retarded autists or completely insane; it's hard to tell.
I don't think I've seen that one. It seems like it would be an interesting watch, though.
You know, growing up, I always knew it was just a silly TV trope that the Dad in any film or show was always the bumbling incompetent idiot with a "heart of gold."
It was most prevalent in commercials — and that made sense. The marketing for household cleaning crap and what not where it mostly appeared was targeted towards women.
Likewise, the women were always the smart competent ones of the family. This goes back as far as I can even remember, honestly. When you think about it, it's not too hard to see why so many young men grow up with self-depreciating attitudes that puts women on a pedestal when all over consumer entertainment does just that in every facet of society.
That's what makes it so insane that they have to intrude upon genres and mediums dominated by men to destroy the realistically few positive male influences left. Hell, even in those, while the man may be more competent, women are still typically placed on a pedestal — even if they are the "damsel" in some cases.
Myself — and most assuredly many others — were raised with the belief that color simply didn't matter. A very strong sentiment similar to what MLK preached himself, but, for some reason, that belief is now antiquated and considered "wrong-think" which is as destructive as it is stupid.
I can't emphasize enough that I do not care what color someone's skin may be. I don't see them as a skin color; I look at them through a lens of whether they're a good person or a shitty person — that's it.
The woke mob, in their race towards the abyss in the name of "progress," has created a world vastly more racist than anything I ever grew up in. There are shitty white people; shitty black people; shitty brown people; shitty Asian people; there are just shitty people. They exist in every possible group. No matter what anyone does, those people will always exist.
I will not be made to hate myself for things I had zero part in. I won't hate my ancestors or other white people either. It's stupid. I'm proud of who I am, of what those who came before me accomplished, and I recognize that amongst them there were very likely some shitty people that existed as well.
Were wrongs committed to towards certain groups historically? Definitely. When we break it down, that can apply to literally everyone.
There is a lot of history that gets completely neglected with regards to slavery that's vital to the bigger picture.
This video is fantastic and helped fill in a lot of gaps for me:
I've met many sensible people like you, but I just can't fathom why so many these days go along with this Critical Race Theory bullshit. All it does is spread hate and negativity. There's absolutely nothing positive that comes from it.
It's even more frustrating when people pretend it's about "history," when it has practically nothing to do with history.
Yes, practices of the past had negative consequences on the present. But I don't believe the way to resolve that is to tear others down in order to build another up.
Even worse is I actively watch many in the black community ignore one their own community — and absolute most brilliant minds of modern times — Thomas Sowell, who has been warning them for decades about how Democrats are preying on them. Yet, they just keep voting for them. Every single election, they're convinced that conservatives, who in most cases have no political positions in any of these completely Democrat run cities, are somehow to blame for the continuing deterioration of their communities. In what reality does that even make sense?
I'm actually shocked that this is even being allowed to be posted and promoted without a full "mUh wHitE sUpreMacY!" metldown by media and retarded activists.
It's being created by a Jewish filmmaker who apparently got fed up with the disgusting hate being promulgated by every nearly every corporation and institution in America.
It's not released yet, but I'm curious how it will turn out. At the very least, I'll say I respect the attempt to draw attention to the topic. Although I suspect it's going to draw the ire of the usual victim groups, who will inevitably call for the film to be censored and deplatformed by saying it "marginalizes the experiences of POC in America" — because, you know, racism is totally ok as long as it's against the group that's socially acceptable to hate.
I can already hear the echos of millions in the force crying out in fake pain: "You can't be racist against white people! Racism is about power!"
Sure, because we're not seeing that minority groups have exponentially more effectual power in society than any other group depending on their status in the victimhood hierarchy.
Racism is racism. Justification for hate doesn't change objective reality.
Guess we'll have to wait and see the film to see whether they do a decent job.
Pop Quiz:
What happens when you make it mandatory that unvaccinated people get tested for a virus where the majority of people are asymptomatic, while simultaneously exempting those who've been vaccinated, but who can similarly be infected by, and facilitate the transmission of, the virus, just the same?
Answer: You get a narrative.
Make no mistake. The whole point of this is to reinforce their narrative that people who don't wish to be forced and coerced into participating in a disgusting large-scale pharmaceutical company experiment for a biological agent that we have absolutely zero conclusive evidence of what the long-term effects may be — which can take years to manifest — are "filthy and diseased vermin."
it will be used against us later in order to enact much stricter measures and isolate us from society.
Let's say, around the time of mid-term elections, perhaps?
Who can't see it happening now?
"If you're not vaccinated, you will not be eligible for voting in person at your local election site. You must participate by mail-in ballot," which, coincidentally enough, will probably never arrive if your party designation doesn't align with what they want.
Go ahead, screenshot this and tuck it away for later. This will happen.
In the end, this isn't about "Health & Safety™" as the so frenetically pretend it to be. The end goal of this is the same exact goal that it always ends up being when it involves Democrats: Power and Control.
This isn't a "prediction" — it's a guarantee.
If people don't start taking this shit much more seriously and realizing that they're not just being petty and vindictive but that there are actual objectives they're attempting to achieve involved as well, then we're seriously screwed.
I'd bet money that, for the majority of people, this thought never even crossed their mind.
Funny thing is that I have a minimal risk solution that I'm around 95% sure will solve this and get rid of mandates for good — which I'm also completely confident about the efficacy of working if the message was spread widely enough. The problem is that I don't have any platform and get the message out and spread it.
In order for it to work, it takes the cooperation of people doing some very simple things — but it would make this go away in no time.
It's exceedingly frustrating to know what to do and be completely helpless to execute it.
Troll Level: SSS+ - Legendary
What a boss. That's awesome.
He's 100% correct, too. There's nothing "new and bold" about this crap anymore. It's the same recycled bullshit we've seen pushed for years now. It's the usual narcissistic entitled activist crap that's become a pestiferous tumor eating away at the foundations of society.
Here's the absolute truth: when you're sponsored by every corporation and institution in western society, you are not — in any conceivable way — being "oppressed."
You are, however, the oppressor when you push your political agenda onto others and then seek to silence or ruin anyone who disagrees with it by using censorship and leveraging that same corporate/institutional power — which you know is supporting you — against them.
This change was made for activism purposes only. Period.
This should have been made abundantly clear when the creator appeared on CNN in his rainbow logo t-shirt while talking about how he didn't want another "striaght white savior."
If that doesn't tell the entire story, then what does?
The reality is that he wanted praise and recognition for how "in-touch with the times," and what an "ally" he is, from the activist nutjobs he associates with. This wasn't done for the people buying the comics; this was done to satiate his own ego — to sniff his own farts over how he's so "virtuous."
I mean, why write a good character when he can take the easy way to get quick guaranteed glowing reviews, right?
Yeah, he really took such a huge risk by taking the character in this direction. The only actual risk involved will be the financial one as the sales will undoubtedly plummet into shit after the novelty wears off and no one cares about another copy/paste character created as a self-insert/virtue signal.
Go ahead and tell me this asshole doesn't have the most smug and self-satisfied face in this video. Please, be my guest:
Figures that he's a fat neckbeard manlet, too. Why am I not surprised?
Why am I not surprised? lol
Of course they wouldn't want to condemn abhorrent behavior that aligns with their political ideology. It demonstrates succinctly how flexible their morals are for political expediency. They don't actually believe the crap that they didactically preach with such frenetic fervor; it's all about promoting their political agenda.
Their petty actions prove that their pretty words mean absolutely nothing.
Anything that doesn't align with their deleterious dogma must immediately be expunged and suppressed from existence. Unless you parrot their consumer manufactured shibboleths you're not allowed to raise objections.
They seem to think censorship somehow makes the truth vanish from existence, when all it really does it highlight their intolerant hypocrisy.
Their Marxist struggle sessions have made it so pointing out how a girl's rape being covered up is actually celebrated and encouraged because someone higher on the victimhood totem pole was the perpetrator. Instead of abiding by real morals and principles, they silence the victim and her family because it reflects poorly on their agenda.
The most insane part is that this concept is completely lost on most of them — and for those who it isn't lost on, their self-serving ideological obsession is more important than calling attention to it in order to prevent future victims.
These people are awful specimens of humanity hidden behind a thin veneer of fake "virtue."
The prevalence of highly invasive theological zealots that were common amongst religious sects never actually disappeared — they've simply rebranded as the progressive left.
A new cult predicated on self-worship, where countless pretend to be martyrs while preaching the new gospel and designating any who don't conform as heretics. They sermonize their status as pariahs while simultaneously being sponsored by nearly every corporation and institution in western society.
I put a mirror in the comments and someone else did, too.
I even mentioned it in the damn title.
Most of us aren't dumb enough to live in liberal hellhole coastal areas.
Those who are must be masochists as this point. There's plenty of work and opportunity elsewhere.
If climate change is real, I feel actively incentivized to make sure it accelerates and buries those cities underwater.
The point they should understand isn't that their daughter "doesn't like boys her age," it should be is she sexually attracted to girls.
That's literally what being a lesbian is all about. It has almost absolutely nothing to do with men as the primary motivator.
It's not uncommon for children that age to think that way. Although, sadly, it's become much more common.
A good book that I think you should read is: Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters by Abigail Shier.
Many of the core subject matter is exactly the same as what's likely taking place right now with their daughter. What they're experiencing is the first phase before it gets much worse and she begins to follow social trends.
You can even leave it on the coffee table the next time they come over. Without even having to say anything, It will very likely catch their interest by the title alone. If they don't show any interest, at least you'll still be better equipped if they ever express concerns in the future and can offer it to them.
One of the biggest problems is something you highlighted but may not be aware of that's actually separate from public schools: it's "nerd culture."
If their daughter is participating in consumer nerd culture in any meaningful way — particularly by using chat programs such as Discord or Social Media — then chances are exceptionally high that she's likely being preyed upon by someone within the alphabet community.
This is something her parents should be warned about. This is not just speculative or paranoia either. They have entire channels on discord that prowl social media and other discord channels where young awkward children participate and actively prey on them. It's something that should be taken very seriously. I've seen it happen a few times even with people that I know.
The messed up part is that tech companies actually protect these people. At worst, they may get a ban; however, it won't be like an IP ban or anything significant and it won't stop them from simply creating a new account and continuing to prey on kids.
There are practically zero safeguards in place for children on such platforms or even in online gaming. The alphabet goofs run the show and any sort of disciplinary action only happens if they really cross a line. Otherwise, they're free to prey upon anyone they want and if the tech companies try to stop it, then the predator takes to social media and complains that they're "bigots" — the usual song and dance.
Either way, chances are very high that their daughter isn't actually a Lesbian, she's just slowly being made to hate her core identity because it's not popular in mainstream culture to be straight and white. More than adults, kids are desperate to fit in to whatever the social standards are. They're terrified of being ostracized and not being part of the collective. This makes them easier marks for malicious assholes who wish to prey on them in order to reaffirm their own identity.
It's not uncommon in any reality for a damn 12-year-old to not be sexually attracted to boys yet. They're barely at the beginning stages puberty for crying out loud.
They should be weary and make sure that none of the nerd communities she's participating in are also contributing to warping her perception of herself.
Could always advocate for chemical castration of the rapist — but that's literally what they already give to trans people as "puberty blockers" for transitioning anyway. That's a little known fact that many have probably never heard.
One of the "puberty blockers" that they give to children is called "Triptorelin" — the same drug used to chemically castrate sex offenders.
The post that's literally right before yours is about this exact thing posted nearly an hour ago.
That's why school choice is so important. People really need to get their children out of public schools if they have the option available — immediately.
Our public school system has become nothing more than glorified indoctrination centers for ideologically obsessed fanatic activists to push their insane conspiratorial views on children.
I always find it funny, too.
These are the same people who constantly talk about the people on the "right" spreading "conspiracy theories," meanwhile, their entire belief system is based off of unsubstantiated opinions that "oppression" is running rampant at every level of society for all of these fake victim groups.
It's the very definition of "conspiracy theory" and also an absolute peak example of it.
I'm hoping the momentum continues.
This isn't just some "small" issue. We have the entire institutional might of the strongest nation in human history trying to force an experimental biological agent on us without our consent.
Coercion to comply or risk having your life ruined is not being given an option. That's like a robber holding a gun to someone head for their wallet and saying, "well, you do have a choice."
This is a fight that people must win if they're going to have any hope of keeping their God given freedoms in the future. This is the fight worth fighting for.
No matter how it's spun, they can't simply replace all of these displaced professionals in various different fields who are being screwed by the unification of government and corporations into a nearly omnipotent authoritarian superpower.
Relatively Quick Summary for a long article (Although I really recommend reading):
So the man who was arrested and who the NSBA uses as an example of parents who should be designated "domestic terrorists" is the Father of a girl who was raped in the bathroom of a school.
When the school found out, they called the Father in and told him his daughter had gotten into an "altercation" in the bathroom with a male student wearing a skirt. They followed that up by saying that they were handling the situation in-house — apparently not seeing a need for police involvement.
When the Father learned details of the "altercation" — that it was a rape that included forced sodomy and fellatio — he was justifably angered, as any rational parent would be.
The police were then notified of the situation — not with regards to the rape, but rather, they called the police on the Father for being angry that they were trying to keep it "in-house" and for causing a scene over it.
6 cop cars showed up from the school calling the police on the Father for being upset that his daughter's rape was being covered up by the school.
On the very same day of the rape, the school Principal sent an e-mail to parents saying nothing had occurred, making the Father out as the one in the wrong, and offering counseling to those who witnessed his anger. It was a month later at a School Board meeting that the Father spoke about the incident, was called a liar by a far-left activist and the school board, got upset, and was arrested.
This doesn't even get into even a quarter of the insane things happening at this school district. The school board members, along with Government officials, and extreme activists, even participate in creating lists and doxxing parents who don't agree with their far-left activism being taught to their children.
This article is a must read to understand how bad things are getting in schools.
It absolutely must be shared with anyone who is concerned about what children are being indoctrinated with. Apathy is not an option in this case. K-12 is the foundation of where a child develops many of their beliefs. There are very few issues which should be more concerning to the future of this country than this.
Read a mirror of the article here:
These clowns are absolute shit at their job. What kind of actual game enthusiast fails at nearly every single damn game and screams, "tHiS iS LiKe dArK sOuLs! wHy iS iT sO HarD!?"
Of course they whine they can't change the difficulty, as usual. If you're such a shit gamer that you completely fail at moderately average difficulty games, maybe you should write about something more your speed, like board games?
But then we'd probably get some retarded didactic lecture about why Checkers is the "Dark Souls" of board games — and also inherently racist.
You know, I gotta say, much like slavery, Jim Crow, creating the KKK, being pro-segregation, and anti-civil rights, I'm starting to get the feeling that this "vaccine" crap is going to be another footnote in history where Democrats contributed to the death and suffering of massive amounts of people.
People damn well better pray there are no long-term effects to these vaccines that they're going to require boosters to every 6 months. We're already seeing a shocking rise in heart disease and cancer, I expect that's just the beginning if the failures of developing coronavirus vaccines in the the last half a century are any indication.
Here is a great Twitter thread with information. I've been following it since yesterday, but obviously it hadn't been confirmed at the time:
Here is why you're not hearing Pilots or their Union speak about it:
I expect that things are about to get wild as the date approaches. It will probably determine whether Biden actually signs the mandate or not.
As time goes on more people will notice there are massive amounts of people refusing to take the toxic jab, which will likely embolden them to start their own movement.
It may even make normies begin to wonde rwhy the hell so many people are refusing it and will likely begin to question their own decisions, too — but I won't hold my breath on those idiots.
Either way, it's a bad spot to be in for the Biden Dictatorship.
There are currently rumors that Truckers may be planning a full stop of shipping everything.
Edit: There are tons of videos from airports all over the country of people standing in line confused about why so many flights have been cancelled. Some of them getting pretty pissed in their confusion are sort of funny.
Hopefully they enjoy the wake-up call that not everyone is a mindless consumer retard who simply does what they're told. The best part is you know many of these people are the same ones who are smugly telling people to get the jab or deal with being ostracized and made into second-class citizens. They're probably going to be livid when they learn the reason.
One of the highlights of the video is when she tells a story about a bus shuttling Officers to a protest, she mentions that while giving a quick speech before they arrived, the Senior Police Officer in charge informed all of the other officers: "Don't worry, any and all use of force will be justified by me."
There's a lot of good gems in this video for anyone who's been following the Totalitarian Aussie Saga.
I'm more surprised it's taken this long for literally anyone to grow a damn spine and speak up. Even more so when she mentions that the vast majority of Police disagree with what's taking place.
Well, they're doing a pretty shitty job of showing that.
She continues to delay releasing the numbers, too.
It doesn't take a genius to see what she's trying to accomplish. It's a war of attrition. Will the healthcare professionals concede and get the jab first, or will she be forced to publicly announce the reality that over 100,000 have refused to take the vaccine?
One wrench in her plan, the Nurses and Doctors have been getting massive pay increases and overtime to work through Covid. They haven't had much free time to spend any of that money either.
So if she thinks she'll be able to "wait them out" within a month or two, then chances are she's completely delusional or her staff didn't think of something so simple.
Isn't the really the story of so many in a nutshell?
From what I can tell, at least unattractive men really take time to work on some other aspect of themselves — they strive to become funny, smart, successful, or any number of things. Even though it's anecdotal, I haven't noticed that being the case so much the other way around. Instead, women point fingers and try to tear others down in order to build themselves up.
It certainly doesn't apply across the board, but it's what I've noticed happens with shocking frequency.
Even more importantly, if you are injured by the jab due to a non-federal employee mandate, your employer will not be covered.
Currently, the only mandate that exists is for Federal Employees and Military Personnel. That means if you know anyone who was coerced into getting the vaccine by their employer — even more so if their religious exemptions were denied — they have the ability to really sue the shit out of the company that forced them to comply to keep their job.
The idea that businesses had no choice but to comply with the "mandate" is completely false.
This is a huge realization once people actually begin to grasp the implications. It means that businesses can't hide behind the law to protect themselves, they forced people of their own volition because the media told them to and they believed it.
How long this remain the case I couldn't say, as the situation is very clearly still developing. Nonetheless, it's really important that people are informed and know this sort of information because it protects them — or in other cases, perhaps protects their business.
This article does a great job of breaking it all down.
I hope that it helps at least someone out there, since I know I've seen many people voicing concern over the issue.
Some further reading, courtesy of Robert Malone (the inventor of mRNA Vaccines, who is against everything they're doing):
Who cares?
That seems like some silly shit to get upset over.
The dude who made it only has 750 follows and the Twitter page only has 200.
This isn't some massive high-budget documentary, it's a small investigative journalist trying to speak up for people on a topic most won't even touch and build a name for himself.
These are the type of people everyone should be supporting. If you need to shit on everything for no reason you're only incentivizing people to not even bother trying. It's retarded.