FartFag5000 8 points ago +8 / -0

Id honestly they just rather went right to this instead of the slow deliberate corruption they've been running with

FartFag5000 2 points ago +3 / -1

Only gonna get worse Europe. You could kill yourselves and your bloodlines now to save yourself the embarrassment of letting the entire world see how cucked you are.

FartFag5000 1 point ago +1 / -0

I consider myself agnostic. My wife is orthodox Christian. I'm going to start going to church on Sundays for the kid because I want it to develop an understanding of the need for spiritual development and strong community and I do think my girls church is good place to try to instill those things.

FartFag5000 5 points ago +5 / -0

Almost makes you wonder what it was that motivated Trump to sign an EO saying treason gets the death penalty. Guarantee you it wasnt for stuff like this...

FartFag5000 -1 points ago +2 / -3

Ur mother sucks off dogs faggot

FartFag5000 -2 points ago +7 / -9

All the good and noble British blood was expended during WW1&2 and the only thing left are the decendents of deserters, retards/cripples, and the cowards who hid in the back. I genuinly beleive the white race would only benefit if we nuked the UK and removed their modern genetic marker from our racial propagation efforts.

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