Comment Reported for: "He was wahabist and lied to get asylum in Germany"
This isn't a rule violation, but it sounds like you're feeding into your own narrative, yoisi.
Post Reported for: Rule 12 - Disinformation
Post Removed: Yeah, this was never said in the video. This account very much seems like an alt-right (possibly islamist) false-flag account to try and generate jewish hate through gay-ops like this.
Don't source information from this source, OP.
Post Reported for: Rule 16 - Identity Attacks
Post Approved: Listening to the whole thing, Putin seems to be calling out Atheists and literally "godless" people, claiming affinity to Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. I don't think he's criticizing atheists specifically though. Not that it would matter because Keith Woods isn't really saying anything, and neither is OP. He wants to say Putin is blaming the jews, but that's not what he's saying. It could have been an Identity Attack, but it's so poorly done that it really doesn't count.
I approved it. If not, link it.
Comment Reported for: Rule 12 - Disinformation
Comment Removed for: Rule 16 - Identity Attacks
You can attack Islam, rather than making a moral claim about each Muslim.
No, apologies. The post filter might be a bit too heavy handed. I'll fix that.
Post Removal successful
Successful removal and report
Comment Reported for: Rule 16 - identity attacks
Comment Removed for: Rule 16 - identity attacks
Post Reported for: rule 13 - Repost
Post Removed for: Rule 13 - Repost
Imagine constantly sympathizing with evil villains, and then criticizing anyone else about morality.
Post Reported for: Rule 12 - Disinformation x2
Post Removed for: Rule 1 - Illegal Activity
Technically, this is posting a manifesto. But there's also discussion that there is legitimate questions of authenticity about the source. If you find articles that accurately link to a credible source, then you can post that. But don't just post the raw manifesto.
I just told you what the conditional statement was. It would be different if he said something different, like talking about crime statistics.
Comment Reported for: Rule 2 - Violent Speech
Comment Approved: It's about as on-the-line as you can get, but it doesn't cross it. He's not asking trannies to kys, he's asking why they would kill others.
Comment Reported for: Rule 2 - Violent Speech
Comment Approved: This comment isn't actually doing that. There is a way it could but this doesn't.
Comment Reported for: <redacted>
Comment Approved: Don't be mean.
I read it in the context it was written. I didn't add anything. It was a simple IF THEN statement. If you tell me: "If you bring more white people into a restaurant, you get more incest." that still falls under the same assertion. There's no context outside of "Whites are an incestuous race". That's obviously racist bullshit and a R16 violation.
And I'm aware he didn't say that himself. What he did was respond as if he had, taking responsibility for the statement and agreeing with it in full.
If you show a post of someone calling for the shooting of Trump and give it a title of "How dare he say this", then I don't hold you accountable for the statement. But if you give it a title of "He says what we're all thinking!", then I'm going to take you as having repeated the comment as your own.
Yes, but it doesn't specify anything about statistics. Just the insistence that IF you add a black person THEN disgust follows. That is the issue.
"Deleting" it only makes it invisible to others. I and OP can still see the comment
Calling me a filthy kike isn't a violation of any rules.
No it isn't. If he had said that, it would not have been removed.
Do you have a source for the official stats? I think I'll sticky that link.
Mass pardoning all of the January 6th protestors would not come to this amount. It would barely get to 1500, including if you pardoned everyone who died or killed themselves.
Post Reported for: Rule 16 - Identity Attacks
Post Removed for: Rule 3 - Harassment & Rule 2 - Violent Speech
Don't start flame wars. I'm fully aware you got told this in an argument on another thread, and now you make a post solely for the purposes of dragging that argument across the board.
Second, considering how violent and destructive the Inquisition was in Spain: yes you are calling for violence.