BulbasaurusThe7th 18 points ago +20 / -2

I regularly side with men against my gender, but hey. No, I'm not saying that for some hidden, nefarious reason. I mean, there is no way I will meet, let alone divorce rape any man who happens on this post.

BulbasaurusThe7th 3 points ago +3 / -0

And her real name is probably Stephanie.
I LOVE it when the kinda-sorta black race hustlers from the nice suburbs called Lewis and Susan change their name to SOUND African.
Assata Olugbala Shakur, celebrated cop killing black supremacist's real name is JoAnne Deborah Byron. Remember that.

BulbasaurusThe7th 41 points ago +41 / -0

She is a muslim. Another reminder, they would NEVER have your side against one of their own. You could get publicly murdered by a muslim and another muslim (yes, even the "nice" one you superficially know) will always side with their brethren and make up some reason why your death wasn't so bad, or you yourself provoked it, etc.

BulbasaurusThe7th 16 points ago +16 / -0

They don't help Steven, the black dude who works as an accountant and plays DnD on the weekends.

They do help Antwan from the hood, who robs and murders people.

BulbasaurusThe7th 2 points ago +2 / -0

Wouldn't be surprised if they fucked the poor animals, but apparently they die because they are just not fed and taken care of properly. Nobody actually really does their job there and they do have a lot of animals.

BulbasaurusThe7th 3 points ago +3 / -0

Half of it is so weird I can't even understand what's going on with humanity.
Like the awful troons who have the alpaca farm where the animals just... keep dying. Meanwhile, they claim an ebül ebül Republican redneck monster called Earl is trying to murder them. (When they mention this Earl, I always think of Earl Harbinger from Monster Hunter International and it makes things much funnier.)
I adore alpacas, though, so I get the sads when I think of them dying because the tranchers dilated instead of feeding them.

BulbasaurusThe7th 26 points ago +26 / -0

Now I will show you guys my true colours.

I am a true lover of internet lolcows and bizarre shit. It tainted my soul, but still.
There is this one tranny commie weird ass dude who is a crazy antifa in Portland, called Phillip Haskins-Delici. He is putrid and for some reason, obsessed with cycling. Can't help but think of him when I see this.

BulbasaurusThe7th 7 points ago +8 / -1

"Eat the bugs, live in a tiny shoebox, never travel." - Leonardo Dicaprio, as he is fucking 20-year-old Brazilian models on a luxury cruise ship.

BulbasaurusThe7th 21 points ago +23 / -2

Seriously, you are exactly like a feminist, only in reverse directions. A man who is on the left does not have your best interest in his mind just because you are also a man. Convincing yourself about that won't make your life better or safer, you will just get duped the same while you feel it's somehow better.

BulbasaurusThe7th 22 points ago +22 / -0

How do you explain the male politicians, CEOs, leaders of NGOs, etc.? Please, don't do the feminist thing and claim they are only poor, mislead victims.

BulbasaurusThe7th 26 points ago +27 / -1

Why would you kiss the ass of someone who thinks you are a monster who deserves death no matter what? Lefties will NEVER like you. Never ever ever ever.

These are people who want you broke, dead, imprisoned, your kids taken from you, ostracised, on the streets, starving, beaten, etc. If you STILL want to get with them, then you are a retard. There is no middle ground with those, like what? Your house only gets sorta taken from you? You only kinda get thrown in prison for wrongthink? The horde curbstomps you only a little?
Fuck off.

BulbasaurusThe7th 23 points ago +23 / -0

Why are lefties so into feminine gay black dudes? The only black men they are not threatened by?
Plus, they always laugh at straight guys with moustaches and make disparaging comments about them being creepy, but the gay ones get a pass at any weird fashion choice.

BulbasaurusThe7th 30 points ago +30 / -0

At least make a good job of colourful hair. But no, it has to look shoddy as well.

BulbasaurusThe7th 3 points ago +3 / -0

Of course they can have opinions, but they are not outwardly super passionate.

BulbasaurusThe7th 9 points ago +9 / -0

I liked Claire having big city Jewish girl fits over candy bars and Brad was an entertaining big bear.
The others... Nah. The gay guy with a wife was fussy, the Arab gay just plain irritating. Skinny older Jewish woman was okay, I guess (Carla or something).

BulbasaurusThe7th 17 points ago +17 / -0

I have spent some time living in Sweden. I don't know about the other countries.

Swedish people are extremely... mild. Big emotions are not their thing. There is a reason why you see South American soap operas and not Swedish. They are not a nation of emotionless robots, but are not huge on publicly expressing big feelings.
They are also not used to conflict. Somehow collectively they are not socialised to argue and fight and disagree.
Of course a Swedish person is not likely to publicly just say he or she is fucking unhappy when they know this is a questionnaire to decide what country is "good" and what isn't. They don't want to make trouble and also they are not comfortable with expressing shit.

BulbasaurusThe7th 12 points ago +12 / -0

Then again, white people are also the only ones who have this weird fucking delusion of saving the world and feeding everyone else is a must. We are the only ones who believe Africans in the mud huts DESERVE and NEED iPhones and goatherds in the Middle East have a human right to going to malls.

BulbasaurusThe7th 11 points ago +11 / -0

Let me guess. Neuter yourself if you are white. Eat bugs. Live in a tiny little box, never go out, never travel, never do anything fun.

Meanwhile the people of this world who contribute NOTHING keep having 15 kids each and do whatever and try to get any luxury they can steal from you, because they deserve it.

BulbasaurusThe7th 13 points ago +13 / -0

Were these shoes made ethically or in a sweatshop somewhere?

They aren't made ethically. So what now? The retard teen still wants to parade around in it? So that shows he doesn't care. He never did, he just wants to own status symbols.

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