Colonists don't move to cities.
No, they were settlers and colonists. Immigrants move to and parasitize cities, settlers and colonist move to the wilderness.
They Allied with the Communists initially
And your side allied with them from 1917 to 1950.
They could have not gone to war at all, but Hitler wanted one because of his narrative. They could have stopped in France, but they were drunk on success. They could have stopped after Normandy, but the Sunken Cost fallacy kicked in, and Hitler would rather kill his best generals rather than be told that they couldn't win the war.
Why do you spew such easily disproved lies?
a recently unclassified high-level British Foreign Ministry memo noted 16 separate German peace attempts from September 1939-June 1941. The British and French declarations of war on Germany in September 3, 1939 came as a shock to Hitler. He was obsessed with making peace with Britain and France as he never wanted to fight them in the first place as all his territorial ambitions lay eastward. Interestingly, unofficial British policy from 1935–1939 was designed to encourage Hitler to channel his aggressions eastward towards the Soviet Union, which is exactly what he did. The British military guarantee of March 1939 marked a major departure from previous British policy and caused the Polish government to refuse to negotiate a peaceful resolution of the Danzig issue. Hitler had hoped to get Poland and Britain to ally with Germany against the USSR but Polish refusal to return the “free city” of Danzig when he had not asked for one single inch of Polish territory caused Hitler to invade Poland. He subsequently made peace offers to the Western Allies on September 2, 1939, October 6,. 1939, July 1940 and May 10, 1941 with many in between.
Churchill had become Prime Minister on May 10, 1940 and he was determined to continue the war until Germany was destroyed once and for all no matter how generous the peace terms offered by Hitler. Britain actually came fairly close to accepting peace with Germany was on May 28, 1940 during the so-called War Cabinet crisis when Halifax who had turned down the offer to become Prime Minister instead of Churchill, but who was still serving as Foreign Minister, persuaded the majority of the War Cabinet to negotiate a peace agreement with Nazi Germany on favorable terms to the British even threatening to resign before Churchill outmaneuvered him. Had Halifax resigned, Chamberlain likely would have resigned with him resulting in the call of a no confidence vote in the Churchill-led coalition government. That would have likely led to Halifax reluctantly agreeing to serve as PM with the full support of Chamberlain, who was still the leader of the Conservative Party, and the King to negotiate an end to the war. The terms of such a treaty likely would have been similar to the terms offered by Hitler in July 1940 and May 1941. The terms stated below were very favorable to Britain as they essentially would result in the retreat of all German troops from all nations occupied during the war but Poland and Luxembourg causing Germany to retreat to its October 1939 line of control without the need for a single drop of British blood to be shed.
The May 1943 American Mercury article summarized the terms of Hitler’s May 10, 1941 formal peace offer, which was confirmed by multiple British sources and typed in both German and English on official German Chancellory paper, as follows: “Hitler offered total cessation of the war in the West. Germany would evacuate all of France except Alsace and Lorraine, which would remain German. It would evacuate Holland and Belgium, retaining Luxembourg. It would evacuate Norway and Denmark. In short, Hitler offered to withdraw from Western Europe, except for the two French provinces and Luxembourg [Luxembourg was never a French province, but an independent state of ethnically German origin], in return for which Great Britain would agree to assume an attitude of benevolent neutrality towards Germany as it unfolded its plans in Eastern Europe. In addition, the Führer was ready to withdraw from Yugoslavia and Greece. German troops would be evacuated from the Mediterranean generally, and Hitler would use his good offices to arrange a settlement of the Mediterranean conflict between Britain and Italy.
No belligerent or neutral country would be entitled to demand reparations from any other country, he specified. The proposal contained many other points, including plans for plebiscites and population exchanges where these might be necessitated by shifts in population that has resulted from the military action in Western Europe and the Balkans. But the versions circulating in authoritative circles all agree on the basic points outlined above … Hess emphasized that his Leader would not quibble over details -- Britain could practically write its own peace terms.”
In addition, Hess stated that “Germany had no designs on America.” German leaders informed the British that Hitler was willing to commit to the “restoration of a Polish state” which presumably meant a Polish puppet state aligned with Nazi Germany (which would be much better than having Poland continue under direct Nazi rule) and wanted to negotiate the return of former German colonies which had been taken from Germany after World War I. They also told the British that Hitler agreed to preserve Britain’s full independence and keep all of its other colonial possessions even proposing a 25-year Anglo-German alliance in which Germany would offer the use of its troops to defend the British Empire, if necessary. One of the express terms of Hitler’s peace offer was “the resettlement of the Jews in Palestine.”
Pretty much all the American, British and French lives lost during that period can be blamed on Churchill because 7 of the 9 countries Germany had invaded between 1939–1945 would have been liberated if Hitler’s final peace offer to Britain hand carried by Deputy Fuhrer Rudolf Hess had been accepted while the Jewish Holocaust (which Hitler did not plan until the British refused two years of his pleas to deport them from Europe) would have been averted. If the US and UK didn’t fight Nazi Germany after June 1941, then Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union would have likely continued fighting for control of Eastern Europe for many years beyond actual history though a temporary armistice might have been reached. The Soviet Union would have been weakened hemmed in by Nazi Germany in Eastern Europe and Japan in the Far East so the US would not have had to fight a Cold War and lose 100,000 troops in Korea and Vietnam. The Pacific War likely never would have been fought. China and North Korea would never have fallen to Communist control and would be US allies today. Over 100 million innocent lives, including six million Jews, likely would have been saved.
Immigrants NEVER bring value.
The inevitable result of the Non-aggression principle. Victimhood is the only to go on the offensive. The first to claim they have been wronged is the one to win.
They do this shit all the time, at every level. In my hometown there was a letter to the editor framed as a republican attacking Trump back in 2020. A month latter the same person was in an article bragging about how they were doing community organizing for a Soros NGO.
They are more respectful of Christian beliefs than the jews that did the Olympic opening ceremony.
It is solved by convincing all CEO's everywhere to not be the CEO of Alphabet via repeated use of the People's Veto. Change the Risk/Reward dynamic to heavily favor not getting involved.
Their next article: "and here is how you can download more RAM"
If you don't want to be known as a faggot, stop saying you love sucking dick. If he didn't want to be known as a jew, then he shouldn't say he's jewish. It's that simple.
Oh and, you should retake kindergarten math, and learn to count. Him shaking hands with IDF means it's only 1 degree of separation.
He has a hyphenated name. That is a pretty big giveaway.
So I spot checked the links. They are valid.
Clickable link:
Anyone who claims that TR isn't a fed, is a fed.
Of course it is. You sure as hell aren't going to develop the reasoning ability to become an extremist by sitting on your ass watching the TV.
Gaming requires both input and output. It is interactive, and until recently required the anathema of normie mediocrity: getting good. Being able to kill the ego and accepting that you suck is the first step. That leads to the ability to observe and analyze which is how extremist are made.
It's pretty easy to understand: you go after the smarter one by pointing the dumber one at the smarter one. Arabs are not a threat to jews, blacks are not a threat to jews. They are both sub 90 IQ or worse on average. But sending the arabs and blacks into white nations is exactly what jews are doing. Because whites are a potential threat to them.
A mold covered hot dog is a better mod than any of the ones on KiA, so that isn't saying anything at all.
So you actually buy that misdemeanor terrorism is a thing? Less than a month for terrorism because he's just a good guy the cops really like? He's been in prison more than a few times but it just doesn't seem to stick. Of course each time he goes a few others go with him. I wonder if they ever get with their 30 day sentences, or do they rot waiting for a trial?
It's more telling that he shut up after I called him out for being part of 4th or 8th psyops.
So the guy who literally took money to kill brown people and enforce the government's will on others is calling me a fed.
Irony and projection.
Let me guess, you were stationed at Fort Bragg.
PF is explicitly a controlled opposition organization that is designed to literally round up gullible people and put them in prison for the rest of their natural lives. It's sole, dedicated, purpose is to destroy the alt-right at the very least, and the entire MAGA movement at most. Their purpose is to kill or capture their own members.
So Tommy is a fed then, because that is exactly what he accomplished with his most recent event. He got at least two of his people arrested with him, and he will be out in less than 28 days according to another post here.
I didn't say "agent", I said "asset". There are several pictures of him meeting with them in Israel. That is more than enough to condemn him just as much as PF.
So strange how the people that attack PF as a fed op cheer on Yaxley-Lennon who is openly a Mossad asset.
Personally, I believe in not interrupting my enemies when they are making mistakes, so even if the feds are funding both, either or neither, it doesn't matter. Any normalization of the right protesting and getting out and doing is good. If it's the feds, well their mistake, and I hope they keep on doing it.
I pray every day for China and Pakistan to nuke India. I hate you more than I hate Jews. Your people have invaded the privacy of my home 4-6 times a day for the past 5 years trying to steal my money with your scam phone calls. Your people come into my nation and violated every law they can get away with, and when they get caught they flee back to the shit hole, only to be replaced by two more H1B cockroaches form there. And now you are trying to INVADE .win. You bring hatred down on yourself. Do not whine when that hatred turns to action.
You know it. Stocks and money are the only thing he cares about outside of women and Epic.
"People", "Tourists"
Those are jews. They just can't help themselves.
Remember "The Scorpion and the Frog".
Say the guy that can't tell the difference between Daniel Boone and Sadiq Khan.