I don't think it is simple as the CCP outright controls US universities. The CCP has a strategy they call "Elite Capture"; where they seek out and influence the most prominent individuals in any given field.
Universities are an environment and where academics compete for funding. There is limited funding, and those that are most successful at getting $$ for their project get to continue with their careers.
The CCP has been one of the biggest sources of funding for university research projects for decades. They have been slowly and steadily extending their influence and cultivating allies as they are promoted up the food chain within universities. It is to the point where Socialism is the dominant political paradigm for university professors in some fields.
Now these professors have designed our university programs, hired the teaching staff and picked who passes and fails their classes for more than ten years. The graduates of these programs have taken over any number of fields. Look at the state of psychology and counseling in Canada / USA, Or HR specialists, who write the hiring criteria and training for new jobs in industry.
It is both.
The CCP has disproportionate sway over universities in the English speaking world. They have been slowly and steadily encouraging critical theory at the university level for decades.
The current crop of activist executives were all educated and indoctrinator under the current university system and were hired by the HR departments of these big software and entertainment companies. This current AAA collapse is the inevitable result of the Long March through the Institutions.
Yes, the CCP run Tencent are being opportunists, but the situation was prepared by the Chinese pushing woke bullshit in universities and then companies in the West, and crushing the shit out of it in China.
China will not implement environmental restrictions nor DEI bullshit. They circle like vultures and wait for the time to be ripe to take the cultural assets for their own control.
Like, some kind of Band of Brothers?
You fucking bell end.
They are days away from more-or-less ending the open internet in the UK. Their rallying cry was "Think of the children!.
And your response is to just cede the ground and smile?
Oh, well fuck free speech. Loli is gross! Stop fighting and give in to the Boomer Moralfags!
Fuck you. Fuck off.
I live in Australia. They took our guns, they literally made this thoughtcrime bullshit where representational art is exactly the same under law as a photograph.
You want to give up in Texas? Well do it, faggot. Strap on those skates and roll down that slippery slope. You fucking deserve what you get.
It would be smarter to sit down and talk it out with Trump
Perhaps, perhaps not.
It doesn't matter. Canada offers very little to the USA. It is a one sided trade arrangement, where Canada benefits the most.
If Trump wants to start a trade war, the quality of life of every normie Canadian will fall until Trump says stop.
If Trump moves from tariffs to sanctions, two winters from now, Canadians will be burning corpses and furniture to stay warm.
So, what the fuck are Canadians going to do about it? Sound and fury? Vote against their own interests? March in the streets? Offer their asshole to the CCP again? All of that is useless.
80% of people believe whatever the Legacy Media tells them to believe.
They brag about it.
We are freaks because some time ago we started to question everything the gaming media told us, then what the entire legacy media told us.
Most people don't have the time or the mental energy, so they just ... don't care. More than that, if they start to care and to question the things that they verify their life suddenly gets more difficult.
Two thirds of my family acknowledges that I have been proven right by events on every single occasion that things are testable. I was right about COVID 19. I was right about inflation. Eventually (years from now) they will be forced to admit that I was right about Trump.
They fucking won't even talk to me because I won't back down. The closest we can come to any conversation is if we agree to speak of nothing with any meaning or consequence. "The weather is nice."; "This sandwich is slightly above average." etc.
My mother is a retired teacher and my sister is currently involved in education. Both of them were getting paid much more than I am, working in female dominated industries. If they had adopted my 'hate facts' they would have literally been run out of their jobs as pariahs by the other women they work with.
This is standard.
Canadian politicians will literally sell the country to China, and normies will masturbate in glee as CCP tanks roll down the streets before Canada gets its shit together.
Australia does some of the highest quality university research in the world, and for cheap.
The USA can (and does) fund specific research and they get to say what happens to that research after it is finished. It unusually goes into the public domain.
For example, the USA could fund a series of projects on mechanically compounded super-alloys. They would benefit from the shitty Australian dollar, and then get full use of the information.
In principle it is a good idea.
The devil is in the details.
They can't ban nitrates. Or fuel.
You can construct a fuel air bomb with a can of fuel and a charcoal fire. You can make a Boling Liquid Air Explosion with a propane bottle and a gas burner.
You can make nitrates out of rotting dung.
Sure, C1 plastic explosives would be better, but anyone with a basic knowledge of chemistry can work something out.
The step is planning.
Planning shows deliberate action; which shows intent. That is murder.
Reckless or negligent action that could foreseeably result in death which then does result in death is manslaughter.
If the video shows him swerving for the cyclist then that would show intent. If there comes to light testimony about how the youths discussed running over some pedestrians / cyclists before they got into the car ... then that would be planning, which would show intent.
Personally I think that their genetic line should be erased to four generations; but I am notoriously intolerant of this kind of shit.
Hey remember! Cyclists aren't even people! They totally deserve this!
I'll have my 25 upvotes now!
I wonder how much Henry Kissinger had his slimy tentacles on the JFK assassination or the fallout afterwards.
Even if he wasn't involved, he was never one to let a good crisis go to waste.
You can sell crypto for cash in your local pub. You'll find someone who will take a decent deal on it.
The Irish know very well that bombs are easier to make than guns.
It is worse than that. One of the foundations of Critical Theory is that the Truth is whatever brings society at large closer to embracing socialism.
So the truth is literally anything that lets them win.
At least liars know they are lying. This political movement / religion has crawled through the education institutions and they are teaching that there is no such thing as truth.
Guy, shame simps. As soon as simps stop giving hoes money and attention, they will move on.
Instead of trying to make women flashing their snaches more rare and valuable, remove the incentives.
Bros don't let bros simp for hoes. Shame those guys. Tell him to be honest with himself and rent an actual whore.
But if they don't, they promise to learn the wrong lessons.
How many times was Tim Pool swatted? Eight? Fourteen? I lost count somewhere.
With a frame designed and fabricated by Gustave Eiffel, the Wizard of Iron. Shipped over here in parts and assembled by locals.
I am a huge fan of Gustave Eiffel and his work.
IMNHO it was a small internal faction of the CIA that recruited assets from a couple criminal groups to extend their reach.
I think that the conspirators then got one of their own put in charge of the investigation, and used that power to misdirect people, destroy actual evidence and generally cover things up.
I think that any worthwhile government records will have been destroyed decades ago.
Trump was convinced that the BLM riots were a state and local issue. Which they are.
While Trump could have called out the National Guard, it would have been a huge overreach of his power as president and he would have been clearly stepping on the toes of the individual states involved.
I don't know why city mayors and state governors are so happy to have their cities burned down, but they absolutely were.
Now I think he'd be much better at finding excuses to get the FBI involved, charging specific people with federal crimes as they apply. We will see.
Huh, I guess you do believe that men and women are alike.
Sort of? Men have far more motivation to find self-awareness because being a male is performative. Men are men because of what they do; and the benefits of their actions peak much later. Men who are effective gain resources and social status.
Womens' social value peaks at about 18 and their marriage value (sexual marketplace value) peaks at about 22. That gives them the most opportunity while they are still relatively immature.
It takes effort and discipline for people to develop their thinking and sense of self through the 7 Levels of Consciousness and (IMO) women get stuck more often at about level 3.
Christianity places an emphasis on moving up through the levels, and holds up Christ as an exemplar of the seventh level of consciousness. We both know that Christianity is out of fashion and often attacked by the media machine and the Neo-Marxist 5th column in the Academy.
To sum up: Men and women are more alike than different. Men are much more motivated by circumstance to become self-aware and to mature, mentally. Women can get plenty of rewards just by being pretty and hedonistic, having successfully removed all of the social stigma that used to be attached to slutty behavior.
And for the record, I have always thought promiscuity was bad for men too.
I don't know what the fuck is going on with Kissin. I do know that his family was an elite family1 in the USSR and then forced into exile for political reasons. Why this is causing him to (of late) attack the 'woke right' as he calls it is unknown to me. Noticing that London is about two political terms away from falling to Islamic interests is toxic or something?
I agree with your analyses. Lindsey is utterly terrified of a Christian revival and that White Men will organize and decide that their opponents are neatly color coded, or something.
This is something that Jordan Peterson has also spoken about. JP points out that White Anglo Saxon Protestant men are the most effective group in the history of the world, and should they turn their goals to violence that the rest of the world will not stand a chance.
I don't think the fear is particularly realistic at this juncture, but it isn't my irrational fear.
It would be very interesting to find out what causes a woman to be self aware and to value marriage and men in general.
I'd bet that it is more common in women who were raised with a positive father in the home, something which is becoming vanishingly rare.
Mark was perfectly cast as Cock-Knocker. His performance was a tour de force.