/r/libertarian is 100% AstroTurfed by the r/politics clique. Voting for the libertarian candidate is a controversial take there
In DS1 the dark is most definitely meant to be seen as something to fear. Like, once you look in to it you realize that dark might not be bad but the game definitely wants you to think it’s scary what with the darkwraiths and new Londo being so horrifyingly designed as well as a bunch of items that literally describe like the 4 kings or lifedrain as evil. We don’t actually know it’s neutral until DS2 introduces the cycles.
How is this legal again?
You’re giving them waaaay too much credit. I bet this lady shrugs off the carbon footprint and slave labor behind all the electronics she’s used to broadcast this insane video.
The absolute state of comics
Whaaat?! I loved Jack Ryan. Dude was fucking bitches and whooping terrorist ass. It’s definitely shallow but I don’t recall any wokeness
There’s not a single cultural problem in America that would keep me from watching a high budget entry in LOTR media. Do I think it will be good though? I dunno, signs point to no but Amazon also put out Jack Ryan
“Please for the love of god let us use those Chinese slaves”
Because there are Nurses and there are express lube “nurses” and uninformed people don’t know that there’s a difference
It’s almost like the world is in a weird state of proxy viral-economic warfare and Sweden has stayed neutral
These desperate changes to dictionary definitions remind me of when the news subs on Reddit refused to cover the pulse shooting
I’m sure this has everything to do with combating racism and nothing to do with absolving teachers of any responsibility to be effective at their jobs.
“Please hate click my article”
This is going to be super frustrating when I attend my next virtual BLM march
Men's desperate thirst for a crumb of pussy is destroying our freedoms.
I need this exact text in an amendment to the constitution
Honestly, even Jerry Brown wasn’t this cartoonish. Newsom just thinks he’s got global popularity and he’s pandering for Twitter clout
Sometimes I tell myself that we learned how to reel in Christianity we’ll figure this out too but then sometimes I’m reminded that it was only after centuries of atrocities were committed
It’s so fucking scary when these lunatics are literally shown how close their ideologies are coming to like outright hatred and they just handwave it away like this
Our government has a Patriot Act or whatever back door in to all of these companies and they love it. They’ll never do anything against these private companies because the constitution would actually protect us from official techno-tyranny.
To be fair, if we could muster enough legislative unity to amend the constitution then court-packing wouldn’t be a problem
Why do so many dudes get on Twitter and turn in to middle aged “Cool-moms”?
Honestly, if we’re being completely honest with ourselves, it’s definitely true that no one cool wants to work for these companies at this point. If you’re actually passionate about the industry your only serious options are valve, Poland or Japan. Otherwise, take your tech skills to a cushy corporate gig and crank out your Isometric, classic pixel, metroidvania game in your free time
This is world of Warcraft we’re talking about though and this desperate virtue signaling is the market speaking. Dying media loves to go woke for the free PR and they’ll double and triple down in a wokeness death spiral to try and appeal to the few fans they have left.
Explain the faggy hate speech thing