New word. Niggey. Thanks for sharing.
I'd like this posted in black or any nonwhite neighborhoods. Do your thing antifa.
Thx for the response, i need some sort of lawyer so start this?
Can u flesh that out a little please?
I told bmv to remove me. I double checked at the end. New ID still had it.
Jews invented communism.
No im not sure on that but it would follow suit logically from the same guy that said the 14. I suspect 88 is a coincidence.
88 is the 88 precepts by the same guy as 14 words.
Ooo its started going the disney rout. One day itll be all feminist with lines like "down with the patriarchy" and "dont mansplain to me"
Dont forget hags. A jewish witch.
Past time for pro white racism no /s
Duno much about WH but i was willing to check out the video games. Not anymore, the franchise and producer will never receive money from me.
This is hate speech according to ADL: "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children."
Blood libel they murder then eat the children's blood in matza in satanic rituals. That is worse that murder.
Need to get rid of the lazer beams. The weirding way is not fucking lazer beams. Ugh. Great movie other that that.
Christ is king is now illegal speech on campuses?
Reported lol. Im pointing to the book that i didnt write. This is like libs of tiktok kvetching
According to talmud 6 million must die in a holy fire for them to return to the holy land. They try to fool God with a fake holocaust.
My neighbor has a nat gas van. Sounds the same running. Hes fine with it, gotta go to the local praxair gasses company but theres several around.
This isnt even a beauty contest. If it was, a beauty would have won. This is a goblin dolled up to its best.
Japan is for the Japanese
Look at her. A beauty contest. An ugly foreign blood won top beauty of native peoples. DEI won here.
Aryanity: forbidden history of the aryan race. Nonfiction, amazing book.
We went from a global cabal of psychotic jews to another global cabal of psychotic jews.