God didn't promise you anything in this life.
That’s fucking hard, dude.
Imagine being so dumb that you both view George Floyd positively and somehow don’t find this incredibly offensive
Anyone that works in or around the rehab Indus I’m any capacity is a degenerate
It’s over, even the NFL sub is infested with constant vaccination propaganda
I'm still not sure what's exactly more humane about a chemical death
It’s all optics. They’re supposedly paralyzed so there’s no thrashing about or whatever
Go rogue? He’s jerking himself off
Reveal that actually, re-reporting a story in the style of the site I write for provides not only a service to those who primarily read this site, but also offers a chance to do a better job than the Other Major Gaming Site, whose reporting was not only dull, but made a couple of serious factual mistakes that I noticed thanks to the strong editorial standards of this site.
Sales will jump because the MSM will jerk off the Victoria’s Secret ad executives for weeks at a time for being so stunning and brave. Then the wine moms on tiktok will get in on the act for the same reason and they’ll lie to each other about the quality of the product to “own the incels” or something. The normie female that doesn’t really oppose this kinda thing and that hasn’t been to Victoria’s Secret in years will see all this and advertising will do what advertising always does .
I hate to say it but sales will jump because bitches love woke shit like this and there’ll be a lot of free press about it. At some point their business mode will catch up with them, but this stupid ad campaign is going to go well for them.
I actually enjoy Jimmy Dore’s show
Would you think I’m a liar if I told you I didn’t not expect trannies at E3 this year?
It’s still there on mobile
In modern days, the only "diversity" forced character done right, in my view is Spartan from Arrow
I think the new Spiderman movies do it really well
Fuck yeah, bro! Elden Ring is the one ray of gaming sunshine that’s pierced through since the Cyberpunk hype or like RDR2
Historically speaking, has it ever been primarily circulated from members of the targeted race though?
That’s what they get for subjecting us to prince Harry
If stick stickly were alive today he’d go crazy like that dude in Network
There’s no conspiracy, it’s just virtue signaling to dumb people that still think there’s some Christian-right boogeyman controlling the world. The same middle-class, suburban mom demographic is being targeted as always and these days they’re in to gay shit it.
Oh shit they caught em?! l
I think the “scam” comes in the hype machine built around it. Like you’d have to be retarded to believe that the like d-list celebrities they’re paying to claim they will literally never sell their bitcoin at any fathomable price are being genuine, but it seems like some people are falling for it.
Aloy’s style is so fucking perplexing that I have to believe that there’s some middle aged neckbeard type that’s self inserting his like chubby-cheeked daughter or something.
We used to call this the Galbrush paradox
I never liked him. Like I appreciate his books and the influence he’s had on the genre, but his stories are just too surreal for me
McCain and a fucking Cheney
Imagine wearing like $1,000 of like 5.11 operator gear, lol fucking blacked out fishermen hats, and believing your oppressed.
The whole time I played hollow knight I was just bummed that they chose to build this otherwise awesome world and lore around bugs