Gemmaugr 0 points ago +3 / -3

From my link above:


Dashlane, LastPass, and KeePass: Research carried out by Independent Security Evaluators (ISE) uncovered that while running in the background, these password managers could leak unencrypted credentials. According to the researchers, these companies don’t always encrypt and clear passwords from the computer’s memory when the user logs out."


KeePass: When this program runs on a computer where a logged in user has the KeePass database unlocked, KeeFarce (a hacking tool) decrypts the entire database and writes it to a file that the hacker can easily access. In theory this kind of hack makes all password managers vulnerable."
Gemmaugr 9 points ago +10 / -1

I don't use Password Managers at all, and wouldn't really recommend others to do so either. You have to trust a lot more stuff than just yourself. The company behind it, the encryption, the cloud storage, etc. https://password-managers.bestreviews.net/faq/which-password-managers-have-been-hacked/

As for LastPass, it worked in 2022 (https://forum.palemoon.org/viewtopic.php?f=46&t=28758&p=232592#p231532) & (https://forum.palemoon.org/viewtopic.php?f=46&t=28758&p=232592#p231564)

Gemmaugr 6 points ago +7 / -1

You can use Legacy FF addons for PM now. They quickly realized their mistake. That Person, is also banned, so it's much better overall.

Gemmaugr 5 points ago +6 / -1

Since it's a rather obscure browser it doesn't get attacked on a general principle (unlike chromium and firefox browsers & soft forks). It's also a long time since PM hard forked from Firefox (Gecko) into independent Goanna so they're not vulnerabule to the same vectors. It's also constantly updated.

TL;DR: It's good.





Gemmaugr 10 points ago +11 / -1

Firefox (Gecko) All platforms, world-wide: 2.55% (https://archive.ph/eSsv6)

Walled Garden Safari (Web Kit) at 24.29%. That means the google Chromium (Blink) fork of Web Kit controls around 75% of the market..

Firefox shouldn't have started aping chromium, nor gone all political activist. It became their downfall (at least, faster than otherwise would have been).

google is truly evil, and omnipresent. One can still use a non-chromium and non-firefox browser though. As well as block google and prevent accurate fingerprinting. With a configured Pale Moon.

by folx
Gemmaugr -1 points ago +1 / -2

So old you've forgotten what the counter-argument is? No argument and ad hom doesn't paint you in the brightest colours..

by folx
Gemmaugr 3 points ago +3 / -0

You don't even need to disturb it. Just agree in a different way.

by folx
Gemmaugr -9 points ago +3 / -12

Idiot is as idiot says, but a comeback is not on track. I hope the upvotes give you a warm glowy feeling, as you ignore the similarities at your own peril.

by folx
Gemmaugr -10 points ago +5 / -15

I wouldn't call causing Rome's fall a success, nor the Dark Ages, or Inquisitions.. Neither were Witch Trials a highlight. The best you could say is that it "only" stagnates. Wokeness/Cultural Marxism is much worse, but both are bad.

Gemmaugr 5 points ago +6 / -1

The whole patents and Intellectual Property system need a do-over..

by folx
Gemmaugr -15 points ago +5 / -20

Very true. Just like christians need to hear how jesus loves them, and that people pray for them. It's all in-group circle-jerking the common brainwashing mantras.

Gemmaugr 6 points ago +7 / -1

Please stop it with the death-threats. It makes it very hard to agree with you, despite the fact that I love lolis and tomboys and pettanko's.

People who can't separate fiction from reality are just sad and people who act on emotions alone are pitiable. We laughingly call them woke sometimes, but forget the prudes.

Gemmaugr 10 points ago +11 / -1

With regards to the image posted; It's not an either/or thing. They both contain known child diddlers. Trying to make it only about the opposing side is peak identity politics and ignoring reality.

Gemmaugr 6 points ago +7 / -1

Even a stopped clocked is right twice, and a blind hen can find seeds. Both Queers and QAnon are incredibly stupid. Useful idiots.

Gemmaugr -9 points ago +5 / -14

Typical of both christians and socialists, sadly. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Brazilian_Christian_socialists?useskin=vector

He probably thinks metal is the devils music and DnD summons demons.

Gemmaugr 6 points ago +6 / -0

The article doesn't posit that the tribe is from there, just that they met the Nommos who are supposedely from there. I find the names interesting though. Sirius being the Dog Star. African Dogon tribe. Mesopotemian Dagon/Dagan. Japanese Dogû. Maybe even Dragon.

Similarities between other names and their surrounding lore is also fascinating. Valhalla (Asgard), Shamballa (Agarth), Xibalba (), Shangri-la (), Patala (), Matarta (), Atlantis (), Antillia (), Avalon (), and more. City and Country.

Gemmaugr 12 points ago +12 / -0

This won't happen, sadly. My Sweden may have done okay with regards to the WuFlu, but they're incredibly woke in all other aspects. No immigration quotas, taxed to death, going cashless, does CRT and woke identity politics, supports Ukraine, applauds Biden, disparages "far right", introducing Digital Identities, requires registration of name & birthdate/social security number for pre-paid SIM cards, etc etc.

Gemmaugr 1 point ago +1 / -0

I could say pre-puberty, puberty, and post-puberty instead. It's all the same meaning, and that's what's important.

Gemmaugr 2 points ago +3 / -1

Pedophilia is under 10-11. Hebephilia is between 10-11 and 14-15. Ephebephilia (a real term) is between 14-15 and18. Otherwise I agree with everything else you said.

Gemmaugr 14 points ago +14 / -0

It's the angling and added caveat that makes this otherwise correct statement completely wrong. Everyone suffers without criticism, yes. No need for "experts" (which aren't experts), and jornolists have shat in their own bed with corruption and bias for too long not to expect backlash. "Let them eat cakes".

Gemmaugr -1 points ago +1 / -2

Calling it "pseudo"-history is why I told you to educate yourself beyond your little bubble.

Gemmaugr -2 points ago +1 / -3

We aren't born with clothes, and many civilizations throughout history have had minimal coverings. You should also read up on Zeus and otherwise try to broaden your mind.

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