by folx
Hammercam 1 point ago +1 / -0

To be fair his friends would probably burn down the house anyway...

Hammercam 2 points ago +2 / -0

I am so tired of hearing this whenever so called Legend of Zelda fans are talking about the new game. its always the same thing.

"I want Zelda playable in her own game because I am a closeted tranny and playing as a female will get me off... I-I mean because zElDa ShOuLd Be PlAyAbLe In HER OWN GAME!!!! It IsNt CaLlEd ThE lEgEnD oF LiNk BiGoT REEEEEEEEEE!!!111!"

Hammercam 7 points ago +7 / -0

A lot of the info was leaked way ahead of time I don't remember if it was April but it was definitely way before December. Same thing with the passports, We knew months ahead of time but sadly there was nothing we could do as no one could %100 prove said leaks yet.

Hammercam 1 point ago +2 / -1

Well it was fun while it lasted.... guess I'll be getting used to .win hopefully I'll be able to abandon my Chinesepropagandadotcom account soon.