BulbasaurusThe7th 25 points ago +25 / -0

Alternatively, to fund bullshit leftist art projects, ungrateful Africans and Arabs invading and shitting up the place, cunty "researchers" and journos writing papers on leftoid nonsense, social programs for welfare queen cumbuckets, diversity programs for degenerates, etc.

BulbasaurusThe7th 4 points ago +4 / -0

Even worse, the people who come here to try and blackpill, demoralise, depress and basically neuter everyone else. Fuck anyone who tried to talk OTHERS into being shit.

BulbasaurusThe7th 3 points ago +3 / -0

Because I am fucking tired of a bunch of the people here doomsperging, not because of themselves, but trying to demoralise all of us into being ineffective, lazy bitches who just sit around all miserable, because "UGGGGH, everything is hopeless, don't even try, don't do anything, productivity and happiness is meaningless, just be miserable, roll around, do nothing and die".

I don't understand why some people feel the need to make everyone else objectively worse off with their whiny blackpill shit.
This is the same as saying "you know, I actually think it's selfish to have a family when the world is doomed, lieeeek, totally". Fuck off with that shit.

BulbasaurusThe7th 42 points ago +42 / -0

All because they can't handle having their holy figures being discussed honestly. They can't allow us to keep tabs and a list of the deeds of these people.

BulbasaurusThe7th 16 points ago +20 / -4

Since when are you a Korean? The fuck you think you have to do with Koreans, Imp? He did not betray you, he didn't even get your vote.
You do not own men all over the planet. Your crazy is showing again.

BulbasaurusThe7th 9 points ago +9 / -0

I grew up on endless shonen anime, like Naruto or Bleach. Stuff where, thinking back, it had so much weird crap that just retelling the greatest hits makes you sound deranged.
This is the same.

BulbasaurusThe7th 17 points ago +17 / -0

I remember his reaction to that Canadian trucker protest old lady being arrested.
If she gets illegally kept in custody, it's fair. An innocent is locked up, but it's righteous because woman.
If she eventually gets let out, it's proof she is evil somehow.
If she is locked up for some time, but eventually, down the line gets let out, it's still proof she is evil, because a man would have gotten more.

There is no good answer. Also, every female murder or rape victim is fishy and sus for him. Every single fucking one. We could have a video of it happening and it's done by Spielberg (who is manipulated by his wife, of course).

BulbasaurusThe7th 10 points ago +10 / -0

Yeah, fuck you all with your chicken and biscuits that I am not craving at all.

BulbasaurusThe7th 41 points ago +41 / -0

It includes 'white people' and 'southern'. Literally just how and where you were born.
Nobody can accuse trannies of being intelligent and worthwhile humans, but this is particularly retarded.

by folx
BulbasaurusThe7th 16 points ago +16 / -0

She is also pretty bananas.

by folx
BulbasaurusThe7th 29 points ago +29 / -0

I refuse even that.
Even adult ones, I think it should be absolutely banned to legally do any of this shit. Also, I would never employ one, for example. I would never tolerate my (future, in theory) kids to be taught by one, I just generally avoid doing any business with a troon.
It goes without daying I also don't associate with the like in my private life.

BulbasaurusThe7th 30 points ago +30 / -0

I remember some AIDS activist talking to Crowder way back.
He said AIDS is no biggie, because they have medication now, so it's not really different from normal life.

BulbasaurusThe7th 8 points ago +8 / -0

That is if you buy them from like Amazon. You don't have to have your ebook reader connected to the internet, you know. In offline, nobody can do anything, especially if you load the books from your computer.
By that logic, the physical books are one spilled glass of water/leaking pipe/random bug or other pest infestation/fire etc. away from being destroyed.

BulbasaurusThe7th 8 points ago +8 / -0

We ebook reads aren't real, because we can't SMELL the books.
(Funny enough, I have a barely existing sense of smell because of a childhood illness, so I can't really smell them much anyway. Never will be a real reader.)

BulbasaurusThe7th 3 points ago +3 / -0

The Kia one? Years and years, I don't know. It was just a one day thing, I scared him away right as he showed up. :D Which was funny.

BulbasaurusThe7th 3 points ago +3 / -0

Once I tried and watched like 20 seconds of ep 1. The... other girl, whatever her name is, was annoying. :D
To be fair, I am a super bad show watcher, I can never finish anything.

BulbasaurusThe7th 4 points ago +4 / -0

Btw, do you remember cha0s? I think he also used to be a mod. Added me on skype way back in the day. Tried to make me send photos of myself, which... was sketch.
He also acted like a typical bully, like he bitched me out hardcore because I laughed about that old-timey British feminist who got trampled by the king's horse. Tried to make me say I was thankful for those feminists "for my rights" or some shit.
He also wanted to buy me a bag when I told him I needed a new backpack for school. (It was adult school, I wasn't underage or nothing.)

Then when I said this on Kia2, he showed up and tried to make me sound like a liar by showing a cropped screenshot of our last conversation. "This was a civil convo, so she lied about me being creepy".

Fuck, this comment section is like some sort of a flashback episode of the crazy Kia shit through the ages.

BulbasaurusThe7th 5 points ago +5 / -0

Man, I never got ANY secret tea on ANYONE. Everyone just assumes I know everything and shit, but nobody told me anything! I have been accused of being some super secret spy person, being in touch with everyone, meanwhile I'm just sitting here knowing literally nothing.
I left halfkia because of Pink. I made some comment about her or some shit, so they collectively blew up on me. I think I got... a warning or a few days timeout or something. To which I responded with something like "who do I have to blow to not get banned" or something really stupid, in hindsight.
I got DMs from like all mods telling me how they expected better of me and how I need to just be nice. It was so funny.

They really had that quirky vibe too, accusing everyone on the right of being some boring old grandpa. Like you can't be not a leftist and enjoy... vidya and fun stuff and such!
It's either Pride parades, abortions and histrionic bitches with nose rings while having fun, or church and sitting silently in an empty room and going to bed at 8 pm.

BulbasaurusThe7th 7 points ago +7 / -0

Nah, it was just a rando, even though the Meow thing was weird too. Fucking "I am killing myself" and everyone had to basically kiss his ass. Then he still went batshit insane. That fuck just wanted to become some ethot and collect a harem of simps for himself.
There was supposedly some DM about him with his photo going around or some such and multiple people told me I must have gotten it, but I never did! I wanted to see so bad, though.

Remember how they used to ALWAYS say "ackshully, this is a leftist community". Like politics don't matter here, but we are super left, don't say we aren't, REEEE. And they kept making post after post about trying to prove it, oh my god.

BulbasaurusThe7th 48 points ago +48 / -0

This post is fucked in many ways.

First of all, it's obviously a pompous soybitch looking for some blue haired they/them dame to suck his dick. SJW youtube "SRS movie critic" too. Oh, joy, I do love to hear the sassy snaps of dudes like that.

Second. LE DISABLED. Fucking what sort of disabled? I absolutely hate how they conflate whole chunks of humanity that have nothing to do with each other in function. This character is blind. She doesn't have a debilitating food allergy or a missing leg. She (I assume) doesn't have some mental issues. She is fucking blind. Say it. Stop with this wishy-washy, non-sepcific language. I think this is one of the biggest crimes of the leftoid zombies; they use so many fucking words that are just vague, mushy nothing.

Third. Nobody has an issue with a small/female/supposedly disadvantaged person gaining the upper hand in a situation if it's explained and it's explained well. Make it make sense. Does she have some special abilities? Did she learn something that can be useful? HELL, she doesn't even need to be physically superior to be useful and beloved. For feminazis, they love to judge women like they are men. Which is sexist in so many ways. Then again, it also doesn't hurt if she has an actual personality, motivations and backstory, instead of one more iteration of "and she Whedon-speaks at all the male characters and totally cruches the patriarchy because someone told her to make a sandwich that one time". Nobody likes a bitchy person who is about nothing but one upping the men she assumes all just exist to spoil her perfect badass princess fantasies.

The whole love interest thing. Jesus, that is so stupid. First of all, this person looks like a child. I just looked it up, she is motherfucking 12 years old in The Last Airbender and 86 in Legend of Korra. So what is this faggot talking about? Then again, it's not us who need to find a "queer" romance in children's shows and movies about underage kids, but his people. You know, infinite amounts of gay porn about every single underage character ever. No conservative/right wing/not insanely left wing person wants to see a 12-year-old as a love interest or else. Shut your whore mouth. Besides, I love how they claim every female character is a love interest. Just get into not awful mainstream media. Even there, it's not true, but I guess they can't get into anything that doesn't have a fucking Funko Pop made of it. These people seem chronically unable to look for entertainment they like! Terminally online and don't know how to operate IMDB, Goodreads, MyAnimeList or whatever. It's baffling.

But hey, he is a MOVIE CRITIC with a whole ass Youtube channel, so he must be right about his insanely insightful media essays, instead of sounding like his dialogue was written by some foot fetishist Hollywood pedo.

BulbasaurusThe7th 19 points ago +19 / -0

They still do it every fucking time.
I ESPECIALLY love when they show up, say "I am also a troon/feminist/whatever, but look how non-pathetic and cool I am", but the moment the community doesn't just kiss their ass, they got batshit insane and bitchy.

The same happened on the small bird cultivation forum very recently.
Keffals the pedo's supposed ex showed up. Of course another disgusting troon. He kept talking about how Keffals is a great person deep down and he is sorry things ended this way, etc. Then he bitched when people were like "shut up, nobody cares, we won't simp for you".

WAAAAAY back some troon did the same on halfkia. He tried to be the UWU gurl. I distinctly remember because I was arguing with the bullshit he was trying to sneak in under the "cool nerdy girl, except with a dick now, you will like it if you try" bullshit, so then he got angry and deleted himself.

BulbasaurusThe7th 11 points ago +11 / -0

Funny how the greedy whore is dating a spoilt rich commie poser. I guess both are Arabs and they are known to be flashy, tasteless money-flashing trash....

BulbasaurusThe7th 13 points ago +13 / -0

I don't use it because I fear calling them trannies, I just think it sounds funny.

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