Guy_Incognito76 3 points ago +3 / -0

I have one client who is an open alex Jones fan, gonna find an excuse to call her today. She's usually bummed out so this ought to cheer her up.

Guy_Incognito76 8 points ago +8 / -0

Yeah they had to get him before the vote. Too late now.

Guy_Incognito76 1 point ago +1 / -0

I voted on a "make the rubble bounce" basis. Just because you're getting fucked doesn't mean you need to lie there and take it. Make them earn their steal.

Guy_Incognito76 5 points ago +5 / -0

I'm not convinced democrats really vote at all. it's all fake and gay. The absolute last thing a bunch of boyz n da hood gonna do on a Tuesday is walk into a courthouse on purpose.

Guy_Incognito76 2 points ago +2 / -0

Israel is the most likely country to launch nukes.

Guy_Incognito76 2 points ago +3 / -1

All this does is give them the target to beat. Early voting is a huge mistake. Should be banned.

Guy_Incognito76 2 points ago +2 / -0

Also many local candidates can still do good. There's another tarded ballot measure on my state that has to be shot down.

Guy_Incognito76 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's rare that games let you play as tall handsome engineers with genius IQ and expert marksmanship but I still manage to have fun anyway.

Guy_Incognito76 5 points ago +5 / -0

Remember when troons complained about being on zoom calls because they hated seeing themselves on camera, because they're ugly freaks?

Guy_Incognito76 2 points ago +2 / -0

I mean, obviously? What is with modernity we have to run through all these convoluted arguments to explain common sense.

Guy_Incognito76 4 points ago +4 / -0

Wasn't it the LAPD who found the choke hold was non-lethal on whites but some artery differences on blacks made it fatal? So they stopped using it, leaving four officers no choice but to use clubs to subdue Rodney King...

Guy_Incognito76 19 points ago +19 / -0

Even when women try to appeal to men's interest all they can think about is themselves. Solipsism is just their natural brain process.

It's the same reason the last white guy appeal ad was just "Vote for us because we support women."

Guy_Incognito76 3 points ago +3 / -0

Wasn't there a kid who posted something in a private chat like "black women matter, they're just not hot" and got expelled from school?

Guy_Incognito76 1 point ago +1 / -0

Classic "liberal mugged by reality."

There's a trailer park near my house overflowing with Trump signs. In theory those people should all be democrats. I feel like the existing parties are going to collapse into just locals vs. Globalists.

Guy_Incognito76 12 points ago +12 / -0

In some states and counties, yes. But they quickly rewrote history to comply with the narrative and no evidence was ever allowed in any court.

Guy_Incognito76 10 points ago +10 / -0

It's definitely moving the goalposts. When an obviously woke game flops it had nothing to do with wokeness, but when a woke game tries to camouflage itself while banking on an existing fanbase, success must be because of tranny pronoun lectures and no other reasons.

The funny takeaway from this is Schrier admitting the game is woke. Usually they will try to obfuscate and say the term has no meaning.

Guy_Incognito76 3 points ago +3 / -0

They've already wargamed this, they'll flood the cities with riots and declare Trump illegitimate. They'll take it to the supreme court and either pack it or kill enough justices to get their way.

Guy_Incognito76 12 points ago +12 / -0

Kamala Harris with 250% of the vote. I'm completely serious. They will just dare anyone to stop them.

Guy_Incognito76 3 points ago +3 / -0

The reviews for the game are wierd. Many of them say the game is bad but recommend it anyway. They all mention the lack of the ea launcher as a huge positive (who even cares? How many steam players know about the ea launcher). They all say performance is good. None of them talk about the tranny stuff. They don't sound remotely like other steam reviews

Seems like it wouldnt be hard to buy a bunch of fake reviews from India.

Guy_Incognito76 9 points ago +9 / -0

The big publishers rarely spend anything on marketing for most authors.

The most likely scenario if you get a tradpub deal is a $5k advance, an editing pass, and a cover. Considering those would cost you $1-2k do to yourself, that's not nothing. But they still pretty much expect you to spend your own time and money marketing. The exceptions are the books they try to force into being popular which are usually DIE garbage.

The real problem is the Big 4 editors have become totally ideologically captured and completely lost touch with the market. They have no idea what sells anymore. The publishers just put out flop after flop and hope one of them somehow becomes a hit. That's why Barns and Noble stopped stocking debut hardcovers. None of the trash sells. https://www.reddit.com/r/selfpublish/comments/wxl645/barnes_and_noble_makes_it_harder_for_debut/

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