HallucinatoryBeing 5 points ago +5 / -0

The Pelosis do use options, something your average investor wouldn't touch unless they 1) are a degenerate gambler, or 2) have reliable information of future market events.

HallucinatoryBeing 5 points ago +5 / -0

I recall TSMC tried that with the Arizona plant, but the usual DEI groups bitched about it and the feds threatened to withhold CHIPS Act gibs if they don't hire more blacks and wahman.

HallucinatoryBeing 7 points ago +7 / -0

New games are now $70 for the inflation that totally isn't happening (but will when the Man of Orange gets in office).

HallucinatoryBeing 13 points ago +13 / -0

They wouldn't receive their pensions if they killed themselves, and the pension is the only reason why they became police officers in the first place.

HallucinatoryBeing 8 points ago +8 / -0

It's important to understand McDonald's in the US isn't a restaurant company—It's a real estate company. 95% of all McDonald's locations in US are franchise-owned. As long as franchisees pay their rent and royalties, corporate doesn't really give a shit, so franchise owners will cut corners to pad their own margins. McDonald's Corporate is somewhat aware of this, which is why restaurants get remodeled semi-regularly to clean up years of caked-on filth from lack of maintenance.

HallucinatoryBeing 8 points ago +8 / -0

I used to give the homepage a chance, despite all the shitty articles, just for the comments. After they removed comments during peak TDS? Nope, straight to email.

HallucinatoryBeing 11 points ago +11 / -0

I fully expect all the fed agencies, like the Bureau of Labor Statistics and the Federal Reserve, to finally be honest about the economy in order to trigger a recession once the Orange Man gets in office.

After all, the economy does better under the Democrats than the Republicans.

HallucinatoryBeing 1 point ago +1 / -0

When you consider the intelligence of the average voter, the overexplanation might be necessary.

People give Ben Garrison shit for labeling literally everything in his political cartoons, but old "legitimate" cartoons were just as wordy.

HallucinatoryBeing 22 points ago +22 / -0

What's the current college cope now that even STEM degrees aren't safe from the browns taking over?

HallucinatoryBeing 5 points ago +5 / -0

The thing that never happens happened again.

HallucinatoryBeing 5 points ago +5 / -0

People like buckminster fuller and carl sagan hoped that this would allow all humans to reap the benefits and pursue more mindly things.

Or get high and rob a Target. We already saw a preview of the faggy UBI world during the COVID lockdowns where no one had to work and got stimmies for existing, and there were no great intellectual pursuits to be had.

HallucinatoryBeing 11 points ago +11 / -0

All AI has done is turn Pajeet code from bad to passable. Companies will hire more Pajeets to increase their productivity now that they aren't a net negative.

HallucinatoryBeing 1 point ago +1 / -0

All I know about Yellow Taxi is it's Synthetic Man's GOTY, despite the woke writing.

HallucinatoryBeing 4 points ago +4 / -0

Write what you know.

You see it in Ken Levine's work as well. Midwits think BioShock is about extremism or capitalism, when it's really about a Jewish paradise being destroyed by the goy, Frank Fontaine.

BioShock Infinite is even less subtle, where the only solution (despite infinite parallel universes) to stop a Hitler-like figure is to smother him in the crib (or river, in this case).

HallucinatoryBeing 2 points ago +2 / -0

If it's anything like the Sewol disaster, all the higher-ups and government officials will pass blame to save face, until that doesn't work anymore and a scapegoat gets suicided innawoods somewhere.

HallucinatoryBeing 2 points ago +2 / -0

You saw withdrawal pains after the Fed raised interest rates to 5%, which is fucking nothing compared to rates back in the 1980s. It only hurts because we're leveraged (read: indebted) to the tits.

Now that rates are going back down, we're going to see a resurgence of inflation, especially if Trump's tariffs go through.

HallucinatoryBeing 27 points ago +27 / -0

I wonder what the plane model wa--

Boeing 737

Damn. Reset the clock.

HallucinatoryBeing 2 points ago +2 / -0

Is it a capitalism problem, or is it a fiat funny money problem? Bonds and savings are dogshit, so everyone piles into the stock market expecting it to "beat inflation". Meanwhile, the government gets more taxes with the increased GDP and corporate profit for the problem it directly created.

HallucinatoryBeing 4 points ago +4 / -0

Stock options were a meme in the dotcom bubble. The Simpsons even did a gag with some start-up's stock certificates dispensed on a roll like toilet paper. I don't know why people keep falling for it.

HallucinatoryBeing 1 point ago +1 / -0

Even Euroids are giving up on walking, if that Bluesky picture of cars parked on their narrow, walkable roads is any indication.

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