The entire intent of the formation of Washington DC was to serve as the administrative seat of the federal government.
It was never supposed to be granted statehood, because that would give it to much power.
Additionally, because of this people really weren’t meant to live there, and they shouldn’t.
The only fair option is to cede the residential areas to neighboring states and reestablish the federal zone as an administrative area.
It’s OK! Men like him will be able to get into the clean energy sector in the next 2-5 years, and work on solar panels, or windmills, or unicorn farts and pixie dust.
At least, I would say that, if it weren’t for the fact that China has a monopoly on the production of solar panels, which their government subsidized the production of, so that’s a dead industry. And windmills are a joke.
And truthfully, the Chinese have a massive interest in green energy production all around, so any green energy initiatives will only further enrich them while we lose more and more wealth.
Universal suffrage is a mistake.
Because you don’t just turn tail and flee to alt-tech when big tech is putting the squeeze on you.
You set up elsewhere but continue to spread your message on their platform; don’t give them the satisfaction of running off, make them ban you
The Military seems... ok.
That General did block the Chinese troops from attending their winter warfare course, to Trudeau’s rather public chagrin.
“Part of the lesson that we need to learn in this time of collective awakening is a level of respect and understanding for the fact that people, in many cases women, experience interactions in a professional context and other contexts differently than men.”
100% true, but also only an excuse the annointed can use; if you ain’t in their club, such a claim will fall on deaf ears.
Malicious compliance or becoming ungovernable is the new future for those who wish to subvert those in power.
I hear from so many people even now who don’t want to adopt the tactics of the Left, as if the highroad is treated the Right well all these years.
And it is an exercise in teeth pulling to get them to acknowledge otherwise.
It’s clear the greatest enemy the conservative currently faces is the conservative.
For me, someone who holds the inherent values of conservatism and yet has no qualms with adopting the mindset of an Alinsky-ian radical to strike back at the Leftist establishment, it is frustrating to see so many of my fellows consigning themselves to their own destruction rather than adapting to the times.
At least I see a lot of people getting angry, which is the first step. The next step is convincing these people that the basis of their anger comes from the fact that they are no longer part of the establishment.
I’ve said it in other posts but I will reiterate it here: the US is a sea of red from which islands of blue wish to dictate how the country is run. If that sea adopted a disruptive mandate, it would flood those islands with no appreciable resistance.
Easy: don’t let up on calling them Marxists and Commies.
It’s plain language that still triggers revulsion in the common man, and it is tied to economic stagnation and millions of deaths by starvation and oppression.
Well, that explains the accelerationist policies; “they” want this to happen.
Right now, any overt attempt for a foreign or global presence to restructure or plunder our nation will spur a measurable response.
However, if we’re bloodied from a civil conflict, and our already-strained infrastructure is conveniently crippled, they can just waltz right in.
Makes me think even the upper-crust politicians are useful idiots for this even more sinister plot.
There’s a clear reason the small hats work so hard to wipe their hand in history from the record and condition the public to see them as perpetual victims.
I am also at the point where I think it’s folly to believe that these people find themselves constrained by the laws and rules of our land.
The Democratic leadership just in the past couple months have committed multiple acts of seditious behavior, while simultaneously levying that claim on both President Trump and the populist right.
As long as no formal consequences are enacted against those who commit these actions, they are effectively above the law.
Oh, and look what caps it off: yet another interracial family.
Their propaganda has become sickeningly obvious.
Everyone’s gangsta until gangsta shit comes to their front door.
Wut? Arkham Knight still looks amazing, especially on PC (as unoptimized as it is). Doesn’t make up for the story and the over abundance of the Bat-Tank, but whatever.
Essentially, yes.
However, he’s also from South Africa, so he knows the score of oppressive government overreach, and he literally has more fuck you money than anyone in the public eye.
Trump saving the day with a massive purge of the true seditionists is a LARP until otherwise proven.
At this point, hope for the insurrection act, but prep for a very dark winter.
To build on your second point, IIRC didn’t the gay couple in question deliberately drive an hour+ out of their way to go to a specific Christian bakery to antagonize them?
The small hat screams out in pain as he lashes you.
They don’t have enough manpower to enforced tax collection if the collective populace, or hell even just 5-10% of the most steady payers, decided to grow a pair tomorrow and stop paying their taxes.
Record shows that only 3.5% of a country’s given population is necessary to incite a revolutionary change.
We are a country of 350 million and we are finding ourselves lorded over by hundreds, who depend on thousands to enforce their will.
They do not need to nor can they issue lhundreds of thousands, even tens of thousands, of charges. Thinking they have that much overreach is pure paranoia, and it’s exactly the way they like it.
There’s a lesson I learned much later than I should have: Humans are inherently tribal by nature, and most need a leader (a chieftain) and a familiar group (a tribe) to function.
The church, for example, is one of the most well-known and contentious of tribes. The vapid complain of the church as solely being exploitative — Newsflash! All human-led groups are exploitative; look at government — but at least the Church keeps people honest and decent.
Without fail, when man forgets God man falls, because whatever takes God’s place inevitably leads man down a dark path.
And I say this as someone who up until pretty recently was not the biggest supporter of the church.
Just consider that SocJus is all of the dogma of the church with none of the morality, and the need for religion as a guiding force becomes clear.
....kinda went on a tangent with that one, but, y’know... people need a good group influence and a strong leader, or their actions devolve into shit.
If it ain’t part of the Left’s plan, it’s “sedition”, plain and simple.
To entertain the useful idiots have any independent thought at all is a fool’s errand.
Wait... people are saying it was a Reichstag Fire for Trump?
Jesus, I was so focused on the obvious calls for retaliation and consolidation of power from the establishment goons after the fact, that I didn’t even entertain that anyone would blatantly think this was done as a last-ditch effort by Trump.
I know the programming runs deep, but man, the mental gymnastics...
Nah. It’s an 8-bit cover of ‘The Only Thing They Fear Is You’ from the DOOM Eternal soundtrack.
Trump is planning his next moves. He's not going away and he'll be building a coalition. If he's smart he'll dump some money into communications platforms since you can bet his ass is off Twitter for good.
Provided Trump doesn’t get railroaded by the establishment powers after the 20th; I’m 50/50 on whether he’ll even be able to fight another day - whether it’s continuous lawsuits, imprisonment, or a bog-standard ‘three bullets to the head’ suicide is the real question.
I do agree with the rest of your post, though. The only true reversal of course in any capacity is for the Right to start claiming victories in the local-to-state level political machine. It’s how the Left gained its power, and it’s how the Right needs to respond.
And, yes, staying in shape, learning new skills, and consuming non-SocJus approved media is paramount to combating the demoralization they want to foster upon us.
Fuck them.