At least now i know the Hodge Twins are legitimate
Just signed up. As a beautiful white nigger. How do I address this forum.
This shit is basically fan-fiction at this point
the GAY kind...
The Samurai knows
Shit like this is why Americans have the second amendment
Neither did Derek Chauvin, but they still convicted him because George Groid is a nigger while the officer was not.
But of course...
Women like to play as Women, not trannies
shocking isn't it?
he literally does
act like a nigger, get beat up, then sue
then receive donos from "fans" who just want you to get beat up again, do it all over in a new country
the sad part about it, even the guys who are beating his ass are doing it for internet clout, making sure his limbo of niggerdry keeps on going indefinitely...
Johnny legitimately enjoys being a "Pinata" for him its just more attention
did he learn anything after japan? after thailand? or after getting his ass beat 4 fucking times in israel? (2 of which was by fellow Niggers)
he genuinely enjoys the attention, and every time he gets his ass kicked he feels giddy that he's finally getting the attention his father never gave to him.
never even heard of this "game" until now
woke shit is being crapped out every month and nobody even cares, save for redpilled boards for celebratory reasons.
they already dumped a truckload of schwartzes and pajeets on their soil
i don't think Japan got more than 5 years until they become niggerized and bastardized like Europe
its both.
because mr Domitus is self-professed jew who's afraid we'll genocide him
i find it funny how 95% of his community is j-pilled and he pretends like the goyim won't know if he just bans people for pointing out the obvious
the saddest thing that this sad jew actually came to us to help him to deal with the pedopajeet and he promised to "do better" when it comes to censoring goyim on his little fiefdom, he did not improve...
Nu-males barely register as males, let alone men.
Escapism and Immersion
also some games like Metro series turn out to be super prophetic so its almost like enjoying a piece of the upcoming future
Halo pretty much Died after Reach
i bought a 7900XTX for Wokung and it still ran like crap on max setting (45 avg FPS on max setting with FSR turned off)
and most of the times, i'd be playing some old ass vidya made 20+ years ago because all the modern ones have niggers and wimminz everywhere (faggots too)
when i play an old ass classic that uses the word "the Blackest Villain" i know i'm in the right place.
The queer part is just a mask to make it "Kosher" for him to groom kids
if kikes weren't faggots they'd be just regular ol pedophiles
So they're basically coping jewgle
but [probably?] more competently
just checked steam, i don't even see the new pop-up message
is it like only limited to certain regions or will i see it if i restart my machine/steam?
let me get this straight, STEAM won't let you play any of your purchased games until you hit that accept button?
She's a jew