Gizortnik 3 points ago +3 / -0

Nope, I've never seen it. It might be useful for me to send to others.

I've said it before, but the breaking point for me was the inane partisanship of the Trump election and the Racialism.

  • "On The Media" media watchdog program explicitly rejecting objective journalism and campaigning against Trump.
  • NPR News claiming that the NRA was blaming autistic people for active shootings because they said that the government should invest in mental health
  • NPR News had unchallenged guests claiming that Donald Trump admitted to rape on the Hollywood Access tapes
  • NPR News presenters were audibly shocked that life expectancy rates for white men declined. They literally did not understand how that could be physically possible when whites were so privileged. The next week a story was done to investigate this and the journalists were shocked at how bad de-industrialization and the opioid epidemic had hurt white rural families, the week after that a story was done that claimed the opioid epidemic really effected urban blacks more than whites, and the whole line of discussion was completely dropped
  • NPR News panel guests claimed that Betsy DeVoss had legalized rape on college campuses, by repealing the "Dear College" memo which mandated the extra-judicial Title IX Tribunals
  • "It's Been A Minute" (what I call the NPR Racialist hour) basically had college professors of racial justice
  • NPR did a puff piece of Zoe Quinn when she wrote her book Con Logs to push a completely false narrative about GamerGate, and never even looked at the literal Con Logs that Ian Miles Cheong revealed to show the level of conspiracy and harassment that ZQ herself was engaging in because people pointed out that she cheated on her boyfriend with game journalists.
  • Garrison Keeler of Prarie Home Companion was MeToo'd because he allegedly held a woman's shoulder when she was crying some 20-30 years ago. Everyone with a brain saw that he was a devout Lutheran and the show couldn't be revolutionized into whatever garbage management had in mind with his personality still present.
Gizortnik 5 points ago +5 / -0

I used to love listening to NPR and watching PBS a long time ago.

The misconduct of the CBC, BBC, and NPR have convinced me that not only should these media organizations be defunded from government spending; but the government should simply be banned from having the ability to own any internal facing media companies, ever.

We need a Posse Comitatus Media Act.

Gizortnik 1 point ago +1 / -0

It appears that GVH was fully, or majority, animated, correct?

If so, considering Snoot Game is a traditional, 2D, mostly static picture, dating sim; I wouldn't be surprised if it did come out before GVH because it's much easier to make.

Gizortnik 2 points ago +2 / -0

This happened years ago when two white kids were in a college library with a Blue Lives Matter sticker on their laptop.

The DIE freaks came up to them, started yelling at them in the library, and screamed that white people weren't allowed to be on that floor.

I imagine it would go in a similar way.

Gizortnik 2 points ago +2 / -0

When Islam keeps promoting people fucking their first cousins, and promotes a culture of violence, then yes it's the religion, even more than the race.

Do you think there's not going to be an IQ impact if you require everyone in a society to accept 1st cousin marriages for 5 centuries?

Indonesia's problems with Islamic terrorism don't stem from it being an Arab country.

Gizortnik 4 points ago +5 / -1

I've heard of Dancing Israelis on 9/11, but I never saw it.

I actually watched Dancing Palestinians on the MSM that very evening. Muslims all over the middle-east were celebrating it, and I don't know why no one brings that up anymore.

As for jewish terrorist attacks, jewish terror attacks are exceedingly rare in Europe and the US. Hell, the Jewish Mafia didn't typically engage in terrorism back when it was a thing back at the turn of the 20th century. There's probably more genuine White Supremacist terror attacks in the US that Jewish Supremacist terror attacks in the US, and we know that White Supremacist terror attacks are probably under 10.

Gizortnik 6 points ago +6 / -0

Why would the 9/11 hijackers cut their hair, shave, and wear polos? Certainly not to look unassuming and non-threatening as they infiltrate a target!

Gizortnik 4 points ago +4 / -0

I was watching the Arch Stream, and just thought it seemed like a perfectly reasonable dating sim.

I actually did not know it wasn't "Goodbye Volcano High", and that that was an entirely different game.

Cue my surprise when he started saying, that it was "way better". Then I assumed it was a pre-quel. It took me several hours to realize that it was a 4chan rebuke of the 1st game.

Gizortnik 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm aware of that, but "alt-right" is the name they gave themselves and colloquially use.

I don't need a reminder that National Socialism is a Leftwing movement.

Gizortnik 1 point ago +1 / -0

Those statements aren't related to jews at all. Jews aren't godless. Jews aren't rootless. Jews have kin. Jews have memory.

Even if you hate jews, these statements are clearly directed at the atheistic, cosmopolitan, globalist Left who claim to be jews because they have a parent that was jewish.

Gizortnik 1 point ago +1 / -0

Sort of, it sounds more like he's pointing out that they are just the kind of freaks that use Judaism as a shield for criticism.

Gizortnik -1 points ago +1 / -2

Putin's just pointing out the shit that you don't like: Leftist globalists aren't operating for the purposes of fulfilling your narrative of "jews are the origin point of all evil". The Leftist globalists actually use your meta-narrative as weapon against others to deflect criticism. This way when someone like me criticizes them, they apply your bullshit to me. I say, "Fabian Socialists caused the war in Ukraine by creating a color revolution, so the country can be an embezzlement state." In response, they say, "Cool it on the anti-semitism". And instead of recognizing this as a rhetorical trick, retards like you show up and start screaming "YOU SEE! WE TOLD YOU IT WAS ONLY THE JEWS! THERE IS NO FURTHER EXAMINATION OF THIS PROBLEM NEEDED, FELLOW WHITES"

This is why you are a Useful Idiot and controlled opposition. You are a tool of the enemy and nothing more. You serve their interests, normally willingly.

Gizortnik 0 points ago +2 / -2

Leftists Jews, aren't jews. They're communists wearing a skin-suit of Judaism, using that to shield themselves from criticism.

They do the same thing with the working class, women, blacks, the middle class, and every institution they inhabit.

Gizortnik 21 points ago +21 / -0

I can't believe a car did this again. Someone stop these cars.

We're they foreign cars? Maybe we should close the borders to stop all these foreign cars from coming to Germany and killing innocent people.

Gizortnik 14 points ago +14 / -0


Gizortnik 4 points ago +4 / -0

The problem is that there's nothing else needed. Opening your door to someone who even is presenting ordinary force can make you the aggressor in a lot of cases, especially of the prosecutor wants to add the scalp of a racist to his trophies.

Those women didn't present an imminent threat of ordinary force to his person so long as that door was closed. There's no good way to get around that. Even if they were outside his house screaming "come out here bitch, I'll fight you!" that would still be the case. He increased his own threat against him by opening the door.

Never pursue, it reverses victim and offender.

Gizortnik 4 points ago +5 / -1

Again, first, it is a violation of the letter of the law. There's no justification for him to open his door, except to engage a target that was NOT an imminent threat to him yet. He must admit that before he opened the door, he was not under any imminent articulable threat. That is unquestionably the case.

However, he's going to correctly argue that his actions were reasonable given the circumstances you laid out. But that's effectively an affirmative defense where he says, "I'm guilty of battery BUT HEAR ME OUT." And that's not necessarily wrong. That's true of all self-defense claims.

Self-Defense claims are always inherently dangerous for this. You admit guilt, but need an exception due to the circumstances.

Innocent people go to prison all the time. Fuentes is a guilty person we're hoping gets leniency. In Illinois. As a nationally renowned antisemitic, white nationalist, woman hater. That's fuckin' bad. His attorneys have work cut out for him.

I think he'll get some leniency after this. I think that community service or an apology of some such we'll probably be fine. I don't think he has a criminal record. It's the lowest level of simple battery. I doubt he'll see time in jail, let alone prison.

Gizortnik 4 points ago +4 / -0

Originally I thought he was an alt-right provocateur with his jew hate, holocaust denial, and women hate, but I watched one show where he went on a rant yelling at an audience member who asked him how long it would take for his AF flag to arrive. If you respond to a member of your own audience by screaming at them that they need to shut up and wait (it had been 4 weeks) because you're "literally trying to save the west", rather than just accepting that you have a logistical issue, that tells me you're here to scam people out of money. At that moment, it seemed clear that he went from provocateur to grifter.

But then came the Kanye-Milo-Fuentes disaster. Kanye went off the rails because people were trying to destroy him, and Trump was a friend. Milo constantly makes himself broke for no reason while his husband supports him, but he left the Trump orbit very angry and openly pledged to destroy Trump and most of the people affiliated with him. He's a petty and vindictive... well, faggot... as he wrote. Fuentes was Milo's friend, and this is fucking weird.

Fuentes and the Groypers never supported Trump because they saw him as a jewish shill. Kanye is black, and to the Groypers and Fuentes, is part of an inherently inferior race that is destroying the west and needs to be physically removed. Milo is a gay miscegenist. His husband is black. He has a horrible habit of making drama where there is none. Worse, Milo and his orbit tried to co-opt the Alt-Right from Richard Spencer and the White Nationalists back in 2016. Milo should be persona non-grata to Fuentes, and is persona non-grata to everyone else on the Alt-Right. Kanye would be no different. Trump is no different.

So cue my surprise when a man who's career is being destroyed is cozyed up to two people who would love to fucking destroy the Trump campaign in the crib. One of the best ways to do that was appear normal to Trump at a dinner, then go onto Timcast and start fucking screeching about international jewry, unprompted. At no point did Milo, Kanye, or Fuentes make any attempt to speak their ideas honestly, but just use insinuation and storm off to get attention. For weeks the media used that podcast and Trump's meeting with Kanye to sink the campaign. The hope was that Trump would lose all of his donors, and would not be able to run again. Thankfully, most normies don't watch the internet and don't care; otherwise, in any other election cycle, his campaign would have died with that podcast.

Even in this forum, I got to hear all the WN's who literally want every black man in America shot in the back of the head, make excuses about why Kanye, Trump, Milo , and Fuentes that it was wonderful. The same people who said they'd like to see Milo executed were all for him. Suddenly they were MAGA faithful. Then when it became clear that Trump was not a White Nationalist, they turned on him again and pushed black-pilling and demoralization through the whole of the election. They continue to lament Zion Don, every day, to this very day.

Fuentes pulled the same stunt and flipped against Trump and openly campaigned against him. Richard Spencer has been pro-Biden for years. This is because the Groypers aren't pushing White Nationalism, they are pushing National Socialism, and it is a left-wing movement. Economic Nationalism, Libertarian governmental scope, and social conservatism are all an anathema to their movement, and they would like to see it die. Fuentes is no different.

Gizortnik 4 points ago +4 / -0

That's why we gotta clear out the Bar Associations too. Or just end credentialism for lawyers altogether.

Gizortnik 6 points ago +6 / -0

On a moral examination, she totally deserved it. But, like I said, I do think he violated the letter of the law, even if it was reasonable enough for him to do what he did. Taking her phone is probably the most unjustified thing he did, but it seems like he gave it back at some point. Hopefully, he gets leniency for the battery charge because it is simple battery, and because it's OC spray, there's no real physical injury like bruising.

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