current_horror 8 points ago +8 / -0

The LGB are experiencing the same fate as the terfs. It turns out that leftism is animated at the top by transgressive demons who seek only to undermine, invert, and destroy western civilization. The moment your identity is no longer useful for that purpose, you are marginalized within the movement.

Sucks to suck, retards.

current_horror 8 points ago +8 / -0

If you talk to a queer theorist, you can ask them if any traditional conventions are worth maintaining or if everything has to go. They will always choose the latter, giving themselves away entirely.

current_horror 7 points ago +7 / -0

EA fucks things up with monetization and unrealistic sales goals. The enshitification of BioWare was the result of an internal feedback loop that started with catering to the “in-game romance” crowd and was completed with diversity hiring.

This new dragon age is a perfect example of the latter. This tranny doesn’t have the skill to code or game design on a ground level, so he gets to slide into a management position instead. That’s how “holistic” diversity works. So his lack of qualifications combined with his diversity score jumped him up to game director, and now he gets to steer the ship into degenerate incompetence. All he had to do at the interview was talk up microtransactions, and the suits were on board.

current_horror 5 points ago +5 / -0

DA2 had trash combat. Positioning didn’t matter because enemies spawned midfight from random directions. All you had to do was spam your skills on cooldown.

current_horror 3 points ago +3 / -0

If another conflict erupts, it’ll be states versus cities. It won’t go well for the cities, but that’s when foreign interference will arrive. It will get weird.

current_horror 5 points ago +5 / -0

There are two and a half good star wars movies that were all created 40 years ago. It’s a completely astroturfed property.

current_horror 4 points ago +4 / -0

She didn’t say anything inaccurate. There’s a difference.

current_horror 11 points ago +11 / -0

Leftism is the political/cultural manifestation of cluster b personality disorders. When we destigmatized mental illness, we opened Pandora’s box. The unchecked proliferation of mental illness has been a massive boon for the left. That’s why a majority of white liberal women have been diagnosed with one or more mental illnesses.

I had a falling out with a BPD girl about a decade ago, so my red pilling occurred just before gamergate. When the claims of “harassment” began circulating, I immediately understood what was happening. So in a weird way, I do think everyone should be exposed to at least one BPD girl in their personal lives. It’s like working six months in retail as a teenager: you learn a lot about the world through suffering.

current_horror 13 points ago +13 / -0

For a lot of white people, white guilt is a form of strategic self-deprecation. People typically self-deprecate in order to assuage the competitive concerns of others. Most of the time it is ironic; we don’t actually think poorly of ourselves, but we joke about it to put others at ease.

On a surface level, we’re communicating to others that we won’t be aggressive assholes. Maybe we’re lying, maybe not. But the display usually fosters better cooperation, which is both desirable and powerful… in a homogeneous high-trust society where such gestures are reciprocated.

In a multicultural low-trust society, self-deprecation is tantamount to showing a predatory your belly. And racial self-deprecation communicates to everyone that should any type of competition arise, you won’t be consolidating influence or power with your own racial cohort - not even if every other racial cohort explicitly does so.

It’s worth noting that some low value cultures view any self-deprecation is weakness. These cultures tend to be low in cooperation, which also means they tend to be low in achievement/advancement. Most of Africa is still a primitive shithole because the people who live there are incapable of sustained cooperation.

current_horror 26 points ago +26 / -0

He and Gitz really know how to avoid the threads that feature extensive self-noticing. Hard to refute direct quotes boasting about how accurate all of the conspiracy theories truly are.

current_horror 4 points ago +5 / -1

My dude, America can’t even deny citizenship to randos who happened to be born here after their parents illegally crossed the border. Because activist judges are allowed to interpret in ways that are antithetical to the existence of a coherent nation.

current_horror 7 points ago +7 / -0

100%. I think Brown vs board of education was the legal precedent that essentially enshrined the CRA as the new constitution.

current_horror 22 points ago +22 / -0

It’s a funny impulse, this need to boast about their achievements even as they lead directly to ruin. There are more sophisticated members of the tribe who try to keep this shit quiet. But then you have the sort of people who publish massive TIME magazine articles explicitly outlining how they stole an election.

current_horror 38 points ago +38 / -0

Before Hart-Cellar: 85-90% euro white.

60 years later: less than 50% euro white.

America has been successfully invaded. No one fired a single shot because defending majority white nations is “racist”. Therefore, the continued existence of white peoples and cultures is “racist”. Therefore, “anti-racism” is simply anti-whiteness.

Also, Hart-Cellar was put forward by a Jewish politician who made it his life’s mission to change the demographics of America. Prior to Hart-Cellar, immigration was proportional in order to maintain relative demographics. Immediately after the bill passed, the white euro share of the nation precipitously and steadily declined.

The people who voted for HC also pinky-promised that it would not be abused to change the demographics of the country. Leftists have always been liars. If they were honest about their intentions, it would reveal their resentment and envy and hatred, making it impossible for them to gain power. So they have always veiled their true goals behind hollow generic values. The predictable and deliberate outcomes of leftist policies must always be framed as either accidental or inevitable.

current_horror 7 points ago +7 / -0

It’s an ideological incursion. Nothing else makes sense. They are happy to destroy it all.

current_horror 7 points ago +7 / -0

Based on the quality of modern entertainment media, it is self evident that straight white and/or Asian men are necessary for good content. It’s really a massive own goal, when you think about it. They replaced straight white men both behind and in front of the camera, and now almost everything sucks? Weird!

current_horror 18 points ago +18 / -0

You demonstrate reasonable comprehension, so I think it’s safe to assume that you are arguing in bad faith. Otherwise you wouldn’t continue to play the “religion” shell game. It’s an ethnicity. Period.

current_horror 21 points ago +22 / -1
  1. Diversity of identity necessarily creates diversity of ideas

  2. This is only possible if ideas are inherent to identities

  3. But some ideas are clearly better than others

  4. So then some identities are better than others

Case in point: just as the cultural Marxists introduce all of this feminism and diversity into Star Wars, they then immediately decide to explore moral relativism and power dynamics within the show’s universe. We are told explicitly that these new demographics didn’t like the old storytelling, which was simply the hero’s journey. So the appropriate conclusion is that adding the female and minority perspectives to media makes it worse. Because those identities are worse.

Sidebar: the strength of a brand can be measured in the length of time and amount of media required to scuttle it. By these metrics, Star Wars truly was the most valuable property in all of entertainment. It has taken dozens of shows and movies, over decades of production, to destroy the value of this IP. Imagine how much money they could have made if they’d simply put non-feminists in charge. They probably flushed 10+ billion dollars down the toilet.

current_horror 5 points ago +5 / -0

The American government indicting anyone for money laundering is classic clown world.

current_horror 7 points ago +8 / -1

The dark souls hate is retarded. They are modern big budget games with almost no gay ass storytelling and very decent expectations for player competence. There are a lot of copycats because the formula is great.

current_horror 2 points ago +2 / -0

I’ve got hundreds of hours into the souls series, Bloodborne and Elden Ring included, but I’ve bounced off Sekiro at least half a dozen times. For me, it’s the setting and the fixed protagonist. I like medieval fantasy and cosmic horror, and I like being able to create my own character.

I do fully intend to get around to Sekiro eventually.

current_horror 18 points ago +18 / -0

If they have to choose between giving the fans what they or not doing it at all, leftist producers will choose the latter. At great personal expense, too. The streaming model has been a godsend for the cultural Marxists.

current_horror 6 points ago +6 / -0

C’mon, they only make up like 20% of Biden’s cabinet. Just ignore the fact that that 20% is basically every important position.

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