BulbasaurusThe7th 11 points ago +12 / -1

The situation of Ukraine and Russia is the fault of Le Vaginas too. I swear to god, is there any conflict, misfortune, accident, illness, temporary discomfort or ANYTHING that's not the fault of women according to you?

BulbasaurusThe7th 7 points ago +7 / -0

What I mostly have issues with is him blaming women for unrelated things. Like he claimed that a known troon pedo is just paid by feminists. That all evil men are just blackmailed by women.

BulbasaurusThe7th 3 points ago +3 / -0

AMEN. Everyone in always talking about FIDESZ not being great. But like... the left doesn't even seem to try any longer. They don't even have the brain power to pretend they are decent.

BulbasaurusThe7th 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think deep down he just enjoyed being "forced to stay out drinking" late at night with police to "build relationships for better information" much more than actually being with his kids.
The way he wrote made it super clear he was in love with his own voice.

It was all very funny, because there was this higher ranking... I think detective or someone he became friends with. This older dude. He really respected that man. But that dude still had time to be with his child. He developed cancer and died, but he was there for his family still, while our journo just couldn't be arsed.

BulbasaurusThe7th 6 points ago +6 / -0

I'm not even sure I will go, I don't really see the point.
If I do, I'm for Fidesz-KDNP. The other big one is the retarded left and Jobbik together, which makes zero fucking sense. Like hell no I'm never gonna vote for that bunch of giga faggots like LMP, DK and Momentum and that shit. They can't agree on anything, just whiny, stupid leftoids doing bullshit because Orbán said the opposite. And Jobbik. I can't get over the fact that they all joined up out of pure desperation. It shows how none of them have any integrity.

Other than that, who else is left? Torockai with Mi Hazánk?

Don't get me wrong, I don't really have loyalty to Fidesz based on the name, I don't have brand loyalty with politics, that's dumb. But all the rest are just so comically retarded and incompetent, I can't deal with them.

Márky-Zay is my favourite. Dude is legitimately touched in the head, I think. He says shit like... hmmm, there are too many hospitals in this country, so we need to close some to keep the quality of medical care up. Besides, you don't need doctors for like... births and shit, nature solves that. So basically if you are a rural woman, then just give birth or die trying, also rural babies don't need no fucking care. Because lulz.
He also loves talking about us rural people being total drunkard idiots. I love that too, it's nice to hear him say it's rare to find sober people by 10 AM in rural communities and such.

BulbasaurusThe7th 6 points ago +6 / -0

Socmedia is whole another issue, specifically because it's social. It gives the consumer this idea that the content creator is their personal friend, even when it's content made by a big ass company. All the big Youtubers and online personalities have big companies managing them, but it's still sold to you as your friend telling you about shit.
This goes for most of them, regardless if it's news, beauty, cooking, tech, anything. I'm specifically into books a lot, so I occasionally take a look at "booktube". So totes average young women just UWU talking about books... except they all have affiliate links, get thousands of dollars of books magically on a college student budget, etc. It's all fucking bullshit.

BulbasaurusThe7th 24 points ago +24 / -0

Okay, let's talk about this.
Another leftoid who can't help his wishy-washy undefined blabber. Which places? What exactly is happening there? You can't expect people other than libs to sign something that's basically "some things happen in some places, let's world police". Use your fucking words, Colin. Explain to me where and what. Facts. Tell me facts.

Second, nigga will tell you about colonialism when it comes to his hood, but he would love to go to other countries he dislikes for a lack of troonmarches, satanic abortion missions and Starbucks every block.

Now, because we are talking about a Democrat, I know one country he yikes about is mine. We are too white and too not ultra leftoid for his tastes.
As such, I sincerely ask Colin to go fuck himself. We are having a campaign against degeneracy propaganda in schools. I know Democrats think that's hate and ciolence against those lovely troons who are just trying to recruit molestable kids, but they can also go die in a greas fire.

BulbasaurusThe7th 25 points ago +25 / -0

To become a journalist, you have to have the kind of personality that makes me not want to hear a single fucking word that leaves your mouth.
They all have god complexes, they are full of themselves, have these retarded ideas, are pompous cunts, etc. But that's needed to get ahead in a business like media. So by the time they reach their goal, it's like... why are you fucking alive?

I read the book of this dude. He is white (or something, Shekelsteinberg) and became the first white journalist writing in Japanese for a proper actual Japanese newspaper.
Some parts of the book were really interesting. The part about the process of becoming a journo in Japan, his struggles with misunderstanding the culture (like he went to an important event wearing a black suit and everyone assumed he was going to a funeral, because there you wear dark blue for work lol).
But then it all spiralled into the dickbag having two children he barely even knew because he developed this god complex and wanted to save totes unsuspecting poor white women who went to Japan to "work" and had nooooo idea that involved selling pussy for the yakuza. He was so proud of himself for being a hero too!

They all just become shitty ass people.

BulbasaurusThe7th 6 points ago +6 / -0

Dude, what the fuck are you even talking about? First of all, I am not for abortions, not at all.
Second, you are delusional to think men stopped being around women. Some did. Some women also do the same. But it's not like men just don't fucking date women, you are delusional if you think so. Not everyone is like you.
Third, I personally don't really much care about relationships. So why are you assuming shit? I'm not the one who constantly talking about "UGGGGH, I have my money, I don't need no women". For someone who doesn't care, you loudly don't care all the time.
And fourth, why do you act like women are a borg? I don't care if other women get rejected, date, don't date, whatever. It's not like I know them. You do the same with men, which is also stupid. You are not the voice of men. You are the voice of yourself.

BulbasaurusThe7th 8 points ago +8 / -0

So you think birthrates are down because of men. But you ignore things like the number of abortions. Which women do.

I love how this Carrie Symonds is your new masturbatory material. Woman lives in your head rent free. The more you ramble, the more like an SJW you sound.

Did you say the same when all other governments bitched at Russia? Let me guess, the invisible women in the background totally made that happen.

No matter what anyone says, you just claim it's some totes mcgoats realsies secret woman is to blame. Hitler, Stalin, Charles Manson, Mao, Gary Ridgeway, Soros, anyone I can bring up and you will find some upside down bullshit way it's a woman's fault. Every time.

BulbasaurusThe7th 11 points ago +13 / -2

Right, ww3 will start now because le women. Okay dude.
Yes please, punish us all by not having kids. And pretend you are the leader of men who follow you to battle.

BulbasaurusThe7th 3 points ago +4 / -1

No murderers exist, it's more logical that a secret cabal of feminist with psychic pokemon powers everywhere specifically organize every single crime as a fake.
According to you, Jonathan Yaniv is also a paid feminist puppet, not real .

You freaked out on me a few days ago because you claimed I lied about you minimizing and denying real events for your batshit theories.
This is what I talked about. This fucking thing.

BulbasaurusThe7th 40 points ago +40 / -0

Even if we ignore the retarded race fuckery... Just look at the designs around the black woman. Her clothes, the carved designs in the background at the top.
It looks like a completely different story, it's almost futuristic. To me it looks more... sci-fi, almost like Star Gate or something.
We have seen a lot of different places and people in The Hobbit and LOTR and while they all had their own identities; they looked like parts of the same story.

This... it's just wrong. Like does she look like part of the same greater culture as Durin next to her? Can you imagine them in the same room?
Hell, elves and dwarves in LOTR looked like they belonged together, even if they were cultures at odds with each other. But this is just not good design.

by lkw657
BulbasaurusThe7th 9 points ago +9 / -0

I'm sure that will be great for our productivity and such. Like There are many issues with that, but like... ignoring the fact that a bunch of us work with dangerous machinery, chemicals, we operate vehicles and such?

BulbasaurusThe7th 4 points ago +4 / -0

There were multiple times of you hearing about some fucked shit, but trying to minimise it and somehow saying it's women's fault. Which, even if it's true... you sound like a North Korean with those fantasies about punishing generations ahead.
I wasn't talking about just one off colour comment, mate. We all have those.

But I distinctly remember times of you hand waving transgenders targeting young girls and such. They are not even women yet, besides, ACTUALLY being molested probably isn't going to help them be loving and trusting of men. So basically it just makes the issue worse, but hey.

BulbasaurusThe7th 10 points ago +10 / -0

That also means you are buff as shit or something. Fit and sneaky as fuck. You are going places.

BulbasaurusThe7th 17 points ago +17 / -0

Oh, dude has a history. Like he used to be active part and minor authority in the online fanclub of some band of little girls. Got removed for being a fucking creep.

He also kept asking questions about how he should "help" if a little girl asked him to help with tampons in a public bathroom where he is obviously in the women's one.

BulbasaurusThe7th 21 points ago +21 / -0

That was such a retarded story, oh my god. Some little old lady assumed I was a nurse because I happened to be wearing a white t-shirt when I was running some errands at a hospital.

BulbasaurusThe7th 3 points ago +3 / -0

Honestly, I will never stand by "these people were horrible, then shit happened to them and they have regrets... let's fucking tell them to fuck off gleefully".
That's a level of having an ugly soul I wish I will never have.

Like you have to be not a great person to fantasize about how you will happily deny cooperation with people who apologise during a total societal collapse.

I'm not saying anyone should just mindlessly support all women, that's retarded. But he is uncomfortably happy about always mentioning how he wants to totally fuck over people who are GENUINELY vulnerable who happen to be women.

Like I remember times when we were talking about young, underage girls being creeped on by troon pedos and third world women who are actually kept as sex slaves/prostitutes by force. Yet he keeps coming up with excuses why that's still women's fault and HAHAHA comeuppance. Because Big Red the Feminazi is really hurt when some Thai peasant woman is kept locked up and raped daily or a 10-year-old is molested in a restaurant bathroom by a dude in a skirt.

BulbasaurusThe7th 7 points ago +10 / -3

Almost a whole month before, for an event you have to do nothing for. Just admit it, you thought it was smart and couldn't contain yourself. The whole "women's history month" thing was just an excuse. You post the literal same shit on any given day.

BulbasaurusThe7th 14 points ago +14 / -0

Yeah, you gotta love it. Lazy ass, anti-work trust fund NEETs bitching at blue collar workers because their honking is interfering with their fur babies and dilation sessions is where the commie left is right now.
I would be amazed by the retardation, but I can't be anymore.

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