GoldenInnosStatue 3 points ago +3 / -0

i mean why even bother with physical copies when most game copies require you to download like 50GB+ of updates just to launch the game? and afaik its fucking MANDATORY on gaystation, no idea if its the same on Xbox but i'd recon it works the same way

Remember back in the old days, when companies sold you complete games and "editions" also came with the DLC on the DISK instead of a downloadable code? (Dark Souls prepare to die, mass effect 1, Fable 2 and many other examples)

GoldenInnosStatue 7 points ago +7 / -0

I was in a retail shop today, checking out the merchendise

to my surprise, the local one near me didn't even bother to stock physical copies of Nig's creed, they told me if i want to buy they have digital codes (sent either to mail or phone)

which signals one thing, not even retailers are buying this crap.

GoldenInnosStatue 6 points ago +7 / -1

In reality both the coder and the designer are jeets because budget cuts and (((Diversity quota)))

GoldenInnosStatue 9 points ago +10 / -1

down to the newest babies

you know well enough how much these """people"""" get off to killing babies

GoldenInnosStatue 1 point ago +1 / -0

bro its cracked, literally get the DODI or Fitgirl version instead of dropped your hard earned money on a 2025 game that looks like a 2015 game but demands 2025 specs to run

GoldenInnosStatue 6 points ago +6 / -0

if its brown, drown at sea

the fish are hungry.

GoldenInnosStatue 14 points ago +14 / -0

Total Nigger De...portation.

GoldenInnosStatue 3 points ago +3 / -0

he looks like your typical weak dysgenic yids that are constantly pushing for open borders (cept in israel wink wink)

GoldenInnosStatue 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is the dumbest take i've read all year

GoldenInnosStatue 3 points ago +4 / -1

basically, ICE went from actually deporting invaders to only deporting the invaders the (((Regime))) does not approve of

how awfully Judaic...

GoldenInnosStatue 1 point ago +1 / -0

Star Wars was a goldmine before (((Disney))) fucked it with niggers feminism and terrible writing (and retcons)

GoldenInnosStatue 19 points ago +19 / -0

how small is his hat and how small is his penis?

GoldenInnosStatue 27 points ago +30 / -3

The left is pro crime and pro criminal

they're just pro Niggers, if White people rioted like niggers they'd be put down with bullets.

GoldenInnosStatue 1 point ago +1 / -0

does scored has some issues with that particular site? i seem to have no problem referring links to ModdingHaven for example

GoldenInnosStatue 12 points ago +13 / -1

Yeah the jew questline to defend the jews from the pogrom should've been optional at best, but is literally part of the main quest because the jews are "allies" against sigismund and after the "pogrom" they finance the "resistance" to sigismund

its obviously very hamfisted and forced, but i'd honestly tolerate that than the fucking Musa being le epic nigger that manages to resolve a clergical dispute in the Italian quarter questline (who also, magically, saves Henry from Erik in a custscene, because its obvious that le epic nigger who is a self-admitted coward, is actually a heroic and valiant nigger!)

in all honesty the end-game portion of this game is mega-woke, like not even the last of us 2 crammed so much juadism down the consumer's throat but this one? this goes full synagogue.

GoldenInnosStatue 15 points ago +17 / -2

this only fixes the black nigger being out of place and the gay romances/feminist dialogue requirements to romance Rosa

in order for fully purge the game from DEI they'd have to do a lot of coding, scripting and whatnot to avoid the whole jew questline leading to the "pogrom" and thus skipping it directly to Sigismund's meeting in Kuttenburg then the siege

i mean its possible from a logical perspective to simply just remove all the dialogue and mention of the Pogrom and just head go towards the quest of stealing the silver and the siege but again this would take effort and time, and while the game is expansive its still possible to do

however you also got that jew miller Kryzel with his hunt for saltpeter (his "i want to create a golem" thing is a lie, actually he just wants the saltpeter to create gunpowder)

though unironically you can betray Kryzal and get his entire crew executed if you rat them out to the balief

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