BulbasaurusThe7th 6 points ago +6 / -0

I'm like Gandalf. Just randomly come out of the forest, leveled up. (Read: found a new job, much happier, financially better off, busy as fuck but whatever.)

BulbasaurusThe7th 13 points ago +13 / -0

When they talk about sexual abuse, I always like to bring up that a man that molests boys is a homosexual.

The fucking shitfits libtards have is AMAZING. Even on the kia2 sub there was some gay guy who was supposedly one of us, but he told me that being a pedophile means homosexuality is just negated. The persona is a pedo, not gay anymore, even if they specifically target boys and boys only and their legal relationships are all homosexual.

BulbasaurusThe7th 9 points ago +9 / -0

Elémsz a büdös picsába, senki nem kíváncsi a faszságaidra.

A real sentence in Hungarian.

BulbasaurusThe7th 19 points ago +19 / -0

But mate, you are curious to the world. You're not some inbred entertainment golem with your head up your ass, only caring about your tribe's approved opinions.

BulbasaurusThe7th 12 points ago +16 / -4

First of all, that has not been a norm in cultured white countries. Second, you poor, poor child.
You really bought into the feminist lie that normal women in Western countries were married off at age 13 and were locked in the house?

My grandma is 90. She was born in a tiny house in Rural Eastern Europe, in the middle of a forest. The amount of tea I got on women from her generation is ridiculous.
If she is inclined that way, she will do it.

BulbasaurusThe7th 31 points ago +31 / -0

Media ALMOST found the reason, but then they ignored.
We have the trope of moody teen geniuses doing the "I do self-destructive tropes to FEEL SOMETHING".

That's it. These women (and gays, minorities, liberal men, etc.) have no rules. No limits to keep them in check. Nothing is shameful, nothing is wrong. They can come up with increasingly more retarded, anti-human shit.
And their human psyche is fucking broken by it. They NEED something to control them in some way, they need a way marked out for them, or they become fucking mental.

by Lethn
BulbasaurusThe7th 8 points ago +9 / -1

I love it.
The first bit of the second book is a bit slow, but I blame it on him writing them years apart.
But his aerial battles are really great and I actually like his teenage characters. It also has talking cats, steampunk shit, all kinds of good stuff. It's good fun.

BulbasaurusThe7th 11 points ago +12 / -1

I mean... I distinctly remember the 00s, when the big ones, like the Naruto and Bleach artists saying things like they sleep in the closet in their office and in their days off they go to their barber to get a haircut.

As much as half the people here will scream VAAAAAAAXX without any information, I think the big anime boom generation of artists are having their lifestyle catching up with them, sadly.
They are part of an interesting generation. They have lived their whole lives during a sudden, fast upward rising of society. In a field that also had a huge boom.

BulbasaurusThe7th 14 points ago +14 / -0

It's totally understandable, even without their typical personalities and political shit.
It was crucial for our survival as a species to be mistrustful towards anything that was trying to deceive you

BulbasaurusThe7th 26 points ago +26 / -0

So that miserable fat lesbian Hannah Gadsby is not unfunny, she is just not a fascist.

I will be honest, I genuinely think that bitch is part of some kind of a psychological experiment to see if you can just tell a leftist something that is the opposite of reality and they will buy it.
We know Amy Schumer and Lily Singh and the rest are not funny. But Gadsby doesn't even TRY. There are not even attempted, but unfunny jokes, she just goes out and talks about her issues straight on.
Why is she pushed as a comedian? We have enough spaces for those speech-giving nobodies who just go on about their lives, like all the middle-aged sluts who left their husbands to live with dykes, like Glennon Doyle and such.

BulbasaurusThe7th 5 points ago +5 / -0

Then again, he was an old guy. Not like giga ancient, but even healthy old people who never smoked, drank or did drugs will deteriorate with age.

BulbasaurusThe7th 6 points ago +8 / -2

Decades of a super unhealthy lifestyle, but he stopped a bit ago.
I used to know an alcoholic, who drank for decades. Stopped, like 5 years later died of liver cancer.

Harmful lifestyle choices often don't just leave your body when you stop.
Or think of athletes. If they wreck their joints for a couple decades, that doesn't stop if they just stop being pro. Some damage lasts.

BulbasaurusThe7th 6 points ago +11 / -5

Dude... mangaka are known for being unhealthy and overworked as all hell.
I know you all like to blame the vaxx for everything, but that legit makes you sound like the people who claimed gunshot victims died of Covid.

I'm not saying vaxx can't cause any issues. But at this point you all just want to blame it for every fucking death ever.
And the main issue is, we will never know, but by next week some retard will play the telephone game and takes the "OMG, WAS HE VAXXED" concern trolling and run with it, claiming it to be a total fact.
We criticise shitlibs for trivialising words like Nazi and racism. You are doing the exact same thing.

Especially retarded when you all base it on 30-year-old videos of the dude we don't know shit about. Until today I had no idea what he looked like. Don't talk like you had intimate knowledge of his health.
I just recently, by accident, heard that one of my neighbours had Parkinson's. She lives across the road, I see her regularly, had no idea.

BulbasaurusThe7th 6 points ago +6 / -0

I know for a fact some people still to this day think Pinkerbelle is a trooner. Her dox went around in DMs and everyone assumed I got it, but nobody sent it to me. :D

BulbasaurusThe7th 12 points ago +12 / -0

God, that fucking annoyed me so fucking much. Every comment had to be started by "ACKSHULLY, according to our questionnaire, you all are far leftist freaks, UWU".

Then again, I remember the whole Meowstic thing and how many people used to actually think we needed that filthy, manipulative, insane tranny and we needed to kiss his ass.

BulbasaurusThe7th 8 points ago +8 / -0

At least with GG1, some got his dick sucked. Mind you, by Zoe Quinn, but some cums were had.
In this, it was just some smug, mixed race "African Americans" being condescending pieces of shit

BulbasaurusThe7th 7 points ago +7 / -0

Those lazy ass 10-year-olds, to the coalmines with them.

BulbasaurusThe7th 8 points ago +8 / -0

Ah, I see, we have another raging lunatic here who just showed up to screech like an absolute fucking monkey.

BulbasaurusThe7th 17 points ago +17 / -0

I also can't help but feel it's not good for kids' mental health to be forced to act out traumatic and awful things.
Call me "but think of the children", but we are totally accepting of the fact that certain roles are emotionally difficult and demanding for adults. Yet we chuck in kids into stories about genocide and shit? Horror movies?

BulbasaurusThe7th 18 points ago +18 / -0

She isn't even really ugly. I have seen her properly made up for an event.
She surely isn't stunning, but they did their absolute best to make her look not pretty.

Because they think a woman being just 5% pretty would ruin her character. Like that would make her somehow fail at being a character.

BulbasaurusThe7th 45 points ago +46 / -1

I was a child when Sailor Moon was going on. Even worse, a female child. I was the literal target audience.

As much as sadcase fake lesbians on Youtube like to make "video essays" that make it sound like motherfucking Shakespeare, we all liked it because it was CUTE. They can make these big declarations about how it was a feminist landmark in culture and create these revisionist narratives about how it inspired them to be manhating legbeard bitches.
But it was about cute girls in colourful dresses, with shiny jewellery, cats and shit.

This Wheels and Roses thing is ugly. The characters look like fucking babies. Of course they will spout Current Year bullshit, while looking like literal toddlers.
Sure, they may appeal to arrested development SJW women, but the literal point of Sailor Moon was how glamorous and pretty it was.
So like... whatever, this shit is not going to hold appeal for men, women who are not adult toddlers, or children. It's a nothing.

(Also, the whole "taking up space" tells me the creator is probably fat and annoying. Like who the fuck wants to describe their work as "taking up space". My Eastern European mother literally uses the joking insult "with you here, there is just more of us" when I'm being useless. Like all I added was one more person without bringing any value. This bitch describes herself like that. And thinks that's a good thing?)

BulbasaurusThe7th 15 points ago +15 / -0

Why do idiots think using AI/computers a bit means no human input happens?

My workplace has a very complicated schedule structure. THANK GOD we have some computer system to at least do the first basic sketch of the planned schedules, otherwise it would be madness.

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