Gizortnik 6 points ago +6 / -0

Ducks are basically violent rapists, so I don't think they really give a shit.

Gizortnik 11 points ago +11 / -0

This is why I love Vance at the moment. They keep letting him on (unlike Trump), and he keeps embarrassing them every fucking time.

They just don't fucking learn.

If we get a VP debate, Waltz is going to get publicly destroyed. And to be clear, Waltz is a much better speaker than Harris.

Gizortnik 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes, but Fabian Socialists and Communists have been at each other's throats since the Fabians took over Berlin during the 1918 revolution, and let the Communists get killed.

The Neo-Liberals (Fabians) agree with what he did, but can't replicate it in a way that preserves their power. The Progressives (Communists) don't care if they lose power, they'll just kill whomever objects.

Despite what they say about "no bad tactics", they actually do have a lethal division of tactics that they will attack each other over.

Gizortnik 2 points ago +2 / -0

Upper middle class lifestyle

in Canada

as an Indian

Gizortnik 3 points ago +3 / -0

I've seen two "Republicans for Harris" signs near me.

The other side is it.

Gizortnik 1 point ago +1 / -0

It most certainly is. That's why they're not talking.

Gizortnik 1 point ago +1 / -0

Sure, I'm just saying it's not slavery, certainly not Muslim slavery. Which normally involved castration, not mass murder.

Gizortnik 12 points ago +12 / -0

It's like when white Antifa members start screaming "nigger!" at black cops.

Yeah, I'm sure you're real offended.

Gizortnik 1 point ago +1 / -0

That's Caribbeans, not all. I suspect Venezuelans and Guatemalans are going to other locations.

Gizortnik -2 points ago +4 / -6

The first effort will be to train bots to argue against right-wing narratives, but that's just the experimental phase.

The second effort, and primary purpose, will be to agitate right-wingers into violence and entrapment by law enforcement. Consider how many feds the dissident right has already and quadruple it with bad-faith bots. Patriot Front's numbers will probably septuple.

Gizortnik 2 points ago +2 / -0

HOI isn't woke, but it is operating from a neo-liberal paradigm.

It still assumes that Trotsky (head of the Red Army during the inter-war years which attempted to conquer the independence movements from Russia and subjugate Berlin under Communist rule; who repeatedly recommended mass international terrorism to create Communist revolutions everywhere), would lead the Democratic-Socialist faction of Russia and take a more assertive stance to preserve peace.

Nope, he probably wouldn't have waited as long to invade Germany as Stalin did. That's why he got an ice pick.

Gizortnik 3 points ago +3 / -0

Thank god they sent out the stormtroopers to kill Trump.

A regular field agent probably wouldn't have missed.

Gizortnik 13 points ago +13 / -0

"I have a better survival rate than all of Hillary Clinton's friends"

Gizortnik 9 points ago +9 / -0

"Donald Trump is the greatest warrior-president in American History."

It doesn't matter if time travel is real. No one will believe you anyway. You'll just be seen as a lunatic.

Gizortnik 7 points ago +7 / -0

Will someone please get an AI version of Trump singing Don't Stop Me Now?

I think this needs to be the theme song of this election.

Gizortnik 1 point ago +1 / -0

Weird that no aspect of Liberal philosophy is related to the French revolution despite people literally quoting Rousseau. You have a secret society that controlled the revolution, and it wasn't the Free Masons, it was the Jacobins. And they were Rousseauians, not jews.

Gizortnik 3 points ago +3 / -0

No, the slave rebellion and a liberal revolution tend to go hand in hand. Liberalism is antithetical to slavery and vice versa. This is why there were whites that were spared for working with the revolutionaries. And yes, the war had been going on for some time, and there were whites on the side of the revolutionaries.

They got caught off-guard by the genocide, which is why you shouldn't trust Leftists.

Gizortnik 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hence my point. Even a completely lax and open border in a purely free market doesn't equate to hordes of people flooding in. You kill the subsidy system and the whole migration racket goes with it.

Gizortnik -2 points ago +1 / -3

I don't think so. They didn't even have to cite which man. It's a pretty easy call. It's still forced marriage, but it's not sex slavery. It's a better deal than even the Uighurs are getting.

Gizortnik 5 points ago +5 / -0

They're a little nervous about doing this because FDR was a Democratic Socialist, which is why the country was economically damaged by him dragging out the depression, why he committed ethnic cleansings, why he tried to pack the courts, why he tried to monopolize the media, why he worked directly with the mob, why he basically suspended constitutional law, why he seized gold, why he murdered union protestors, why the country became a one-party state, why he created the pension ponzi scheme and linked it with mass registration, and why he seized control of the banking system and set up the GAE.

Progressives cite him all the time to explain why we should be a Socialist country, and how popular Democratic Socialism is.

The Neo-Liberals agree with what he did, but replicating it would be something that they are extremely lacking political capital for.

Gizortnik 19 points ago +19 / -0

This, we've already seen this with the January 6th defendants. They've been explicitly required to go through indoctrination programs, including being required to memorize passages from Leftist books, in order to begin having the negotiations of a settlement.

It's hard to find, but there's been multiple reports in congress about the "Deprogramming Manuals" that January 6th defendants are going through (regardless of conviction or trail).

Gizortnik 22 points ago +22 / -0

I actually think she has no policies. I think that the bureaucrats are just going to continue to run things for themselves as Biden did, so it doesn't really matter what her messaging is. They're not going to do any of it (unless it was already the objective they are securing right now).

Gizortnik 11 points ago +11 / -0

Weimar Germany wasn't mass executing their own population from what I remember. Euthanasia is the 6th leading cause of death in Ottawa. I don't think that was ever the case in Berlin or Hamburg.

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